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       Scientific Research
       The University has 19 scientific research institutes: Institute of Atherosclerosis, Institute of Radiation Technology, Institute of Medicine, Institute of Neurobiology, Institute of Epidemiology, Institute of Sports Medicine, Institute of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Institute of Reproductive Health, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Larithmics, Institute of Mount Tai Culture, Institute of Immunology, Institute of Pathogenic Biology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Institute of Health Policy and Management, Institute of Medical Humanities and Institute of Brain Science.
       Pharmacology, Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine and Pathogenic Biology are Provincial key disciplines of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, among which Pharmacology is provincial characteristic key discipline; Medical Imaging, Geriatrics and Epilepsy Diagnosis , Biochemistry and Treat Center are provincial key disciplines of Medical and Health; The laboratory of Cerebral Microcirculation and laboratory of Atherosclerosis are provincial key laboratories of the Twelfth Five-Year; Cellular Immunology Laboratory and Epidemiology Laboratory are key Laboratories of medicine and health in Shandong province. Pathology & Pathophysiology  and neurology hold a provincial “Taishan Scholar” position.
       During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", we have undertaken 1516 science and research projects, of which 53 are nation-level projects, 133 are province-level projects and 448 are city-level projects. Taishan Medical University received 194 scientific research awards, published more than 3700 scientific and teaching research articles, of which 170 can be retrieved in SCI and EI. Our University has published over 230 written textbooks on a wide range of medical topics. Our teachers are editors-in-chief or associate editors of 30 Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Education planning books. We are proud to have more than 30 patents.
       In May 2013, Dr. Shi Weifeng from TSMU, as the first author, published a paper (Impact Factor, IF.: 38.28) on The Lancet, which is the top medical journal in the world. The paper’s topic is Origin and diversity of novel avian influenza A H7N9 viruses causing human infection: phylogenetic, structural, and coalescent analyses.
       Graduate Education
       The University has four authorized first-class disciplines of Master’s Degree—Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing. The University has 37 different disciplines of master’s degree programs, which are Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine, Surgery, Pathology & Pathophysiology, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pharmacology, Sports Medicine, Neurobiology, Epidemic & Health Statistics, Human Anatomy & Embryonic Tissue, Immunology, Pathogen Biology, Neurology, Nursing and Oncology. In addition, we accept those who have equivalent education to award our university’s master degree. We also have a clinical medicine professional master’s degree program.
       In May 2013, TSMU was identified as the first batch of Clinical Medical master’s degree training reform experimental university by the Ministry of Education and National Health and Family Planning Commission.
       Continuing Education and Training 






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