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香港科技大学 博士
上海交通大学 硕士
华中理工大学 学士
学术期刊编委:Production and Operations Management (POMS), Senior Editor (Service Operations Management), 2011--
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China (Springer), Associate Editor, 2012--
Journal of Management Analytics (Taylor and Francis), Associate Editor, 2012--《系统管理学报》编委,2009--
审稿 Ad Hoc review for:Operatoins ResearchManagement Science
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
IIE Transactions
Naval Research Logistics
European Journal of Operational Research
Journal of Scheduling
Decision Support Systems
Computers and Operations Research
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Omega: The International Journal of Management Science
International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of Production Research
IEEE Trnsactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part A)等
在Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research等国际学术刊物发表多篇SCI/SSCI论文,近五年主要论文:
Resource-constrained machine scheduling with machine eligibility restriction and its applications to surgical operations scheduling. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2015, accepted. (with S. Wang and H. Su)
Semi-online scheduling with combined information on two identical machines in parallel. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014, To appear. (with Q. Cao)
A note on appointment scheduling with piecewise linear cost functions. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2014, 39(4): 1244-1251. (with D. Ge, Z. Wang and J. Zhang)
Several semi-online scheduling problems on two identical machines with combined information. Theoretical Computer Science, 2012, 457: 35-44. (with Q. Cao et al.)
The effect of financing on a budget-constrained supply chain under wholesale price contract. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 28(4): 457-485. (with X. Chen)
A cluster-based context-tree model for multivariate data streams with applications to anomaly detection. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2011, 23(3): 364-376. (with P. Brice and W. Jiang)
Order selection and production scheduling under MTO strategy. International Journal of Production Research, 2011, 49(13): 4085-4101. (with S. Huang and M. Lu)
Including subjective norm and technology trust in the technology acceptance model: A case of E-ticketing in China. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 2010, 41(4): 40-51. (with C. B. Lee)
Scheduling two agents with controllable processing times. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 205(3): 528-539. (with S. R. Vakati, J. Y.-T. Leung and M. Pinedo)Competitive two-agent scheduling and its applications. Operations Research, 2010, 58(2): 458-469. (with J. Y.-T. Leung and M. Pinedo)
Scheduling with variable time slot costs. Naval Research Logistics, 2010, 57(2): 159-171. (with X. Qi)Single machine scheduling to minimize total weighted earliness subject to minimum number tardy. European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 195 (1): 89-97. (with B. P.-C. Yen)
Operations Research (运筹学) (at both Undergraduate and Master Levels)
Deterministic Models in Operations Research (MSc/PhD)
Stochatic Models in Operations Research (MSc/PhD)
Business Research Methods (MSc/PhD)
Designing and Managing Supply Chains (供应链设计与管理) (MBA)
Management of IT (信息技术的管理) (IMBA)
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