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  系 所:  财务与投资系
  办公电话:  ************
  E-mail:  liguangzhong@mail.sysu.edu.cn

  金融学博士,Baruch College, The City University of New York


  2012年9月— 教授、博导,中山大学管理学院财务与投资系
  2010年9月—2012年8月 教授、博导,中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院
  2009年2月—2010年1月 代理教授,Baruch College
  2007年9月—2009年1月 兼职讲师,Baruch College
  2004年—2006年 副教授,中山大学金融系
  2002年—2004年 讲师,中山大学金融系

  Factors contributing to hit-and-run crashes in China, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 23,March 2014, 113-124.(with Guangnan Zhang,T.Cai, D. M. Bishai, C. Wu, Z. Chan)
  Do Securitized Real Estate Markets Jump? International Evidence, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 31,  13-35. (with Jie Li, Yinggang Zhou)
  “Do Firms Have Unique Target Debt Ratios to Which They Adjust?” (with Armen Hovakimian), Review of Finance,  16(3), 733-754
  “In Search of Conclusive Evidence: How to Test for Adjustment to Target Capital Structure” (with Armen Hovakimian), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011, 17(1), pp.33-44.
  “Clawbacks and Cronyism: Evidence from China” (with Linda Allen), Financial Management, 2011, 40(3), 733-756
  “What Happened to Oil Price-Macroeconomy Relationship in Hong Kong” (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.263-280, May 2010
  “Price Discovery for Segmented US-listed Chinese Stocks: Location or Market Quality”, (with K. C. Chen and Lifan Wu), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2010 37(1) & (2), 242–269.
  “Effects of Foreign Currency Component in Monetary Aggregates on Money Neutrality”, (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Economics Letters, pp.435-438. 2008, Vol. 99, Issue 3,
  “Causality and Variance Spillover among European Government Bond Markets” (with James Refalo and Lifan, Wu), Applied Financial Economicspp.1709-1720., 2008, Vol. 18, No. 21,
  “How Does FDI Affect China Nowadays? Evidence from Different Industries and Provinces” (with Jimmy Ran and Jan P Voon), Journal of Comparative Economics, pp.774-799. 2007, Vol. 35, Issue 4,
  “Does China Really Lose from RMB Revaluation? Evidence from Some Export Industries” (with Jan P Voon and Jimmy Ran), Applied Economics, 2006, Vol. 38 (15), pp.1715-1723.
  “Risk, Uncertainty and China’s Exports” (with Jan P Voon and Jimmy Ran), Australian Economic Papers,p.158-168. 2006,
  “Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Misalignment on Commodity Exports: The case of China” (with Jimmy Ran and Thomas Voon), in L. S. Ho and Robert Ash (eds.), China, Hong Kong and the World Economy: Study on Globalization, US: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  “Comparison of Some of the Macro Determinants for the HK-Macao Direct Investment in Guangzhou and Shenzhen” (with Jimmy Ran), in Nyaw Mee Kau and Chen Guang Han (eds.), Economic Development between Hong Kong and The Pearl River Triangle Delta, Joint Publishing Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., Hong Kong, 2006. pp 135-141.





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