一、 基本情况: 宋卫宁,男,西北农林科技大学农学院全职教授,博士生导师,西北农林科技大学农学院实验中
Chen, Y. H., Weining, S. and Daggard, G. (2003) Preparation of total RNA from a very small wheat embryo suitable for differential display. Annals of Applied Biology 143: 261-264 (通讯作者)
Chen, Y. H., Weining, S. and Daggard, G. (2004) Anchor primer associated problems in differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Analytical Biochemistry 329, 145-147 (通讯作者)
Chen, G., Sagi, M., Weining, S., Krugman, T., Fahima, T., Korol, A. B. and Nevo, E. (2004) Wild barley eibi1 mutation identifies a gene essential for leaf water conservation. Planta 219, 684-693
Jin Y., Weining, S., and Nevo, E. (2005) A MAPK gene from a Dead Sea fungus confers stress tolerance to lithium salt and freezing-thawing: Prospects for saline agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102, 18992-18997
Hu, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, F., Zhang, Z., Chai Y., Song, W., (2008) Genetic Diversity among Chinese Landraces and Cultivars of Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Annals of Applied Biology 153,357—364 (通讯作者)
Song, W. (2009) Isolation of nucleic acids from plants. In: Handbook of Nucleic Acid Purification. Ed. Liu, D. Taylor & Francis CRC Press (通讯作者)
Lei, C., Su, R., Bower, M., Edwards, C., Wang, C., Song, W.,S., Liu, L., Xie, M., Li, F., Liu, R., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C. and Chen, H. (2009) Multiple maternal origins of native modern and ancient horse populations in China. Animal Genetics, 40, 933—944
Transgenic Plants Containing A Drought Resistant Dehydrin GenePrincipal Investigator: Prof. Eviatar NEVO, Dr. Song Weining(US patent application No. 60/580.726; International patent application No. PCT/IL2005/000656 http://carmel-td.haifa.ac.il/html/html_eng/agBiotech.htm)
Salt Stress Tolerant Organisms Expressing a MAP Kinase HomologuePrincipal Investigator: Prof. Eviatar NEVO, Dr. Song WEINING, Yan JIN(US patent application No. 60/607.573; International patent application No. PCT/IL2005/000953 http://carmel-ltd.haifa.ac.il/html/html_eng/agBiotech.htm
五、 联系方式
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学农学院(邮编712100)
E-mail:sweining2002@yahoo.com or sweining@yahoo.com
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