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  1.  "Cash Trading and Stock Index Futures Price Volatility," Journal of Futures Markets 2011, Vol.31, pp. 465–486. (SSCI)
  2.  "Stochastic Volatility, Liquidity, and Intraday Information Flow," Applied Economics Letters 2011, vol.18:16, 1511-1515. (SSCI)
  3.  "Determinants and Information of REIT Pricing," Applied Economics Letters 2011, vol.18:15, 1501-1505. (SSCI)
  4.  "Bounded Influence Estimators for GARCH Models with an Application to Foreign Exchange Rates," Applied Economics 2010, Vol. 42, pp. 1437-1445. (SSCI)
  5.  Letter From the Guest Editor: Special issue - Eurasian Entrepreneurship, Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance & Business Ventures 2009.
  6.  "The Information Content of NCREIF Index," Journal of Real Estate Research 2009, Vol.31, No.1, pp. 93-116. (SSCI)
  7.  "Is Illiquidity A Risk – A Critical Look at Commission Costs," Financial Analysts Journal 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 28-39. (SSCI)
  8.  "Return Volatility, Bid-ask Spreads and Information Flow: Analyzing the Information Content of Volume," Journal of Business 2006, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 2697-2739. (SSCI)
  9.  "Political Election Uncertainty and Common Stock Returns in the United States," Journal of Financial Research 2006, Vol. 29, pp. 609-622.
  10. "Intraday Return and Volatility Spillovers in International Financial Markets," Journal of Futures Markets 2005, Vol. 25, pp. 553-585. (SSCI)
  11. "Does Leverage from Margin Trading Cause Volatility? Evidence From Margin Credit Balance," Economics Letters 2005, Vol. 87, pp.273-278. (SSCI)
  12. "The Information Content of Trade Size," Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 2005, pp.137-169.
  13. "Advance Refunding Opportunities and Refunding Efficiency: A Guide for Practitioners," Corporate Finance Review 2005, Vol. 9, pp.27-31.
  14. "To Trade or Not to Trade: The Effect of Broker Search and Discretionary Trading on Securities Market Performance," Financial Review 2004, Vol. 39, No.2, pp. 271-292.
  15. "The Value of Advance Refunding Option and Refunding Efficiency of Tax-exempt Municipal Bonds," Municipal Finance Journal 2004, Vol. 25, pp. 17-31.
  16. "市场深度、流动性和波动率--沪深300 股票指数期货启动对现货市场的影响",《金融研究》2012年,384期,124-138页。
  17. "上市公司大小非减持影响因素的实证分析",《中国工业经济》2011年,274期。
  18. "股权分置改革与股票需求价格弹性", 《中国工业经济》2010年,263期,36-46页。
  19. "地域性与股票收益的联动性研究", 《中国工业经济》2009年,251期,109-119页。
  20. "道德风险、信息发现与市场有效性",《金融研究》2008年第6期。
  21. "股权分置改革与上市公司治理的实证研究",《中国工业经济》2008年,242期,99-108页。
  22. "案例分析:强生的危机与强生精神的危机", 《清华管理评论》2011年, 第1-2期。
  23. "艺术品定价与资本市场关系浅析",《清华美术》2009年卷8。







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