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姓名:陈磊 性别:男 出生年月:
职称:副教授 学院:经济与管理学院  

  性别:男 武汉大学经济与管理学院(邮编:430072)
  民族:汉 电话:027‐68753213
  政治面貌:群众 传真:027‐68754150
  出生年月:1976 年8 月 手机:***********
  出生地:湖北省武汉市 电子邮件:lei.chen@whu.edu.cn
  经济学博士 (Ph.D. in Economics) 2007. 8 – 2010. 5 美国康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut)
  经济学硕士 (M.A. in Economics) 2005. 8 – 2007. 8 美国康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut)
  物理学硕士 (M.S. in Physics) 2002. 8 – 2005. 5 美国康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut)
  光学硕士 (M.S. in Optics) 1999. 9 – 2002. 6 中山大学 (Sun Yat‐sen University)
  物理学学士 (B.S. in Physics) 1995. 9 – 1999. 6 中山大学 (Sun Yat‐sen University)
  2011 年5 月 – 现在 副教授、硕士生导师 武汉大学经济与管理学院经济学系
  2011 年6 月 – 2011 年8 月 访问研究员 美国经济研究所(位于美国马萨诸塞州)
  2010 年10 月 – 2011 年1 月 经济咨询专家 美国康涅狄格州政府经济与社会发展厅
  2010 年6 月 – 2011 年5 月 助理教授 美国康涅狄格大学经济学系
  2008 年6 月 – 2010 年5 月 授课教师 美国康涅狄格大学经济学系
  Applied Microeconomics, Health Economics, Quantitative Methods, Data Envelopment Analysis, Industrial Organization, Operations Research.
  《美国口腔医疗产业的生产效率研究》 (A Study of the Production Technology of the U.S. Dental Care Industry)导师:Subhash Ray 教授
  Lei Chen and Subhash Ray. “Cost Efficiency and Scale Economies in General Dental Practices in the U.S.: A Non‐parametric and Parametric Analysis,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, accepted.
  Tryfon Beazoglou, Lei Chen, Vickie Lazar, et al. “Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliaries and Dental Practice Productivity and Efficiency,” Journal of Dental Education, accepted.
  Subhash Ray and Lei Chen. “Data Envelopment Analysis for Performance Evaluation: A Childʹs Guide,”Indian Economic Review, Vol. 45, No. 2, Pages 79‐124. (2010)
  Subhash Ray, Lei Chen, and Dennis Heffley. “High Wages, Low Costs: A Connecticut Paradox?” Connecticut Economy, Vol. 18, No. 4, Pages 7‐10. (2010)
  Beazoglou T, Brown LJ, Ray S, Chen L, and Lazar V. “An Economic Study of Expanded Duties of Dental Auxiliaries in Colorado,” Chicago: American Dental Association, Health Policy Resources Center.(2009)
  Subhash Ray, Lei Chen, and K. Mukherjee. “Input Price Variation across Location and a Generalized Measure of Cost Efficiency,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 116, No. 2, Pages 208‐218. (2008)
  Lei Chen. “A Crucial System, Likely to Evolve,” The New York Times, Room for Debate, September 18, 2011
  Lei Chen. “Productivity and Quality Are Up,” The New York Times, Room for Debate, August 4, 2011
  Lei Chen. “State Bad For Business? Not For Manufacturing,” The Hartford Courant, July 17, 2011
  Lei Chen. “China’s Slowdown and the Rest of Us,” AIER Research Reports, Vol. 78, No. 20, Page 1‐3. (2011)
  Lei Chen. “Creditor’s Dilemma,” AIER Economic Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 8, Pages 3‐4. (2011)
  Lei Chen. “The Return of U.S. Manufacturing,” AIER Economic Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 6, Pages 1‐4. (2011)
  Lei Chen. “Competitiveness and Business Costs,” AIER Economic Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 5, Pages 1‐4. (2011)
  Lei Chen. “Technology Can Help Drive Job Growth,” AIER Research Reports, Vol. 78, No. 12, Page 4. (2011)
  Lawrence Posner, Lei Chen, and Dennis Heffley. “Buying Time: The Link between Health Spending and Life Expectancy,” European Journal of Health Economics, under review.
  Lei Chen and Subhash Ray. “An Empirical Study of Production Technology of General Dental Practices in the U.S.,” working paper.
  Subhash Ray, Kankana Mukherjee, and Lei Chen. “A Cost‐constrained Measure of Energy‐use Efficiency in U.S. Manufacturing,” working paper.
  Lei Chen and Sylvie Tchumtchouab. “Parametric and Non‐parametric Methods of Measuring Departmental Performance – An Application to Higher Education,” working paper.
  June 2010, presented “Non‐parametric and Parametric Cost Efficiency Analysis of the U.S. Dental Care Industry” at the 6th North American Productivity Workshop in Rice University, Houston, Texas.
  September 2009, presented “Pareto‐Koopmans Efficiency and a Tornqvist Productivity Index: An Application to Dental Care in the US” at the Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement Stream of the Operational Research Society Conference (OR51) in University of Warwick, Warwick, United Kingdom.
