姓名:李沁桐 性别:男 职称:副教授 学院:生命科学院学院 博士,美国爱荷华大学(University of Iowa
姓名:李沁桐 性别:男
职称:副教授 学院:生命科学院学院
博士,美国爱荷华大学(University of Iowa),副教授,博士生导师
联系方式:************, qintong.li@gmail.com
1. 2006年,University of Iowa (美国),College of Medicine,博士
2. 2007-2009,Harvard University (美国),Medical School & Children’s Hospital, Research fellow
University of California at San Francisco (美国),Department of Medicine,Research fellow
3. 2009-至今,四川大学,生命科学学院,副教授,博士生导师
长期从事干细胞生物学及蛋白激酶的功能调控等方向的研究,在生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学和遗传学等多学科交叉融合的领域里逐渐形成了有特色的研究方向,在其研究领域内取得了一系列优秀的创新性成果,在Cell Stem Cell (IF=26), Molecular Cell (IF=14), Embo J. (IF=10), NAR (IF=7), JBC (IF=5) 等国际知名学术刊物上发表SCI论文9篇(6篇第一作者),总共被引用300余次。2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,任职以来获得了2项自然科学基金面上项目和2项973计划子课题的支持。
1.Dai Q, Lei T, Zhao C, Zhong J, Tang YZ, Chen B, Yang J, Li C, Wang S, Song X, Li L, Li Q. Cyclin K-containing kinase complexes maintain self-renewal in murine embryonic stem cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012
2.Li Q, Peterlin BM. Genetic analysis of P-TEFb function via heterologous nucleic acid tethering systems. Methods, 2009
3.Kohoutek J, Li Q, Blazek D, Luo Z, Jiang H, Peterlin BM. Cyclin T2 is essential for mouse embryogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2009 (co-first author)
4.Gurumurthy M, Tan CH, Ng R, Zeiger L, Lau J, Lee J, Dey A, Philp R, Li Q, Lim TM, Price DH, Lane DP, Chao SH. Nucleophosmin interacts with HEXIM1 and regulates RNA polymerase II transcription. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2008
5.Li Q, Gregory RI. MicroRNA regulation of stem cell fate. Cell Stem Cell, 2008
6.Jeronimo C, Forget D, Bouchard A, Li Q, Chua G, Poitras C, Thérien C, Bergeron D, Bourassa S, Greenblatt J, Chabot B, Poirier GG, Hughes TR, Blanchette M, Price DH, Coulombe B. Systematic analysis of the protein interaction network for the human transcription machinery reveals the identity of the 7SK capping enzyme. Molecular Cell, 2007(cover article)
7.Li Q, Cooper JJ, Altwerger GH, Feldkamp MD, Shea MA, Price DH. HEXIM1 is a promiscuous double-stranded RNA-binding protein and interacts with RNAs in addition to 7SK in cultured cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 2007
8.Li Q, Price JP, Byers SA, Cheng D, Peng J, Price DH. Analysis of the large inactive P-TEFb complex indicates that it contains one 7SK molecule, a dimer of HEXIM1 or HEXIM2, and two P-TEFb molecules containing Cdk9 phosphorylated at threonine 186. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005
9.Byers SA, Price JP, Cooper JJ, Li Q, Price DH. HEXIM2, a HEXIM1-related protein, regulates positive transcription elongation factor b through association with 7SK. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005
10.Michels AA, Fraldi A, Li Q, Adamson TE, Bonnet F, Nguyen VT, Sedore SC, Price JP, Price DH, Lania L, Bensaude O. Binding of the 7SK snRNA turns the HEXIM1 protein into a P-TEFb (CDK9/cyclin T) inhibitor. EMBO Journal, 2004 (co-first author)
1. Novel soluble protein complexes formed by the human transcriptional and RNA processing machineries and methods of use thereof
Patent number:U.S. No. 60/949,350;
Inventors:Benoit Coulombe,Célia Jeronimo,Dominique Bergeron,Mathieu Blanchette,Diane Forget,David Price,Qintong Li
1. Identification of a novel CTD-kinase that regulates alternative splicing. RNA Biology, November 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Asia, Suzhou, China
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