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  1. Reforming WTO Discipline on Export Duties: Sovereignty Over Natural Resources, Economic Development and Environmental Protection, 46(5) J. World Trade 1147 (2012)
  中译文:“论WTO出口税制度的改革: 自然资源主权、经济发展与环境保护”,载于《清华法学》2013年第2期
  2. The Predicament of China’s “WTO-Plus” Obligation to Eliminate Export Duties: A Commentary on the China-Raw Materials Case, 11(2) Chinese J. Int’l Law 237 (2012)
  3. The China-Raw Materials Case and Its Impact (or Lack thereof) on U.S. Downstream Industries, Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (2012)
  4. Pushing the Limits of Global Governance: Trading Rights, Censorship and WTO Jurisprudence – A Commentary on the China-Publications Case, 10(2) Chinese J. Int’l Law 271-322 (2011)
  5. Managing Conflicts Between WTO and RTA Rulings: Reflections on the Brazil-Tyres Case, in Pieter Bekker, Rudolf Dolzer & Michael Waibel (eds.), Making Transnational Law Work in the Global Economy: Essays in Honor of Detlev Vagts (Cambridge U. Press, 2010), 601-629
  6. The Challenge of Interpreting “WTO-Plus” Provisions, 44(1) J. World Trade 127-172 (2010)
  7. The Impact of WTO Accession on China’s Legal System, 2(2) Sungkyunkwan J. Science & Tech. Law 253 (Fall 2008) [symposium article]
  - reprint in R. Satyanarayana (ed.), World Trade Organization: Law and Economics (The Icfai U. Press, 2010), chap. 5
  8. China, India, and the Law of the World Trade Organization, 3(1) Asian J. Comp. Law 215 (April 2008)
  - reprint in M. Sornarajah & J. Wang (eds.), China, India and International Economic Law (Cambridge U. Press, 2010)
  9. Trade, Investment and Beyond: The Impact of WTO Accession on the Chinese Legal System, 191 The China Quarterly 720 (Special Issue, September 2007)
  - reprint in Donald Clarke (ed.), China’s Legal System: New Developments, New Challenges (Cambridge U. Press, 2008)
  - reprint in Perry Keller (ed.), Law and the Market Economy in China (Ashgate, 2011)
  10. Defining Nondiscrimination under the Law of the World Trade Organization, 23(2) Boston U. Int’l L. J. 215 (Fall 2005)
  11. WTO Regulation of Subsidies to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): A Critical Appraisal of the China Accession Protocol, 7(4) J. Int’l Econ. L. 863 (2004) (Oxford U. Press)
  [cited by Justice Alito of the U.S. Supreme Court, dissent opinion in United Haulers Assn., Inc. v. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Mgmt. Auth., 550 U.S. 330 (2007)]
  中译文:“WTO国有企业补贴规则:评判中国加入世贸组织议定书”,载于《国际经济法研究》 第3卷(2009)
  12. “WTO-Plus” Obligations and Their Implications for the WTO Legal System: An Appraisal of the China Accession Protocol, 37(3) J. World Trade 483 (June 2003)
  中译文:“超WTO义务”及对WTO法律体制的影响:评中国加入世贸组织议定书, 载于《国际经济法研究》 第1卷(2006)
  13. China and GATT: Accession Instead of Resumption, 27(2) J. World Trade 77 (April 1993)
  14. GATT Membership for Taiwan: An Analysis in International Law, 24(3) NYU J. Int’l L. & Pol. 1059 (Spring 1992)
  15. Book Review: Eclipse: Living in the Shadow of China’s Economic Dominance, by Arvind Subramanian, 11(4) World Trade Review 660 (2012)
  16. The Mercosur Exemption Reversed – Conflict between WTO and Mercosur Rulings and Its Implications for Environmental Values, Update to WTO Panel Decision in Brazil – Tyres Supports Safeguarding Environmental Values, ASIL Insights (American Society of International Law) (January 23, 2009)
  17. WTO Panel Decision in Brazil – Tyres Supports Safeguarding Environmental Values, ASIL Insights (American Society of International Law), Vol. 11, Issue 23 (September 5, 2007)
  18. Tariffs: One Way to Stop Trash, Detroit Free Press, January 3, 2006, p. 11A (co-author)
  19. Book Review: China and the World Trade Organization: A Legal Perspective, by Kong Qingjiang, J. Asian Studies, Vol. 63, February 2004
  20. Country Handbook on China (PRC): Contract Laws and Practices, The International Contract Manual (Kluwer, 1989)






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