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  J.Y. Choi, Y.X. Yang, Z. Jin, J.H. Yun, P.L. Shinde, and B.J. Chae. 2008. Performance of Broilers on Nutrient Restriction at Different Stages of Growth. European Poult. Sci. 72: 256-263.
  Y. X. Yang, J. Guo, Z. Jin, S. Y. Yoon, J. Y. Choi, X. S. Piao, M. H. Wang, S. J. Ohh, B. W. Kim, and B. J. Chae. 2009. Metabolizable energy and lysine restriction affected growth, blood profiles, and expression of myostatin and leptin genes in broilers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 89: 71-83.
  Y.X. Yang, S. Heo, Z. Jin, Z.H. Yun, J.Y. Choi, S.Y. Yun, M.S. Park, B.K. Yang, and B.J. Chae. 2009. Effects of lysine intake during late gestation and lactation on blood metabolites, hormones, milk compositions and reproductive performance in primiparous and multiparous sows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 112: 199-214.
  Y. X. Yang, J. Guo, Z. Jin, J. Y. Choi, X. S. Piao, B. W. Kim, S. J. Ohh, M. H. Wang and B. J. Chae. 2009. Early energy and protein reduction affected growth, blood profiles, and expression of genes related to protein and fat metabolism in broilers. Brit. Poult. Sci. 50: 218-227.
  Z. Jin, P.L. Shinde, Y.X. Yang, J.Y. Choi, S.Y. Yoon, T.-W. Hahn, H.T. Lim, Y.K. Park, K.S. Hahm, J.W. Joo, B.J. Chae. 2009. Use of refined potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Gogu valley) protein as an alternative to antibiotics in weanling pigs. Livest. Sci. 124: 26-32.
  Y. X. Yang, J. Guo, Z. Jin, S. Y. Yoon, J. Y. Choi, M. H. Wang, X. S. Piao, B. W. Kim, B. J. Chae. 2009. Lysine restriction and realimentation affected growth, blood profiles, and expression of genes related to protein and fat metabolism in weaned pigs. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 93: 732-743.
  S. Y. Yoon, Y. X. Yang, P. L. Shinde, J. Y. Choi, J. S. Kim, Y. W. Kim, K. Yun, J. K. Jo, J. H. Lee, S. J. Ohh, I. K. Kwon, and B. J. Chae. 2010. Effects of mannanase and distillers dried grain with solubles on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and carcass characteristics of grower-finisher pigs. J. Anim Sci. 88: 181-191.
  M. S. Park, P. L. Shinde, Y. X. Yang, J. S. Kim, J. Y. Choi, K. Yun, Y. W. Kim, J. D. Lohakare, B. K. Yang, J. K. Lee and B. J. Chae. 2010. Reproductive performance, milk composition, blood metabolites and hormone profiles of lactating sows fed diets with different cereal and fat sources. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 23: 226-233.
  S. G. Li, Y. X. Yang, Y. J. Rhee, W. J. Jang, J. J. Ha, S. K. Lee, Y. H. Song. 2010. Growth, Behavior, and Carcass Traits of Fattening Hanwoo (Korean Native Cattle) Steers Managed in Different Group Sizes. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 23: 952-957.
  M. S. Park, Y. X. Yang, P. L. Shinde, J. Y. Choi, J. K. Jo, J. S. Kim, J. D. Lohakare, B. K. Yang, J. K. Lee, I. K. Kwon, B. J. Chae. 2010. Effects of dietary glucose inclusion on reproductive performance, milk compositions and blood profiles in lactating sows. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2009.00962.x
  Email: yxyang@nwsuaf.edu.cn; yangyuxin2002@hotmail.com






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