导师姓名:王刚 性别:男 出生年月:1977年04月 职称:副教授 学位:博士 属性:专职
学术经历:2002.09-2008.12:电子科技大学,博士,硕博连读; 2008.01-2008.07:英国Bradford大学,联合培养博士生; 2009.01-2011.08:电子科技大学,讲师; 2010.10-2011.09:新加坡国立大学,Research Fellow 2011.08-现今:电子科技大学,副教授;
个人简介:IEEE会员,ACM会员。1999年获得电子科技大学计算机通信专业学士学位,2008年获得电子科技大学生物医学工程专业博士学位(硕博连读)。2008年1月至7月受国家留学基金委资助,作为联合培养博士生到英国Bradford大学进行学习研究。2010年10月到2011年9月在新加坡国立大学做博士后研究。 2009年1月至今,在电子科技大学电子工程学院任教。研究方向是智能信息处理和多传感器信息融合。
科研项目:主持国家级科研项目: 国家自然科学基金青年项目,监护环境下基于盲源提取的房颤信号提取方法研究;项目批准号:30900318,19万。参与国家级科研项目: 973二级子课题(2011.01-2015.09)复杂空域环境下多飞行器协同机动理论与方法:2011CB707005,课题联系人。国家自然科学面上项目(2012.01-2015.12),饶妮妮,房颤的致病分子调控路径及其亚型的量化分类方法研究;项目批准号:81171411 ,59万。排名第二国家自然科学基金青年项目(2011.01-2013.12),董乐,复杂环境下基于生物激励的情景理解方法研究;项目批准号:61003123,20万。排名第二国家自然科学基金青年项目(2012.01-2014.12),任鹏,基于超图的高维聚类和高维匹配统一框架的研究,项目批准号:61105005。排名第三航空科学基金,饶妮妮,题目:自适应技术实现机载共形阵雷达杂波抑制的研究。编号:20112080014,7万。排名第三。
[1] Wang Gang, Li Chunguang, Dong Le, Noise estimation using mean square cross prediction error for speech enhancement, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol.57, pp. 1489-1499, 2010. (SCI: 000282562000009)
[2]Shuzhi Sam Ge, Gang Wang, Le Dong, Beibei Ren, Rongxin Cui. Intelligent Autonomous Information Acquisition and Scene Understanding over Large Space. Transaction on Wireless communication and Intelligent system, Online Publication, June 2011.
[3] Wang Gang, Rao Nini, Shepherd Simon, Beggs Clive. Extraction of Desired Signal Based on AR Model with its Application to Atrial Activity Estimation in Atrial Fibrillation,EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008,Article ID 728409, 9 pages (SCI: 000258066800001)
[4] Wang Gang, Rao Nini, Zhang Ying. Atrial Fibrillatory Signal Estimation Using Blind Source Extraction Algorithm Based on High-order Statistics. Science in China, Series F: Information Sciences, 2008, 51(10): 1572-1584 (SCI: 000259676700013)
[5] 王刚,饶妮妮,张瑛.基于四阶累积量的盲源提取算法获取房颤信号.中国科学 E辑:信息科学, 2008, 38(12): 2212-2225.
[6] Wang Gang, Rao Nini, Zhang Zhilin and et al. An Extended Online Fast-ICA Algorithm. ISNN2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3972: 1109–1114, 2006. (SCI: 000238112000163)
[7] Ye Yalan, Sheu Phillip C -Y, Zeng Jiazhi, Wang Gang, Lu Ke. An Efficient Semi-blind Source Extraction Algorithm and Its Applications to Biomedical Signal Extraction. Science in China, Series F: Information Sciences. 2009, 52(10): 1863-1874 (SCI: 000270489700015)
[8] Wang Gang, Rao Nini. Semi-Blind Source Extraction Approach to Atrial Activity Estimation in Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008, 4(2): 713-718. (EI)
[9] Wang Gang, Rao Nini, Zhang Ying. A Nonlinear PCA Algorithm Using QR Decomposition. Pre-proceedings of the International Conference Bio-Inspired Computing—Theory and Applications, BICTA2006, Volume of Neural Computing Section: 313-320
[10] 王刚,饶妮妮. 心脏三维标测中配准方法的研究. 航天医学与医学工程, 2008, 21(6), 523-528
[11] 王刚,饶妮妮.小波变换中边界问题对水印算法性能影响的研究.计算机学报, 2007, 30(10): 1872-1879 (Ei)
[12] 王刚,饶妮妮,张瑛.一种适用于远程医疗的水印算法.电子科技大学学报,2007, 36(1): 140-142 (Ei)
[13] Wang Gang, Chen Fei. Texture features for classification of ultrasonic liver images based on neural network. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2005, 1(4): 749-755 (Ei)
[14] Wang Gang, Rao Nini. A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Medical Image. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005, pp 3406-3409 (Ei)
[15] Wang Gang, Rao Nini. A fragile watermarking scheme for telemedicine. International Conference on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation, Proceedings ICIMA 2004, pp. 258-262, 2004 (Ei)
[16] Wang Ling-ling, Rao Nini, Pu Li-Xin, Wang Gang. Developing a DICOM Meddleware to Implement ECG Conversion and Viewing. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005 pp 6953-6956 (EI)
[17] Wang Xianglin, Rao Nini, Cheng Yufeng, Wang Gang, Liu Minghu, An effective BSE-ST method for radar target detection in inhomogeneous clutter/interference environments. 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008 pp 2322-2325, 2008 (EI)
[18] Wang Pu, Yang Jianyu, Zhang Zhi-Lin, Wang Gang, Mo Quanyi. A signal-dependent quadratic time frequency distribution for neural source estimation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 3972:700-705 (SCI: 000239483000103)
[19] Deng Lin, Rao Nini, Wang Gang. Active Shape Model of Combining PCA and ICA: Application to Facial Feature Extraction. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2006, 4(2):114-117
[20] Cai Ying, Wang Gang*. AR Parameters-based Nonlinear Blind Source Extraction. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, Vols. 20-23 pp 1129-1135
[21] Cai Ying, Wang Gang*. An Offline Independent Component Analysis Algorithm for Colored Sources. IITA 2009
[22] 蔡英,王刚*. 一种基于AR模型的非线性盲源提取方法及其应用. 山东大学学报(工学版), vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 17-23, 2010.
[23] 饶妮妮; 王祥林; 周博; 程宇锋; 王刚;线性预测盲源提取算法应用于阵列雷达的分析.电子科技大学学报,vol. 39, no.1, 2010 [24] Guo Jianxiu, Rao Nini, Liu Guangxiong, Yang Yong, Wang Gang, Predicting Protein Folding Rates Using the Concept of Chou's Pseudo Amino Acid Composition, Journal of Computational Chemistry, vol. 32, no. 8, 1612-1617 JUN 2011 (SCI) [25] Xu Kai, Shao Yinghai, Wang Gang*. An Intelligent Atrial Fibrillation Wireless Monitoring System Based on Nonlinear Bind Source Extraction Algorithm, Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volumes 128 - 129), Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation IV, pp. 74-78. 2012, (EI) [26] G. Wang and S. S. Ge, Robust GPS and Radar Sensor Fusion for Multiple Aerial Vehicles Localization, the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Invited Session paper, Qingdao, China, 17-19 September, pp. 196-201, 2011.
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