完型:没有练过。这里附上考后搜关键词搜出来的完型原文,是The Washington Post的一篇文章,不知道截取的是否完整还是多了点,划线的是我依稀还记得的空。
“Defective air bags raise questionsabout automakers”ability to handle gigantic recall.
More than 30 million cars and trucks nationwideare equipped with dangerously defective air bags, congressional officials say,a number that raises questions about whether the U.S. auto industry can handlewhat could become the largest recall in history.
Federal safety authorities haverecalled only 7.8 million vehicles over the defect in a few states, a limitedaction that lawmakers said Thursday was vastly insufficient to addresswhat they deemed “a public safety threat.”
Two senators demanded a much broader recallthat would cover every affected vehicle nationwide. But a recall of thatmagnitude — including best-selling models from Honda, Toyota, GM, Chrysler andsix other companies spanning 2002 to 2007 — could prove far greater than theindustry has ever managed.
Manufacturing that many replacement partscould take years and present a variety of logistical nightmares. Dealershipscould quickly become overwhelmed by the demand, auto safety expertssaid. This year, GM recalled a total of 30 million vehicles for faulty ignitionswitches and other problems, and months later it is struggling to makethe repairs.
The defective air bags, made by Japanesemanufacturer Takata, can rupture and blast out metal shards, particularly inhumid conditions, government officials have said. While the rate of reportedincidents is low, linked to four deaths and more than 100 injuries so far,their grisly severity has spurred an urgent debate about the matter inWashington.
Driving her Honda Accord on Christmas Evein 2009, Gurjit Rathore, a 33-year-old Virginia mother, was struck in the neckby pieces of an exploding air bag and bled to death in front of herthree children, according to a lawsuit filed by her family.
Takata controls more than 30 percent of theworld’s air-bag market, triggering worries that the recall could grow in theUnited States and elsewhere. Meanwhile, automakers say new air bags are alreadyin short supply.
Honda said it does not have enough parts toimmediately fix the more than 5 million Accords, Civics and other vehicles withdefective air bags. For a temporary fix, Toyota is instructing its dealershipsto disable air bags and attach notes on vehicles’ glove boxes warning againstriding in the passenger seat.
“It would take potentially years for this to be addressed. That iswhat is scary about this,” said Karl Brauer, a senior analyst at Kelley BlueBook. “You could have tens of millions of dangerous vehicles on the road.”
由于之前的经验贴写考过adhoc acquisition 的phrases/strategies还有effort model之类的问题,所以买了前辈推荐的《口笔译训练的基本概念与模型》by Gile。其他4本参考书也买了,看了会口前3章,高口的第一部分,技巧与操练的前几页,Gile的Ad hoc和effort model。考前记得把三大理论用自己的话翻译出来。第二题首先想到之前“铁帽子王”“任性”的翻译,看到新闻还收藏到了Pocket,可惜拖延症一直都没看过,就自己写了一下。
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