  July 2009, presented “Cost Efficiency and Scale of Economics in the U.S. Manufacturing Industry – A Nonparametric Approach of Data Envelopment Analysis” at the 7th International Conference on Data
  Envelopment Analysis in Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  July 2009, co‐presented “Tutorial on Solving DEA Models in Excel Using VB Macro” at the 7th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis in Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  June 2008, presented “Input Price Variation across Location and a Generalized Measure of Cost Efficiency” at the 5th North American Productivity Workshop in New York University, New York City, New York.
  March 2008, presented “A Cost‐constrained Measure of Energy‐use Efficiency in U.S. Manufacturing – An Inter‐state Comparison Using the Census of Manufacturing Data” at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economists Association in Boston, Massachusetts.
  August 2011, presented “Connecticut’s Success as A Low Cost Manufacturer,” U.S. Congressman John Larson Two‐part Series on Manufacturing Jobs in Connecticut, Manchester Community College.
  July 2011, presented “Non‐parametric Method of Data Envelopment Analysis,” Summer Program II Lecture Series, American Institute for Economic Research.
  November 2010, presented “Cost Efficiency and Scale Economies in General Dental Practices in the U.S.,”Luojia Young Scholar Seminar on Economics and Management, Wuhan University.
  March 2010, presented “Non‐parametric and Parametric Cost Efficiency Analysis of the U.S. Dental Care Industry”, School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
  October 2009, presented “A Study of Production Technology of the U.S. Dental Care Industry,” Brownbag Seminar Series, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut.
  June 2009, presented “Parametric and Non‐parametric Methods of Measuring Departmental Performance –An Application to Higher Education,” Luojia Young Scholar Seminar on Economics and Management, Wuhan University.
  December 2008, presented “An Overall Pareto‐Koopmans DEA Efficiency Measurement of Colorado Dental Practices,” Brownbag Seminar Series, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut.
  March 2008, presented “A Cost‐constrained Measure of Energy‐use Efficiency in U.S. Manufacturing – An Inter‐state Comparison Using the Census of Manufacturing Data,” Brownbag Seminar Series,
  Department of Economics, University of Connecticut.
  December 2007, presented “Input Price Variation across Location and a Generalized Measure of Cost Efficiency,” Lingnan Scholar Seminar Series, Department of Economics, Sun Yat‐sen University.
  November 2007, presented “Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Dental Care – A Study of Practice Level Data,”Brownbag Seminar Series, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut.
  Spring 2009 and Summer 2009: Research Assistant for the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences(CLAS) at UConn on the Project of Evaluating the Performance of Departments in CLAS
  Summer 2008: Research Assistant for Professor Tryfon Beazoglou on the Connecticut Public Dental Clinic Productivity Evaluation Project
  Summer 2007: Research Assistant for Professor Dennis Heffley and Professor Subhash Ray on the Colorado Dental Practice Productivity Evaluation Project
  Summer 2006: Research Assistant for Professor Dennis Heffley and Professor Subhash Ray on the ConnecticutPublic Education Efficiency Evaluation Project
  Summer 2004, Spring 2004, Fall 2003, and Summer 2003: Research Assistant for Professor George Gibson,Department of Physics, University of Connecticut
  高级微观经济学 (研究生课程) (Advanced Microeconomics (Graduate level)) – Fall 2011
  数据模型与决策分析 (MBA 课程) (Mathematical Modeling and Decision Analysis (MBA class))
  – Fall 2011, May 2011
  计量经济学 (Empirical Methods in Economics I) – Spring 2011
  宏观经济学原理 (Principles of Macroeconomics) – Fall 2010, Spring 2011
  微观经济学原理 (Principles of Microeconomics) – Fall 2010
  运筹学 (Operations Research) – Summer 2010, Spring 2010, Fall 2009, Summer 2009
  微观经济学原理 (Principles of Microeconomics) – Summer 2008
  中级微观经济学 (Intermediate Microeconomic Theory) – Fall 2008
  高级微观经济学 (博士课程) (Microeconomics III (Ph.D. level)) – Spring 2009, Spring 2008
  高级计量经济学 (博士课程) (Econometrics III (Ph.D. level)) – Spring 2008
  高级计量经济学 (博士课程) (Econometrics II (Ph.D. level)) – Fall 2009, Fall 2007
  高级运筹学 (硕士课程) (Operations Research (Master’s level)) – Spring 2010, Spring 2009
  高级微观经济学 (硕士课程) (Microeconomics I (Master’s level)) – Fall 2007
  运筹学 (Operations Research) – Spring 2008, Spring 2007, Fall 2005
  中级微观经济学 (Intermediate Microeconomic Theory) – Spring 2006
  宏观经济学原理 (Principles of Macroeconomics) – Fall 2006
  经济信息技术 (Information Technology for Economics) – Fall 2005
  2011 湖北省教育厅楚天学子
  2002 – 2010 美国康涅狄格大学Graduate Assistantship 奖学金
  2010 美国康涅狄格大学W. Harrison Carter Scholarship 奖学金
  2009 美国康涅狄格大学Albert E. Waugh Award 奖
  2009 美国康涅狄格大学Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship 奖学金
  2009 美国康涅狄格大学Economics Department Fellowship 奖学金
  2008 美国康涅狄格大学Economics Department Fellowship 奖学金
  2005 美国康涅狄格大学Pre‐doctoral Fellowship 奖学金
  2002 美国康涅狄格大学Pre‐doctoral Fellowship 奖学金
  2001 中山大学优秀研究生奖学金
  2000 中山大学优秀研究生奖学金






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