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  61.  刘杰,王建平.POMS在正常人群中的测试情况分析.新疆医学,1998,28:42-45
  62.  崔俊南,王建平.60例放疗病人心理干预初探. 新疆医学,1998,28(增):35-38
  63.  崔俊南,王建平,党海红.综合性医院心身医学科探究.美国中华心身医学杂志.1998,4
  64.  王建平,陈仲庚,崔俊南.综合医院精神医学科453份病例的总结分析.中国心理卫生杂志,1997,11(3):191(CSSCI)
  65.  王建平,陈仲庚,崔俊南.癌症病人的心理健康及影响因素分析.中国临床心理杂志,1997,5(1):27-31(CSCI)
  66.  王建平,王杭生,崔俊南.癫痫大发作患儿智力影响因素的研究.心理科学,1997,20(5): 473-476(CSSCI)
  67.  崔俊南,王建平,党海红.综合性医院开设精神医学病房的探索.新疆医学院学报,1996,19(增):94-97
  68.  王建平,崔俊南.新疆大学生心理健康水平及评估的研究. 新疆第二届青年学术年会论文集1995:1023-1026
  69.  王建平,崔俊南,欧缙安,薛茜.红芸口服液临床验证报告.新疆中医药,1995,50(2):9-11
  70.  王建平,崔俊南,党海红.剖宫产的心理社会因素探究.中国临床心理学杂志,1994,2(2):116-118(CSCI)
  71.  胡建,王建平.一例赤颜恐怖症的分析报告.医学研究与实践,1994,2(1):70-71
  72.  Wang Jianping, Cui Junnan,Kumus. Comparison of the mental health of minority and han studentsin Xinjiang. Pan Asian-Pacific conference on mental health. Beijing, Oct., 1994
  73.  Cui Junnan, Wang Jianping, Dang Haihong. Psychological reactions of 43 cases with mid-late stage of cancer sufferers. Pan Asian-Pacific conference on mental health. Beijing, Oct., 1994
  74.  王建平,崔俊南,党海红.手术分娩与自然分娩的心理社会因素比较研究.行为医学理论与临床,1993,9:123-125
  75.  王建平,崔俊南.在我院大学生中开展咨询教育的必要性和可行性.新疆医学院学报(教育研究专刊),1990:46-48
  76.  王建平,崔俊南.临床医学专业四个年级大学生心理健康状况的调查分析.新疆医学院学报(教育研究专刊),1990:117-120

  1.  Wang JP, Peng B. Difference of Word Recognition in High and Low Obsessive Compulsive Symptom middle school students in China". Presented at 6th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, June 4, 2010.
  2.  Auerbach,R. Rosmarin,D. Bj?rgvinsson, T.& WangJP. Examining Treatment Outcome in the Context of a Partial Hospital Program:  Understanding the Challenges Associated with Conducting Research in a Naturalistic Setting. Presented at 6th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, June 5, 2010.
  3.  Neuhaus, E. Wang, JP. Fragile Sense Of Self Predicts Eating Pathology Among Chinese Girls. Presented atAPA 116th Annual Convention, Boston, August 15, 2008.
  4.  Wang, JP, Meade, C, Poppen, P. Stress and Cognitive Appraisal in HIV+ Paid Blood Donors. Presented atAPA 116th Annual Convention, Boston, August 16, 2008.
  5.  Poppen, P. Wang, JP,  AIDS Knowledge and Sexual Behavior among Post-Secondary Students in China. Presented atAPA 116th Annual Convention, Boston, August 16, 2008.
  6.  Wang JP, Dandan Fu, Heather Brenner, Fujiu Hideyuki, Dana Satir, Freedom Leung. The study of comparing eating attitudes and behaviors between Chinese and Japanese female university students. Presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), "Eating Disorders:  Complexity, Progress and New Directions." Baltimore, May 4, 2007.
  7.  Wang JP, Sun HW, Wang HL, et al. The Effects of Psychological Intervention on the Quality of Life of Chinese Cancer Patients. Presented atFirst Asia Congress of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (ACCBT), Hong Kong, June 2, 2006.
  8.  Paul J. Poppen, JianPing Wang and Hao Wu.Mental Health of HIV-infected Blood Donors in Henan, China. Presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, DC, August 20, 2005.
  9.  Wang JP, Lin XY, Wang SS, et al. The Mood State of Paid Blood Donors With HIV and Its Relation With Stress and Cognitive Appraisal. Presented atthe 28th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Beijing, August 9, 2004.
  10.  Wang JP,Chen W,Fujiu H, et al. Comparing Eating Attitudes and Behaviors between Chinese and Japanese Female University Students. Presented atthe 17th International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Xi’an, China. August 6th 2004.


  《变态心理学基础》Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, Fourth Edition, by V.Mark Durand and David H. Barlow.人民大学出版社2009年出版(教材);
  《变态心理学案例教程》Case Book in Abnormal Psychology, Third Edition. By Timothy A. Brown and David H. Barlow.人民大学出版社2008年10月出版(教材);
  《焦虑(情绪)及其障碍》Anxiety and Its Disorders. The nature and treatment of Anxiety and Panic. Second Edition. By David H. Barlow。人民大学出版社(出版中);







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