1. 基本信息 卢新生 男,1961年3月生,籍贯陕西,2005年毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University),获金
1. Lu, X., In, F. and Kou, M. (2009). The high-frequency responses of Australian financial futures to unexpected cash rate announcements. The Economic Record, Vol. 85 (9), S22-S28. (SSCI indexed Journal)
2. Lu, X., In, F. (2006). Monetary policy, open market operations and New Zealand interest-rate and exchange rate markets. The Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 11, No 4. (SSCI indexed Journal)
3. Lu, X., In, F. (2007). The impact of the Reserve Bank's open market operations on Australian interest rate and foreign exchange markets. Published by European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF) and Routledge, Taylor & Francis in "Open Market Operations and Financial Markets", edited by David G. Mayes and Jan Toporowski. Chapter 12, Sept, 2007.
4. Lu, X., Huo, X. (2007).The high frequency response of Australian financial futures to monetary policy announcements. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 7, No.2, Summer 2007. (indexed in ProQuest)
5. Lu, X., Wu, Y. (2006). Financial market reactions to monetary policy and open market operations: The Australian case. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 5, No.2, Summer 2006. ( ProQuest)
6. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). Open market operations and implementation of monetary policy in a small open economy: case of New Zealand. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 4, No.1, Summer 2005. (ProQuest)
7. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). The impact of the Reserve Bank's open market operations on Australian interest rate and foreign exchange markets. Presented in Bank of Finland and SUERF Conference, Helsinki, Finland, Sept 2005. Published as conference proceedings by Routledge.
8. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). Monetary surprises and financial market reactions: Some insights into the announcement effect of Australian cash rate target. Conference proceedings, 2nd International Business Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2005.
9. Some insights into the foreign exchange pricing puzzle: Evidence from a small open economy. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 12 (2004), 41-64. Co-authored with Chen, J.G. and Naylor, M. J.
入选国际学术会议论文 (Refereed Conference Papers)
11. Monetary surprises and financial market reactions: The effect of Australian cash rate target announcements. 36th Australian Conference of Economists, Economic Society of Australia, Sept 24-26, 2007. Hobart, Australia.
12. Impact of RBA's open market operations on Australian financial markets: the GARCH approach. 17th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference (AFBC), Sydney, Australia, December 2004.
13. Share price reaction to exchange rate movements in a small & open economy: The New Zealand case. The Midwest Finance Association's 52nd Annual Meeting (St Lois, USA), March 2003.
14. Some insights into the foreign exchange pricing puzzle: Evidence from a small economy. FMA Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2001.
电子邮件:luxinsheng@nwsuaf.edu.cn, xinshenglu10@hotmail.com
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