姓名:李联运 性别:女 职称:副教授、硕士生导师 学科专业:生物化学和分子生物学 研究
姓名:李联运 性别:女
联系方式:Office Phone: 27-68756620
Lab Phone: 27-68756672
Email: lilianyun@whu.edu.cn
学士. 1994-1998,四川大学生物工程系
博士. 2000-2005, 北京大学生命科学学院
博士后, 2005-2009,美国美国国立医学院(National Institutes of Health)
1. NF-kappaB负反馈调节因子A20介导TRAF2降解的机制 。
2. 内质网相关蛋白的降解机制(ERAD,ER-associated degradation)。
1. Nia Soetandyo, Qiu-Yan Wang, Yi-Hong Ye*, Lian-Yun Li*. Role of intramembrane charged residues in the quality control of unassembled T-cell receptor alpha-chains at the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Cell Sci. 2010 123:1031-8. (*Authors for correspondence)
2. Lian-Yun Li, Nia Soetandyo, Qiu-Yan Wang, Yi-Hong Ye. The zinc finger protein A20 targets TRAF2 to the lysosomes for degradation. Biochim Biophys Acta- Molecular Cell Research. 2009 1793:346-53
3. Lian-Yun Li, Dale Hailey, Nia Soetandyo, Wei Li, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Hong-Bing Shu, Yi-Hong Ye. Localization of A20 to a lysosome-associated compartment and its role in NF-kappaB signaling. Biochim Biophys Acta- Molecular Cell Research. 2008 1783:1140-9
4. Lian-Yun Li, Liang-Hua Bin, Fu Li, Yi Liu, Dan-Ying Chen, Zhong-He Zhai and Hong-Bing Shu. TRIP6 is a RIP2-associated common signaling component of multiple NF-kappaB activation pathways. J. Cell Sci. 2005 118:555-63
5. Yan-Yi Wang*, Lian-Yun Li*, Ke-Jun Han, Zhong-He Zhai and Hong-Bing Shu. A20 is a potent inhibitor of TLR3- and Sendai virus-induced activation of NF-kappaB and ISRE and IFN-beta promoter. FEBS Letter. 2004 576:86-90 (*These authors contributed equally to this work)
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