华南理工大学理学院(物理) 导师介绍:朱瑞
姓名:朱瑞 性别:女 职称:副教授 学院:理学院(物理) 研究方向:量子输运 导师简
姓名:朱瑞 性别:女
职称:副教授 学院:理学院(物理)
[1] Zhu R (朱瑞), Zhang X K, and Chen X W, Multiharmonic fields driven adiabatic
quantum pumps in nanowire structures. Eur. Phys. J. B, 2011, 82:329.
[2] Zhu R (朱瑞), A scattering matrix approach to quantum pumping: beyond the
small-AC-driving-amplitude limit. Chin. Phys. B 2010, 19:127201.
[3] Zhu R (朱瑞), Chen H, Quantum pumping with adiabatically modulated barriers
in graphene. Appl Phys Lett, 2009, 95:122111.
[4] Zhu R (朱瑞), Berakdar J, Spin-dependent pump current and noise in an
adiabatic quantum pump based on domain walls in a magnetic nanowire. Phys Rev B,
2010, 81:014403.
[5] Zhu R (朱瑞), Guo Y. Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling effect on the shot noise
in resonant double-barrier structures. Appl Phys Lett, 2007, 90:232104.
[6] Zhu R ( 朱瑞), Guo Y. Shot noise in the graphene-based double-barrier
structures. Appl Phys Lett, 2007, 91:252113.
[7] Zhu R (朱瑞), Guo Y. Current shot noise characteristics in resonant tunneling
step-barrier structures. J Appl Phys, 2007, 102:083706.
[8] Zhu R (朱瑞), Guo Y. Spin-dependent shot noise in a two-dimensional electron
gas modulated by magnetic barriers and Rashba spin-orbit coupling. J Appl Phys, 2008,
[9] Zhu R (朱瑞), A theoretic approach to SU(4) Kondo effect in carbon nanotube
quantum dots. Chin Phys Lett, 2006, 23: 1578-1580.
[10] Zhu R ( 朱瑞), Superfluid-Mott-insulator phase transition and collective fluctuations in both phases of Bonsons in an optical lattice. Chin Phys Lett, 2007,
[11] Zhu R (朱瑞),Pumped shot noise in adiabatically modulated graphene-based double-barrier structures. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2011, 23:455302.
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