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姓名:张克群 性别:男 出生年月:1980年10月
职称:副教授 学院:经济与管理学院  

  台湾真理大学经济学系经济学学士(2003),财经研究所商学硕士(2005),台湾云林科技大学企业管理系管理学博士(2010), 台湾大学博士后研究(2010.11-2010.12)。
  台湾金门大学企业管理系兼任讲师(2009.2-2010.7),台湾云林科技大学企业管理系兼任讲师(2008.8-2010.7) ,台湾云林科技大学专利分析与管理研究中心研究员(2006.9-2010.7)。
  学术研究成果已发表28篇论文,其中有12篇学术论文被国际期刊接受(10篇SSCI论文、2篇EI论文),包含1篇Journal of Informetrics (SSCI); 4篇Scientometrics (SSCI);1篇Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI);1篇Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI);2篇Quality & Quantity (SSCI) ;1篇African Journal of Business Management (SSCI)。

    二、论 文
  1. The Relationships between the Patent Performance and Corporation Performance. Journal of Informetrics. 2012. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 3.119)
  2. Using the Entropy-based Patent Measure to Explore the Influences of Related and Unrelated Technological Diversification upon Technological Competences and Firm Performance. Scientometrics. 2012. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 2.167)
  3. Evaluating Branch Efficiency for a Taiwanese Bank by Using Data Envelopment Analysis with an Undesirable Factor. African Journal of Business Management, 2011. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 1.105)
  4. The Nonlinear Effect of Green Innovation on the Corporate Competitive Advantage. Quality & Quantity, 2011. (Online First) (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 0.679)
  5. Analyzing the nonlinear effects of firm size, profitability, and employee productivity on patent citations of the US pharmaceutical companies by using artificial neural network. Scientometrics, 2010. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 2.167)
  6. The Nonlinear Nature of the Relationships between the Patent Traits and Corporate Performance. Scientometrics, 2010. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 2. 167)
  7. The Relationship between a Firm’s Patent Quality and Its Market Value - the Case of US Pharmaceutical Industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2010. (SSCI) (Impact Factor = 1.776)
  8. Exploring the nonlinear effects of patent citations, patent share, and relative patent position on market value in the US pharmaceutical industry by using artificial neural network. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2010. (SSCI) (Impact Factor = 0.929)
  9. Using the Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) Computation to Explore the R&D Project Performance. Quality & Quantity, 2010. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 0. 679)
  10. 适应性类神经模糊推论系统于财务危机预测之应用,台湾银行季刊,2010。
  11. Using Neural Network to Analyze the Influence of the Patent Performance upon the Market Value of the US Pharmaceutical Companies. Scientometrics, 2009. (SSCI)(Impact Factor = 2. 167)
  12. 行政院国科会产学合作机制之发展现况与未来建议,商管科技季刊,2009。
  13. Applying Neural Network to Explore the Influences of the Patent Indicators upon the Market Value of the American Pharmaceutical Companies. Technology Management for a Sustainable Economy, PICMET, 2008. (EI)
  14. 应用非意欲因素数据报络分析法评估银行分行经营效率,台湾银行季刊,2008。
  15. The Application of the Neuro-Fuzzy Computing Technique for the Forecasting of the R&D Project Performance. Technology Management for the Global Future, PICMET, 2006. (EI)
  16. 以专利分析与钻石模型分析台湾电动机车产业发展现况,经济情势暨评论季刊,2006。
  17. 比较不同波动率模型下台湾股票选择权之评价绩效,真理财经学报,2006。

  1. 台湾IC设计产业智慧资本对经营绩效影响之研究, 2011技术转移与成果转化暨沿海区域科技管理学术交流会,贵州, 2011。
  2. Applying Artificial Neural Network to Analyze the Relationships between Patent Indicators and Profitability. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2008), Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
  3. Exploring the Nonlinear Influences of Size, Profitability and Employee Productivity upon the Innovationin the US Pharmaceutical Industry by Using Artificial Neural Network. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2008), Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
  4. 运用适应性类神经模糊推论系统于企业财务危机预测之研究,2008财经学术研讨会,台北, 2008。
  5. 应用非意欲因素数据报络分析法评估银行分行经营效率-以本国某银行为例,2007亚太经贸国际学术研讨会,台北, 2007。
  6. The Application of the Fuzzy Association Memory (FAM) Computation Technique to Explore the R&D Project Performance. IAMOT 2006, 15th International Conference on Management of Technology, Beijing, China, 2006.
  7. The Comparison between Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) for the Forecasting of R&D Project Performance. 2006 Conference of the Advancement of Management Knowledge and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.
  8. 风力发电之专利分析与发展趋势,2006年中华商管科技学会年会暨学术研讨会,台北, 2006。
  9. 运用计算智能算法于台湾股票选择权的评价与套利之研究,2005财经学术研讨会,台北, 2005。
  10. 运用neuro-fuzzy模型在台湾股票选择权评价与套利之研究,ICIM 2005第十六届国际信息管理学术研讨会,台北, 2005。
  11. Neuro-fuzzy模型于股票选择权的评价与套利-台湾地区的实证研究,2005管理与创新学术研讨会,台北, 2005。



  1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:技术多样化与创新绩效─基于纵横门槛回归模型的实证检验(105273449),2011-2013。

  邮箱:kechiun@gmail.com dr.chang@whu.edu.cn






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