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在Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics等国内外学术期刊上发表30余篇论文,被SCI论文他引220余次。获授权专利4项。发表的代表性论文:


1.Chongjun Jin, et al. Optical properties of the face-centered tetragonal photonic crystal synthesized via template-assisted convective self-assembly method, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 116109 (2006).

2.Chongjun Jin, Nigel P Johnson, Harold M.H. Chong, Aju Jugessur, Stephen Day, Dominic Gallacher and Richard M De La Rue, Transmission of photonic crystal coupled-resonator waveguide (PhCCRW) structure enhanced via mode matching, Optical Express 13 , 2295(2005).

3.Chongjun Jin, Martyn A McLachlan, David W McComb, Richard M De La Rue, and Nigel P Johnson, Template-assisted growth of nominally cubic (100)-oriented three-dimensional crack free photonic crystals, Nano letters, 5 (12): 2646 (2005).(Editor’s Choice; Science; 310(2005)1391).

4.Jin CJ, Fan SH, Han SZ, Zhang DZ, Reflectionless multichannel wavelength demultiplexer in a transmission resonator configuration, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 39 (1): 160-165(2003).

5.Chongjun Jin, Shouzhen Han, Xiaodong Meng, Bingying Cheng, daozhong Zhang, Demultiplexer using directly resonant tunneling between point defects and waveguides in a photonic crystal, J. Appl. Phys., 91 (7): 4771-4773 (2002).

6.Chongjun Jin, Xiaodong Meng, Bingying Cheng, Zhaolin Li, and Daozhong Zhang, Photonic gap in amorphous photonic materials, Phys. Rev. B, 63, 195107(2001)

7.Chongjun Jin, Bingying Cheng, Baoyuan Man, Zhaolin Li, and Daozhong Zhang, Two-dimensional dodecagonal and decagonal quasiperiodic photonic crystals in the microwave region, Phys. Rev. B, 61, 10762(2000).

8.Chongjun Jin, Bingying Cheng, Baoyun Man, Zhaolin Li, Daozhong Zhang, Shouzheng Ban, and Bo Sun, Band gap and wave guiding effect in a quasiperiodic photonic crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 1848(1999).

9.Chongjun Jin, Bingying Cheng, Baoyuan Man, Daozhong Zhang, Shuozheng Ban, Bo Sun, Lieming Li, Zhanqing Zhang, Two-dimensional metallodielectric photonic crystal with a large band gap, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 1201(1999).








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