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博士、教授、管理科学系系主任。研究领域主要是管理中的心理与行为问题,论文主要发表于《Journal of Management Studies》、《Journal of Management》、《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Personnel Psychology》、《管理科学学报》,以及《管理世界》等国内外学术期刊,先后入选上海市浦江人才计划(2009)、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2011),以及上海市曙光学者计划(2015)等人才项目。
Journal of Personnel Psychology(SSCI),副主编(Associate Editor);
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI),副主编(Associate Editor);
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research,顾问编辑(Consulting Editor)
国家自然科学基金委员会、New Eurasia Foundation、Russia Science Foundation等基金会项目评审专家。
为以下期刊不定期审稿:管理世界(中文)、管理学报(中文)、管理科学学报(中文)、营销科学学报(中文)、Journal of Management Studies、Journal of Psychology、Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Science、Journal of Personnel Psychology、Journal of Business Ethics、Psychological Reports。
Zhang, Xin-an, Li, N., Ullrich, J., van Dick, R. (in press) Getting everyone on board: The effect of CEO differentiated transformational leadership on top management team effectiveness and subsidiary firm performance, Journal of Management.
Chiaburu, D., Li, N., Stoverink, A., Xin-an Zhang (in press) Extraverts engage in more interpersonal citizenship when motivated to impression manage: Getting along to get ahead?, Journal of Management.
Huang, J., Chiaburu, D., Xin-an Zhang, Li, N., Grandey, A. (in press) A within-individual investigation of emotional labor: Consequences and moderators, Journal of Applied Psychology.
Li, N., Zhao, H., Walter, S., Xin-an Zhang, & Yu, J. (in press) Achieving more with less: Extra milers' behavioral influences in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Li, J, Xin-an Zhang, Sun, G. (in press) . Effects of face consciousness on status consumption among Chinese consumers: Perceived social value as a mediator, Psychological Reports.
Zhang, Xin-an, Li, N., Harris, B. (2015) Putting non-work ties to work: The case of guanxi in supervisor-subordinate relationships, Leadership Quarterly, 26(1): 37-54.
Harris, T., Li, N., Boswell, W., Xin-an Zhang, Xie, Z. (2014) Getting what's new from newcomers: Empowering leadership, creativity, and adjustment in the socialization context, Personnel Psychology, 67(3): 567–604.
Schuh, S., Xin-an Zhang *, Tian, P. (2013) For the good or the bad? Interactive effects of transformational leadership with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(3): 629-640.
张新安 (2012) 中国人的面子观与炫耀性奢侈品消费行为, 营销科学学报, 8(1): 75-93.
Schuh, S., Xin-an Zhang, Egold, N., Graf, M., van Dick, R. (2012) Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behaviour and implications for follower OCB, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85(2): 421-432.
Zhang, Xin-an, Cao, Q., Tjosvold, D. (2011) Linking transformational leadership and team performance: A conflict management approach, Journal of Management Studies, 48(7): 1586-1611.
Zhang, Xin-an, Tian, P., Grigoriou, N. (2011) Get face but lose happiness? Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14(2):112-125.
Zhang, Xin-an, Cao, Q., Grigoriou, N. (2011) Consciousness of social face: The development and validation of a scale measuring desire to gain face versus fear of losing face. Journal of Social Psychology, 151(2): 129-149.
Zhang, Xin-an, Cao, Q. (2010) For whom can money buy SWB? The role of face consciousness. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(3):322-346.
张新安, 厉杰, 马源 (2010) 消费者的面子观对身份消费行为的影响:人际影响敏感度的中介作用, 营销科学学报, 4, 14-28.
张新安 (2010) 中国消费者的顾客价值感知机制, 管理世界, 1, 107-121.
张新安, 何惠, 顾锋 (2009). 家长式领导对于团队绩效的影响:冲突管理方式的中介作用, 管理世界, 3: 115-133
Zhang, Xin-an, Grigoriou, N., Li, L. (2008). The myth of China as a single market: The influence of personal value differences on consumer buying decisions. International Journal of Market Research, 50(3):377-402
张新安, 田澎 (2007). 顾客满意与顾客忠诚之间关系的实证研究, 管理科学学报, 10(4):62-72
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