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  美国加利福尼亚大学(University of California, Irvine)管理学博士。美国麻省理工学院(MIT)斯隆管理学院(Sloan School of Management)访问学者,曾经担任美国加利福尼亚大学保罗商学院(The Paul Merage School of Business)授课老师。上海交大-MIT全球运营领袖高端培训项目学术主任。研究方向为企业运营管理、供应链管理和运营战略等。研究成果发表在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 等国际一流学术期刊。在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院主讲《运营管理》(国家级精品课程)、《运营战略》、《高级物流及供应链管理》等本科、MBA、EMBA 课程。多年来为多家世界500强企业提供咨询和培训服务,包括戴尔、苹果、亚马逊、思科、耐克等。曾接受国内多家媒体的采访,包括中央电视台、《第一财经日报》、《东方早报》等。主持国家自然科学基金项目,教育部归国留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,担任国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,香港研究资助局(RGC)的项目评审人,担任Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Decision Analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society 等国际期刊审稿人。 社会兼职: Reviewer for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Decision Analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society Reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. Best Paper Competition Committee, The Chinese scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Professional Affiliations INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), MSOM (Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society), POMS (Production and Operations Management Society)

  Selected Publications
  “Effect of Supply Reliability in a Retail Setting with Joint Marketing and Inventory Decisions” Shaoxuan Liu, Kut So and Fuqiang Zhang. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2010 Vol. 12, NO.1, 19-32
  “Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Networks with Assembly Structure under System Disruptions” Yifan Wu, Ming Dong, Tijun Fan, Shaoxuan Liu. Computer & Operations Research, 2012 Vol. 39 issue 12, P3229?\3243
  Invited Seminars and Conference Presentations
  Oct. 2012 INFORMS 2012 Annual Meeting in Phoenix
  Dec. 2009 Sino-Swedish Sustainable Business Program
  Mar. 2008 University of New South Wales
  Jan. 2008 University of Miami
  Nov. 2007 INFORMS 2007 Annual Meeting in Seattle
  June 2007 MSOM 2007 Conference at Tsinghua University
  May 2007 Southern California OR/OM conference
  May 2007 POMS 2007 Annual Conference in Dallas
  Nov. 2006 INFORMS 2006 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  Operations Management
  Operations Strategy
  Advanced Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy
  Production and Operations Management
  Operations Strategy and Consulting
  University of California, Irvine
  Quantitative Methods for Management






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