一、个人简介 王朝辉,男,1968年9月生,博士,现任西北农林科技大学资源环境学院教授,副院长,博士研究生
1. 科技支撑计划课题:西北干旱区高效施肥关键技术研究与示范(2008.01-2010.12)
2. 农业公益性行业科研专项经费项目:最佳养分管理技术研究与应用。课题:西北地区最佳养分管理技术研究与应用(2008.01-)
3. 被农业部聘为“小麦现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家(小麦营养)”,并获该计划支持(2008.01-)
4. 973计划项目:主要粮食作物高产栽培与资源高效利用的基础研究。课题4:西北旱作高产栽培的水分高效利用原理及调控(子课题)(2009.01-2013.12)
5. 国家自然科学基金项目:根系硝态氮溢泌的氮素营养生理效应(2009.01-2011.12)
6. 农业公益性行业科研专项经费项目:绿肥作物生产与利用技术体系集成研究及示范。子课题:西北地区绿肥作物生产与利用技术体系集成研究及示范(2008.01-2010.12)
7. 农业部“引进国际先进农业科学技术”项目:土壤养分管理技术引进与建立。子课题: 黄土高原区旱地土壤作物养分管理技术(2008.01-2008.12)
8. 中澳合作研究项目“在中国陕西通过农业及其他措施提高作物产量和微量元素含量的田间试验研究(Agronomic biofortification and other field trials to improve yield and micronutrient concentration of food crops in Shaanxi Province, China)”(2007.01-)
9. 国家自然科学基金项目:旱地覆盖栽培土壤轻质有机氮变化与供氮能力(2007.01-2009.12)
10. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目:土壤-植物氮素高效利用的生理基础和生态效应(2006.01-2008.12)。
11. 科技支撑计划子课题:西北旱作黄绵土区沃土技术模式研究与示范(2006.01-2010.12)
12. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目:蔬菜对硝态氮的吸收与还原研究(2006.01-2008.12)。
13. 西北农林科技大学拔尖人才支持计划项目:土壤-植物的氮素营养与生态环境(2005.07-2008.07)。
14. 农业部948重大国际合作项目“养分资源综合管理技术引进与中国技术体系的建立和应”用子课题:黄土高原区旱地不同栽培模式作物养分管理技术体系的建立和应用(2003.10-2007.12)。
15. 国家自然科学基金项目:叶柄硝态氮累积差异的营养生理机制(2004.01-2006.12)。
16. 国家自然基金青年基金项目:旱地土壤的硝态氮残留和调控效应(2003.01-2005.12)。
17. 国家自然科学基金项目:叶菜的硝态氮临界含量和耐氨能力(2000.01-2002.12)。
18. 教育部高等学校重点实验室访问学者基金:优化水肥耦合减少旱地土壤硝态氮残留的效应和机理(2001.01-2001.12)。
19. 陕西省星火计划项目:菜地土壤合理施肥与节水灌溉研究(1999.01-1999.12)。
1. Caibian Huang, Zhao-Hui Wang, Sheng-Xiu Li and Sukhdev Singh. Malhi. Nitrate in Leaf Petiole and Blade of Spinach Cultivars and Its Relation to Biomass and Water in Plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition,33:1–12, 2010
2. S. X. Li, Z. H. Wang, T. T. Hu, Y. J. Gao and B. A. Stewart. Nitrogen in Dryland Soils of China and Its Management. Advances in Agronomy, 2009,101: 123-181
3. Sheng-Xiu Li, Zhao-Hui Wang, S. S. Malhi, Shi-Qing Li, Ya-Jun Gao, and Xiao-Hong Tian. Nutrient and Water Management Effects on Crop Production, and Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency in Dryland Areas of China. Advances in Agronomy, 2009, 102:221-262
4. Zhao-Hui Wang, Sheng-Xiu Li and S. S. Malh. Effects of fertilization and other agronomic measures on nutritional quality of crops. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88(1):7 - 23.
5. SS Malhi, M Johnston, JJ Schoenau, ZH Wang and CL Vera1. Seasonal Biomass Accumulation and Nutrient Uptake of Canola, Mustard, and Flax on a Black Chernozem Soil in Saskatchewan. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2007, 30: 641–658
6. SS Malhi, AM Johnston, JJ Schoenau, ZH Wang, and CL Vera Seasonal Biomass Accumulation and Nutrient Uptake of Pea and Lentil on a Black Chernozem Soil in Saskatchewan. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2007,30:721–737.
7. SS Malhi, R Lemke, Z H Wang, and Baldev S Chhabra. Tillage, nitrogen and crop residue effects on crop yield, nutrient uptake, soil quality, and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil & Tillage Research 2006, 90: 171–183.
8. Malhi S S, Johnston A M, Schoenau J J, Wang Z H and Vera C L. Seasonal biomass accumulation and nutrient uptake of wheat, barley and oat on a Black Chernozem soil in Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 2006, 86: 1005–1014.
9. Zhaohui Wang, Shengxiu Li, Cecil L. Vera and Sukhdev S. Malhi. Effects of water deficit and supplemental irrigation on winter wheat growth, grain yield and quality, nutrient uptake, and mineral N residue in soil . Com. Soil Sci. Plant Ana. 2005,36(11/12): 1405-1419
10. Malhi S S, Wang Z H, Schnitzer M, Monreal C M and Harapiak J T. Nitrogen fertilization effects on quality of organic matter in a grassland soil. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2005, 73:191–199
11. Zhao-Hui Wang, Xue-Jun Liu, Xiao-Tang Ju, Fu-Suo Zhang and S. S. Malhi. Ammonia volatilization loss from surface-broadcast urea: comparison of vented and closed chamber methods and loss in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation in north china plain. Com. Soil Sci. Plant Ana. 2004,35(19/20):2917-2939
12. Wang Zhaohui and Li Shengxiu. Effects of N and P fertilization on plant growth and nitrate accumulation in vegetables. J. Plant Nutrition. 2004,27(3): 539-556
13. Vera C L, Malhi S S, Raney J P and Wang Z H. The effect of N and P fertilization on growth, seed yield and quality of industrial hemp in the Parkland region of Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 2004, 84: 939–947.
14. Bao-Ming Chen, Zhao-Hui Wang, Sheng-Xiu Li, Gen-Xuan Wang, Hai-Xing Song, Xi-Na Wang. Effects of nitrate supply on plant growth, nitrate accumulation, metabolic nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activity in three leafy vegetables. Plant Science, 2004(167): 635–643.
15. Wang Zhao-Hui and Li Sheng-Xiu. Effects of N forms and rates on vegetable growth and nitrate accumulation. Pedosphere. 2003, 13(4):309-316
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E-mail: w-zhaohui@263.net
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