
IMAGINE discovering a one-shot boost for the world’s economy. It would revitalize firms, increasing sales and productivity. It would ease access to credit and it would increase the range and quality of goods in the shops while keeping their prices low. What economic energy drink can possibly deliver all these benefits?
Globalization can. Yet in recent years the trend to greater openness has been replaced by an enthusiasm for building barriers—mostly to the world’s detriment. Not so long ago, the twin forces of technology and economic liberalization seemed destined to drive ever greater volumes of capital, goods and people across borders. They were not realized, at least in part because the world had learned from that dreadful decade the lesson that protectionism makes a bad situation worse.
That is most obvious in capital markets.Global capital flows fell from $11 trillion in 2007 to a third of that last year. The decline has happened partly for cyclical reasons, but also because regulators in America and Europe who saw banks’ foreign adventures end in disaster have sought to ring-fence their financial systems. Capital controls have found respectability in the emerging world because they helped insulate countries such as Brazil from destabilizing inflows of hot money.
Sparingly used, capital controls can make financial systems less vulnerable to contagion, and crises less damaging. But governments must not forget the benefits of financial openness. Competition from foreign banks forces domestic ones to compete harder. Ring-fencing banks and imposing capital controls protects from contagion, but also traps savings in countries with little use for them.
Trade protectionism cannot claim the justifications that capital controls sometimes can. Fortunately, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the trade watchdog, prevents most ostentatious protectionism, but governments have developed sneaky methods of avoiding its ire. New impediments—subsidies to domestic firms, for instance, local content requirements, bogus health-and-safety requirements—have gained popularity.According to Global Trade Alert, a monitoring service, at least 400 new protectionist measures have been put in place each year since 2009, and the trend is on the increase.
Big emerging markets like Brazil, Russia,India and China have displayed a more interventionist approach to globalization that relies on industrial policy and government-directed lending to give domestic sellers a leg-up. Industrial policy enjoys more respectability than tariffs and quotas, but it raises costs for consumers and puts more efficient foreign firms at a disadvantage. The Peterson Institute reckons local-content requirements cost the world $93 billion in lost trade in 2010.
Attempts to restore the momentum of free trade at a global level foundered with the Doha round of trade talks. Instead,governments are trying to do so through regional free-trade agreements. The idea is that smaller trade clubs make it easier to confront politically divisive issues. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that America, Japan and ten others hope to conclude this year aims to set rules for intellectual-property protection, investment, state-owned enterprises and services.
就是我说的奥巴马的weekly address当时有同学练过,一听就知道了,不过难度不算很大,关于美国提高薪酬的。复述听两遍,文章一般三分钟左右。
Hi, everybody.
Restoring the idea of opportunity for all requires a year of action from all of us. Wherever I can act on my own, I will – and whenever I can ask more Americans to help, I’ll do that too.
In my State of the Union Address, for example, I asked more business leaders to take action to raise their employees’wages. Because even though our economy is growing, and our businesses have created about eight and a half million new jobs over the past four years, average wages have barely budged.
So it’s good news that, earlier this week,one of America’s largest retailers, The Gap, decided to raise wages for its employees beginning this year. Their decision will benefit about 65,000 workers in the U.S. That means more families will be able to raise their kids, finish their studies, or keep up on their bills with a little less financial stress and strain.
Gap’s CEO explained their decision simply –he said, “[It’s] right for our brands, good for our people, and beneficial to our customers.” And he’s right – raising Americans’ wages isn’t just a good deed; it’s good business and good for our economy. It helps reduce turnover, it boosts productivity, and it gives folks some more money to spend at local businesses.
And as a chief executive myself, that’s why I took action last week to lift more workers’ wages by requiring federal contractors to pay their employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour.
In the year since I first asked Congress to raise the minimum wage, six states have passed laws to raise theirs, and more states are working on it as we speak. But only Congress can finish the job and lift Americans’ wages across the country.
Right now, there’s a bill before Congress that would boost America’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. That’s easy to remember – “ten-ten.” That bill would lift wages for more than 16million Americans without requiring a single dollar in new taxes or spending. But even though a majority of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans across the country support raising the minimum wage, Republicans in Congress don’t want to give it a vote.
Hardworking Americans deserve better than“no.” Let’s tell Congress to say“yes.” Pass that bill. Give America a raise. Because here in America, no one who works hard should have to live in poverty – and everyone who works hard should have a chance to get ahead.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.
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