姓名:苏峰华 性别:男 出生年月:1980年 职称:副研究员 学院:机械与汽车工程学院 最后学历:博
1)Feng-hua Su*, Ping Huang.Microstructure and tribological property of nanocrystalline Co–W alloy coating produced by dual-pulse electrodeposition.Materials Chemistry and Physics 134 (2012) 350– 359
2)Feng-hua Su∗, Can-sen Liu, Ping Huang. Effect of complexing agents and pH on microstructure and tribological properties.Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 6550– 6557
3)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Supercritical carbon dioxide-assisted reactive extrusion for preparation long-chain branching polypropylene and its rheology. the Journal of Supercritical Fluid 56 (2011) 114-120
4)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu. Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Nomex fabric composites filled with Polyfluo 150 wax and Nano-SiO2. Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007): 102-110
5)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Fang Guo, Xue-hu Men, Wei-min Liu. Friction and wear properties of fabric/phenolic with plasma treated hybrid glass/PTFE fabric. Composite Science and Technology 67 (2007): 981-988
6)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang, Yang Zhao. Microstructure and mechanical properties of polypropylene /poly (ethylene-co-octene copolymer) /clay ternary nanocomposites prepared by melt blending using supercritical carbon dioxide as a processing aid. Composites Part B 42 (2011) 421-428
7)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu. Tribological behavior of hybrid glass/PTFE fabric composites with phenolic resin binder and nano-TiO2 filler. Wear, 264 (2008): 562-570
8)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu: Friction and wear behavior of hybrid glass/PTFE fabric composites reinforced with surface modified nano-ZnO. Wear, 265 (2008): 311-318
9)Feng-hua Su*, Jia-hua Yang, Han-xiong Huang. Structure and melt rheology of long-chain branching polypropylene/clay nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 119 (2011)1230-12139
10)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Rheology and melt strength of long chain branching polypropylene prepared by reactive extrusion with various peroxides. Polymer Engineering and Science 50 (2010) : 342-351
11)Feng-hua Su*, Zhao-zhu Zhang. Friction and wear behavior of glass fabric/phenolic resin with surface modified-glass fabric. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (2009): 594-601
12)Feng-Hua Su, Zhao-Zhu Zhang, Kun Wang, Wei Jiang, Xue-Hu Men, Wei-Min Liu. Friction and wear properties of carbon fabric composites filled with nano-Al2O3 and nano-Si3N4. Composites Part A 37 (2006): 1351-1357
13)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Fang Guo, Hao-jie Song, Wei-min Liu. Tribological properties of the composites made of pure and plasma treated-Nomex fabrics. Wear 261 (2006): 293-300
1)苏峰华,黄平,刘灿森,姚创海。一种钴-钨纳米合金镀层及其制备方法.发明专利,公开号 CN102337569 A
2)苏峰华,姚创海,黄平。一种聚酰亚胺基自润滑耐磨涂层材料及其制备方法。发明专利,公开号 CN102286248 A
3)苏峰华,邹余敏,宋怡静,黄汉雄。一种聚丙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料及其制备方法。发明专利,公开号 CN101880421 A
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