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  1.国家“十一五”863计划重大项目,“排放源清单的不确定性技术开发与示范”专题负责人,研究经费40.7万元, 2006.10~2010.12
  5.深圳市环境人居委资助项目,“2011年深圳大运会空气质量保障研究”之“大气污染源清单开发及评估研究” 课题负责人,合同经费50万,2010.4~2010.12
  1.Zheng J. Y., Shao M., Che W.W., et al., 2009. Speciated VOC Emission Inventory and Spatial Patterns of Ozone Formation Potential in the Pearl River Delta, China [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 8580-8586.
  2.Wang S.S., Zheng J.Y., et al., 2011. Development of an emission processing system for the Pearl River Delta Regional air quality modeling using the SMOKE model: Methodology and evaluation [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 45(29): 5079-5089
  3.He M., Zheng J.Y., Yin S.S., et al., 2011. Trend, Temporal and Spatial Characteristics, and Uncertainty in Biomass Burning Emissions in the Pearl River Delta region, China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 45(24): 4051-4059.
  4.Che W. W., Zheng J.Y., Wang S. S., et al, 2011. Assessment of Motor Vehicle Emission Control Policies Using Model-3/CMAQ Model for the Pearl River Delta region, China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 45(9): 1740-1751.
  5.Zheng J. Y., Zheng Z.Y., Yu Y.F., Zhong L.J., 2010. Temporal, Spatial Characteristics and Uncertainty of Biogenic VOC Emissions in the Pearl River Delta region, China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 44: 1960-1969.
  6.Zheng J. Y., Zhong L.J., Wang T., Louie P.K.K., et al., 2010. Ground-level Ozone in the Pearl River Delta region: Analysis of Data from a Recently Established Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 44:814-823.
  7.Zheng J.Y., Zhang L.J., Che W.W., et al., 2009. A Highly Resolved Temporal and Spatial Air Pollutant Emission Inventory for the Pearl River Delta Region, China and its Uncertainty Assessment [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 43(32): 5112-5122.
  8.Zheng J.Y., Che W.W., et al., 2009. Road Network-based Spatial Allocation of On-road Mobile Source Emissions in the Pearl River Delta Region, China and Comparisons with Population-based Approach [J]. J. of Air & Waste Manage. Association, 59(12):1405-1416.
  9.Zheng J.Y., Swall J., Cox B., et al., 2007. Inter-annual Variability and Meteorologically Adjusted Ozone Trend in the Eastern U.S., a Comparison of Two Approaches [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 41(4): 705-716.
  10.Zheng J.Y., Frey H.C., 2007. Treatment of Censored Data and Dependency among Sampling Distributions in Probabilistic Human Health Exposure Assessment [M]. Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, September 25-26th , Shanghai, China (ISTP Indexed).
  11.Mokhtari A., Frey H.C., Zheng J.Y., 2006. Evaluation recommendation and of Sensitivity Analysis Methods Applied to EPA/SHEDS (Stochastic Human Exposure Dose Simulation) Models [J]. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 16(6):491-506.
  12.Zheng J.Y., Frey H.C., 2005. Quantitative Analysis of Variability and Uncertainty with Known Measurement Error: Methodology and Case Study[J]. Risk Analysis, 25(3):663-675.






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