姓名:李丹丽 性别:女 职称:香港浸会大学英文系 语言学 博士( Ph.D. in Linguistic s , HKBU )
姓名:李丹丽 性别:女
职称:香港浸会大学英文系 语言学 博士( Ph.D. in Linguistic s , HKBU )
武汉大学外语学院英文系 副教授,硕士生导师
2010 年 10 月 ~ 2011 年 9 月 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 应用语言学系 访问学者
邮箱: daniealli@sohu.com
综合英语,英语听力,英语阅读,英语高级写作,语言与社会, Academic Writing, Language Acquisition and Language Learning, Language Use and Communication
亚洲英语教师学会会员,香港应用语言学会会员, Reviewer for TESOL Journal
近年科研成果 :
Liu, Q.R. and Li, D.L. (2010). Peer assistance in interactional repair by Chinese EFL students. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies , 1 4 , 47-72, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
(第二作者)《中国英语学习者在会话中的互动修正》,《语用学研究》第三辑,高等教育出版社, 2010 年 11 月。
Li D.L. (2009). Is there a role for tutor in group work: peer interaction in a Hong Kong EFL classroom. HKBUPapers in Applied Language Studies , 1 3 , 12 - 40 , Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University .
Li D.L. (2008). Scaffolding and its impact on learning grammatical forms in tertiary Chinese EFL Classrooms .Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University .
Li, D .L. (2007). Scaffolding, ZPD and second language learning. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies ,11, 110-137, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University .
(第一编者)《英语专业八级备考指南:模拟试题分册》, 2007 年 4 月,北京:外语教学与研究出版社出版发行。
Littlewood , W.T. and Li, D.L. (2006). The sociolinguistic awareness of tertiary level students in Hong Kongand Mainland China . Language Awareness , 15/2, 97-109, Britain : Multilingual Matters Ltd. ( listed in boththe SSCI? and the AHCI? )
Li, D .L. (2006). Facilitating students' understanding of English news: Peer scaffolding in an EFL listening classroom. In Wai M.C., Kwee N.C. and T. Suthiwan (eds.), Foreign language Teaching in Asia and Beyond —Current Perspectives and Future Directions (pp. 135-144). Singapore : World Scientific Publishers.— Also in Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2004 Conference: Current Perspectives and Future Directions in ForeignLanguage Teaching and Learning (ISBN: 981-05-2289-4), Centre for Language Studies, National University of
Singapore .
2011 年 4 月美国, Teacher scaffolding in learning target forms in university classrooms , paper presented atCalifornia TESOL (CATESOL) 2011 Conference, April 7-10, 2011, Long Beach, California.
2010 年 4 月苏州大学, Scaffolding in EFL classroom l earning of target f orms : A Chinese perspective , 第四届中国二语习得研究国际学术研讨会, 2010 年 4 月 23-25 日,苏州。
2009 年 7 月武汉大学, Developing a dult l earners ' s econd l anguage p ragmatic l earning through collaboration ,第 11 届全国语用学研讨会暨 2009 语用学及其应用研究国际学术研讨会,武汉大学外语学院, 2009 年7月20-23 日,武汉。
2008 年 6 月香港大学 , Socio-cultural a wareness in l earning t arget f orms in C hinese EFL c lassrooms .Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness ( ALA ), 26-29June, Hong Kong : The University of Hong Kong .
2007 年 6 月香港, Scaffolding in learning target forms in Chinese EFL classrooms . Paper presented at thend HAAL Research Forum, 11 June, Hong Kong : Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics.
2006 年 6 月加拿大 , Scaffolding in learning target forms in a Hong Kong EFL classroom . Paper presented at2006 Annual Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics / Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 17-20 June, Montreal , Canada .
2004 年 12 月香港教育学院 , Innovative teaching in a tertiary listening course: the role of scaffolding in classroom learning . Paper presented at the 18 th International Language in Education Conference, 16-18 December, Hong Kong : Hong Kong Institute of Education.
2004 年 12 月新加坡国立大学 , Facilitating students' understanding of English news: Peer scaffolding in an EFL listening classroom . Paper presented at the Inaugural Centre for Language Studies International Conference, 1-3 December, Singapore : National University of Singapore.
2004 年 5 月香港中文大学 , Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese students' awareness of stylistic variation . Paper presented at International Conference on Tertiary / College English Teaching 2004, 17-18 May, Hong Kong:Chinese University of Hong Kong .
主持,基于社会文化理论的学习者语言潜能发展研究, 2010 年度武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学类) “ 70 后计划”项目 ( 1022759454 ) ;
项目组主要成员,新形势下的英语语言文学与文化研究团队,武汉大学人文社会科学“ 70 后”学者学术团队建设;
参与, 中国学生语体能力发展研究 , 2010 年度国家社会科学基金项目( 10BYY088 ) (主持: 邓郦鸣 教授)
2000 武汉大学 森泓教师奖
2004-2005 香港浸会大学 学生事务处嘉奖状
2005-2006 Ace Style International Limited Travel Award, Hong Kong Baptist University
2006 Postgraduate Travel Award, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
2004-2007 Ph.D. Studentship, University Grant Committee, Hong Kong
2009 武汉大学外语学院学生工作先进个人
2010 武汉大学外语学院本科教学工作优秀教学二等奖
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