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姓名:孟健 性别:男  
职称:副教授 学院:信息管理学院  

  孟健,博士,副教授、硕士生导师。曾在南开大学计算机系从事计算机教学以及网络信息系统的研究与开发;后赴英国从事网络信息系统设计与开发、语义网技术、神经网络应用以及水信息学等方面的研究。2004年底回国任职于武汉大学信息管理学院电子商务系。曾独立及合作完成多项国内外科学基金研究和开发项目。持有全球最具权威的互联网认证“CIW认证”—— “网站设计”专家级认证、“电子商务设计”大师级认证、CIW认证讲师证书。曾获首届阿里巴巴电子商务培训师资认证、全国高等院校电子商务专业“双师型”师资认证等。

  1Meng, J., Mei, S., Yan, Z. RESTful Web Services: a Solution for Distributed Data Integration. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE2009). December 2009, Wuhan, China.(EI检索)
  2Meng, J., You, J. An SOA-based Wiki System Model for Enterprise Training. The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech2009). December 2009, Guilin, China.
  3Meng, J., Chen, J. A Mashup Model for Distributed Data Integration. 2009 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMeCG2009). September 2009, Nanchang, China. 168-171. (EI检索)
  4Meng, J., Yan, Z., and Li J. “A Web Services-Based Distributed Information Retrie val Model.” International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian China, 2008.10.(EI检索)
  5Meng, J., and Ye, L. “Secure Mobile Payment Model Based on WAP.” International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian China, 2008.10.(EI检索)
  6Meng, J., Gao, S., and Zhang, L. “The Community Website Design Based on Complementary Advantages of Web1.0 and Web2.0.” International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian China, 2008.10.(EI检索)
  7Meng, J., and Yang, Y. “Application of Mobile 2D Barcode in China.” International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian China, 2008.10.(EI检索)
  8Meng, J., and Zhang, L. “An Innovative Solution for E-commerce Marketing: eTong.” International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Shanghai China, 2007.9.(EI检索)
  9Meng, J., Cao, Z., and Carling, P. A. (2006). “Pointwise and Upwind Discretizations of Source Terms in Open-Channel Flood Routing.” Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 18(4), 379-386. (EI检索)
  10Zhang, L., Li, Y., and Meng, J. “Design of Chinese Word Segmentation System Based on Improved Chinese Converse Dictionary and Re verse Maximum Matching Algorithm.” Web Information Systems – WISE 2006 Workshops, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 4256/2006. (SCIE检索)
  11Cao, Z., Meng, J., Pender, G., Wallis, S. (2006). “Flow Resistance and Momentum Flux in Compound Open Channels.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(12), 1272-1282. (SCI、EI检索)
  12Cao, Z., Pender, G., Meng, J. (2006). “Explicit Formulation of the Shields Diagram for Incipient Motion of Sediment.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(10), 1097-1099. (SCI、EI检索)
  13Zhou, N., Meng, J., Yang, F., and Wu, J. “The research methods for image indexing and retrie val.” International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Vision, Beijing China, 2005.
  14孟健,张李义. 《电子商务专业英语》. 武汉大学出版社,2008.8.
  15孟健,周寅,方芳. 逆向物流作业环节的优化. 电子商务,2009(11).
  16孟健,杨阳. 基于PayWord的一种自更新Hash链的微支付协议. 计算机工程,2009,35(3),63-65.
  17孟健,叶亮. 移动互联的未来:解读Mobile 2.0. 移动通信,2008,32(15),20-25.
  18颜昭,孟建. 基于验证码技术的一种游戏帐号安全方案. 电子商务,2008(3).
  19孟健,周宁. 语义网格与数字图书馆建设. 情报学报,2007(26).
  20孟健. 电子商务课程创新教学模式探讨. 电子商务,2006 (9),80-86.
  21陈少芳,孟健. 浅论电子服务对传统服务的影响. “电子商务教育、理论与应用新进展”论文集,第七届全国高校电子商务教育与学术研讨大会,大连,2008.10.
  22颜昭,孟健. 论电子服务竞争战略. “电子商务教育、理论与应用新进展”论文集,第七届全国高校电子商务教育与学术研讨大会,大连,2008.10.







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