研招网 > 山东研招网 > 山东第一医科大学 > 院校资讯


       继续教育与培训 学校成人高等学历教育(函授及夜大学)有临床医学、医学影像学、医学检验、口腔医学、中西医结合、计划生育医学、生物医学工程、生物技术、药学、中药学、护理学、环境工程、化学工程与工艺、高分子材料与工程、计算机科学与技术、电子信息科学与技术、信息管理与信息系统、公共事业管理、计划生育管理、市场营销等本专科专业。本科毕业生参加山东省成人高等教育学士学位外语考试和主干课程考试合格后,授予相关学士学位证书。
       国际交流与合作 学校积极开展国际间的教育、科研、医疗、文化交流与合作,先后与美国、日本、韩国、英国、乌克兰、新加坡等22个国家和地区的高校、医院建立了比较稳定的学术交流与合作关系,每年选派优秀教师和科研人员出国讲学、研修,与日本、韩国的高校互派本科生交流学习。同时,接受外国留学生来学校学习。2010年,学校被教育部批准为来华留学生医学本科教育(英语授课)院校,接受外国留学生来学校学习。2011年7月,国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室正式批准我校为中国汉语水平考试(HSK)考点。我校于2011年7月成为首批接受山东省政府外国留学生奖学金的16所院校之一。
       Introduction to Taishan  Medical  University     
       Taishan Medical University, located in Taian, Shandong, China, was founded in 1891 as the Huamei Hospital Medical School. The university was co-founded with Gonghe Medical School in 1903. Taishan Medical University was originally named Medical College of Qilu University in 1903. In 1952, the Medical College of Qilu University merged with Shandong Medical College. In 1970, Shandong Medical College merged with Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and moved to the Loude district of Xintai, a suburb of Taian. The Loude Branch College of Shandong Medical College was founded in 1974 and then was moved to Taian City in 1979. Its name was changed into the Taian Branch College of Shandong Medical College. With the approval of the State Council in 1981, its name was then changed to Taishan Medical University. vWb泰山医学院
       University Scale
       Taishan Medical University covers an area of 200 hectares with a construction area of 780,000 square meters. The university now has fixed assets valued at RMB 1.69 billion Yuan including teaching, science and research equipment with a total value of more than 156 million Yuan. The students have access to 2,560,000 books including 1,170,000 e-books. The university has one affiliated hospital, 11 non-direct affiliated hospitals and more than 230 practice and internship bases.






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