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11. Liping Liu, Jueheng Wu, Zhe Ying, Baixue Chen, Libing Song, Jie Yuan, Jun Li*, Mengeng Li*. Astrocyte elevated gene-1 (AEG-1) Upregulates Matrix Metalloprotease-9 and Induces Human Glioma Invasion. Cancer Research, 70(9): 3750-3759, 2010. [Epub 2010 Apr 13].

12. Xu Chen, Jueheng Wu, Hanning Liu, Zhenjian He, Minghui Gu, Ning Wang, Jianda Ma, Jieping Hu, Lei Xia, Haipeng He, Jie Yuan, Jun Li, Luyuan Li, Mengfeng Li*, Xun Zhu*. Approaches to efficient production of recombinant angiogenesis inhibitor rhVEGI-192 and characterization of its structure and antiangiogenic function. Protein Science. 19(3): 449-57. 2010.

13. Gui’e Xie, Xun Zhu, Qing Li, Zhenjian He, Jueheng Wu, Jun Li, Yongcheng Lin, Mengfeng Li, Zhigang She*, Jie Yuan*. SZ-685C, a marine anthraquinone, as a potent apoptosis inducer with anticancer activity through suppressing the Akt/FOXO pathway. British Journal of Pharmacology, 159 (3): 689-697, 2010. [Epub 2010 Jan 28].

14. Libing Song*, Lan Wang, Jun Li, Huaping Xiong, Jueheng Wu, Menfeng Li*. Sam68 Upregulation Correlates with, and Its Downregulation Inhibits, Proliferation and Tumorigenicity of Breast Cancer Cells. Journal of Pathology, 222 (3): 227–237, 2010. [Epub online July 27, 2010]. 【Commented in the same issue of Journal of Pathology by David J Elliott and Prabhakar Rajan: The role of the RNA-binding protein Sam68 in mammary tumourigenesis. 222: 223–226, 2010.】

15. Xiaofan Ding, Lifang Jiang, Changwen Ke, Zhan Yang, Chunliang Lei, Kaiyuan Cao, Jun Xu, Lin Xu, Xingfen Yang, Yonghui Zhang, Ping Huang, Weijun Huang, Xun Zhu, Zhenjian He, Liping Liu, Jun Li, Jie Yuan, Jueheng Wu, Xiaoping Tang*, Mengfeng Li*. Amino acid sequence analysis and identification of mutations under positive selection in hemagglutinin of 2009 influenza A (H1N1) isolates. Virus Genes, 41:329–340, 2010.【Epub 2010 Aug 31, DOI 10.1007/s11262-010-0526-z】.

16. Hongyu Guan, Heng Zhang, Jueheng Wu, Jie Yuan, Zhengsong Huang* and Mengfeng Li*. IKBKE is overexpressed in glioma and contributes to resistance of glioma cells to apoptosis via activating NF-κB. Journal of Pathology. Journal of Pathology, 223: 436–445. 2011

17. Libing Song*, Huaping Xiong, Jun Li, Wengting Liao, Lan Wang, Jueheng Wu, Menfeng Li*. Sphingosine kinase-1 Enhances Resistance to Apoptosis through Activation of PI3K/Akt/NF-κB Pathway in Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Accepted by Clinical Cancer Research. 2011

18. Hongyu Guan, Junchao Cai, Nu Zhang, Jueheng Wu, Jie Yuan, Jun Li and Mengfeng Li*. Sp1 is upregulated in human glioma, promotes MMP-2-mediated cell invasion and predicts poor clinical outcome. Accepted by International Journal of Cancer. 2011.



其 他:主持在研基金项目:

1. 微小RNA与肿瘤,973课题

2. 海洋来源的抗肿瘤候选药物SZ-685C的研究,国家新药科技重大专项

3. 广东省传染病病原谱流行规律研究(监测平台),国家传染病科技重大专项

4. 原癌基因AEG-1诱导乳腺癌早期转移的分子机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目

5. 驱动脑胶质瘤血管新生的新机制:AEG-1激活的信号转导,国家自然科学基金面上项目






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