研招网 > 山东研招网 > 山东第一医科大学 > 院校资讯


       Our university also offer adult higher education courses (Correspondence courses and Evening college): Clinical Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Laboratory Technology & Laboratory Diagnostics, Stomatology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Family Planning Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Nursing, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Macromolecular Material & Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Electronic Information Science & Technology, Information Management & Information System, Management of Public Administration, Management of Family Planning and Marketing. Those who participate in and pass the foreign language exam of the Shandong Province Adult Higher Education Degree program and the main courses exam will be awarded degree certificates.
       On-the-job training includes health industry vocational skills training projects of the Ministry of Health, and continuing education training to health workers, family planning workers and rural health workers.
       International Exchange and Cooperation
       The University develops international cooperative education, scientific research, medical, cultural exchanges and cooperation, establishes relatively stable academic exchange and cooperative relationship with universities of 22 nations and regions like the U.S., Japan, Korea, UK, Ukraine, Singapore. We select outstanding teachers and researchers to go abroad to give lectures and seminars each year, and have exchange programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students with Japan and Korea. Moreover, we receive overseas students. In the year 2010, the university was listed by the Ministry of Education as one of the Medical Undergraduate Education (offered in English) Institutions for overseas students. In June 2011, the university was authorized by national Hanban to hold tests for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK). The university was recognized as one of the first 16 academies and colleges to accept the overseas student scholarship issued by Shandong Province.
       We positively develop cooperative education programs with foreign countries. Cooperating with the University of Hertfordshire, We recruit students majored in Medical Imaging, Nursing, Pharmacy and Marketing Management; cooperating with the University of Chonbuk National University, we recruit students majored in Clinical medicine; cooperating with Yonsei University, we recruit students majored in Medical imaging.






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