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  姓名:叶建山   性别:男  职称:教授  
  学院:化学与化工学院   最后学历:博士


  华东师范大学化学系学士,硕士(1990,1993年)。香港科技大学化学系博士(1999年),香港大学医学院博士后( Postdoc Fellow, 2000年-2001年)。新加坡国立大学生物科学系研究员(Research Fellow, 2001年-2006年)。华南理工大学化学科学学院教授(2006年)。
  1. 纳米电化学
  该方向主要是合成,表征,研究功能化纳米材料和纳米膜 (如碳纳米管,纳米颗粒等)在电化学上的应用。另外,我们还研究自组装生物膜的电子转移。
  We synthesize, characterize, and explore functional nanomaterials and their films such as carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles for electrochemical study; We also study the electron transfer across self-assembled biomembrames.
  2. 传感器及生物传感器
  We develop electrochemically-based and optically-based nanoprobes and nanosensors for the molecule-specific detection at cellular and tissue levels, and for biomedical/clinical applications。
  3. 电化学分析仪器
  We design portable potentiostats in couple with nanoparticle-based sensor for enviromental analysis;
  [1] J. S. Ye, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, H. F. Cui, G. Q. Xu, and F. S. Sheu, Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 3994-4001.
  [2] J. S. Ye, H. F. Cui, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, G. Q. Xu and F. S. Sheu, Microchim Acta 152 (2006) 267-275.
  [3] J. S. Ye, and F. S. Sheu, Current Nanoscience 2 (2006) 319-327 (Invited review).
  [4] J. S. Ye, H. F. Cui, X. Liu, T. M. Lim, W. D. Zhang, F. S. Sheu, Small 1 (2005) 560-565.
  [5] J. S. Ye, X. Liu, H. F. Cui, W. D. Zhang, F. S. Sheu and T. M. Lim, Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005) 249-255.
  [6] J. S. Ye, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, H. F. Cui, G. Q. Xu, F. S. Sheu, Electroanalysis 17 (2005) 89-96.
  [7] J. S. Ye, H. F. Cui, W. D. Zhang, A. L. Ottova, H. T. Tien, F. S. Sheu, Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005) 81-86.
  [8] J. S. Ye, X. J. Zheng, K. W. Leung, H. M. Chen, F. S. Sheu, J. Biochem. 136 (2004) 255-259.
  [9] J. S. Ye, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, L. M. Gan, G. Q. Xu, F. S. Sheu, Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 66-70.
  [10] J. S. Ye, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, L. M. Gan, G. Q. Xu, F. S. Sheu, J. Electroanal. Chem. 562 (2004) 241-246.
  [11] J. S. Ye, Y. Wen, W. D. Zhang, L. M. Gan, G. Q. Xu, F. S. Sheu, Electroanalysis 15 (2003) 1693-1698.
  [12] J. S. Ye, A. L. Ottova, H. T. Tien, F. S. Sheu, Bioelectrochemistry 59 (2003) 65-72.
  [13] J. S. Ye, G. L. Tipoe, P. C. W. Fung, and M. L. Fung, European J. Physiology, 444 (2002) 178-185.
  [14] J. S. Ye, A. L. Ottova, H. T. Tien, and F. S. Sheu, Electrochem. Commun., 3 (2001) 580-584.
  Book Chapters (出版的书籍)
  [1.] Jian-Shan Ye, Hui Fang Cui, Angelica Ottova and H. Ti Tien, Interfaces, Bifaces and Nanotechnology (volume 2), in Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Elsevier (2006).
  [2.] Hui Fang Cui, Jian-Shan Ye, Angelica Ottova and H. Ti Tien, Lipid Microvesicles: On the Four Decades of Liposome Research (Volume 4), in Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Elsevier (2006).
  [3.] Ye, J.-S, and Sheu, F.-S. (2006) Carbon nanotube based sensor. Vol.7 (Nanomaterials for Biosensors) of the book series on "Nanotechnologies for Life Sciences" Wiley-VCH. (Invited book chapter).
  U. S. A. Patents (美国专利)
  [1.] Y. Chen, J. S Ye, F. S. Sheu, H. F Cui, S. C Chong, Sensor array integrated electrochemical chip, method of forming same, and electrode coating (2003) 93231-11.
  [2.] F. S. Sheu, J. S Ye, Detection of Biological Molecules (2005) US10/984,890.
  [3.] A. C. Lee, J. S. Ye, C. K. Heng, T. M. Lim, Bio-conjugated Carbon Nanotubes based Labels (2005) approved.








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