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  [23] 徐智广,邹定辉,张鑫,刘树霞,高坤山. 2007. 光照和不同形态氮营养盐供应对坛紫菜硝酸还原酶活性的影响. 水产学报. 31: 90-96.
  [24] 张鑫, 邹定辉, 徐智广, 刘树霞. 2007. 大气CO2浓度升高和氮加富对羊牺菜生理生化特征的影响. 南方水产. 3(3): 35-40.
  [25] 刘树霞,邹定辉,徐军田. 2007. 大型海藻的组织培养及其应用. 植物生理学通讯. 43(3): 605-611.
  [26] Zou DH, Gao KS and Ruan ZX. 2006. Seasonal pattern of reproduction of Hizikia fusiforme (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) from Nanao Island, Shantou, China. Journal of Applied Phycology. 18: 195-201【SCI】
  [27] 夏建荣,邹定辉. 2006. 利用OJIP叶绿素a荧光评估干出对石莼(Ulva lactuca)光系统II 的影响. 26(4): 50-55.
  [28] Zou DH. 2005. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in the economic brown seaweed, Hizikia fusiforme (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta). Aquaculture. 250: 726-735.【SCI】
  [29] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2005. Regulation of gamete release in the economic brown seaweed Hizikia fusiforme (Phaeophyta). Biotechnology Letters. 27: 915-918. 【SCI】【EI】
  [30] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2005. Photosynthetic characteristics of the economic brown seaweed Hizikia fusiforme (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta), with special reference to its “leaf” and receptacle. Journal of Applied Phycology. 17: 255-259. 【SCI】
  [31] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2005. Ecophysiological characteristics of four intertidal marine macroalgae during emersion along Shantou Coast of China, with a special reference to the relationship of photosynthesis and CO2. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 24(3): 105-113.【SCI】
  [32] Zou DH, Xia JR and Yang YF. 2004. Photosynthetic use of exogenous inorganic carbon in the agarphyte Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Aquaculture. 237:421-431【SCI】
  [33] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2004. Comparative mechanisms of photosynthetic carbon acquisition in Hizikia fusiforme under submersed and emersed conditions. Acta Botanica Sinica. 46(10): 1178-1185. 【SCI】
  [34] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2004. Exogenous carbon acquisition of photosynthesis in Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) under emersed state. Progress in Natural Science. 14(2): 34-40.【SCI】【EI】
  [35] 邹定辉,夏建荣.2004. 海藻有性繁殖生态学研究进展. 生态学报. 24(12): 2870-2877.
  [36] Xia JR, Li YJ and Zou DH. 2004. Effects of salinity stress on PSII in Ulva lactuca as probed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Aquatic Botany. 80(2): 129-137. 【SCI】
  [37] Zou DH, Gao KS and Xia JR. 2003. Photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon in the economic brown alga, Hizikia fusiforme (Sargassaceae) from the South China Sea. Journal of Phycology. 36(6): 1095-1100.【SCI】
  [38] 邹定辉,杨宇峰,夏建荣. 2003. 藻类Rubisco的研究进展. 生命科学研究. 7(4): 15-19.
  [39] 邹定辉,高坤山. 2003. 低潮过程状态下潮间带海藻的某些光合生理特性. 植物生理学通讯. 39(5): 525-530.
  [40] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2003. Photosynthetic responses to light and temperature in Ulva lactuca under aquatic and aerial states. Chinese Bulletin of   Botany. 20(6): 713-722.
  [41] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2002 Effects of desiccation and CO2 concentrations on emersed photosynthesis in Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), a species farmed in China. European Journal of Phycology. 37:587-592.【SCI】
  [42] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2002. Photosynthetic bicarbonate utilization in Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Chinese Science Bulletin. 47    (19): 1629-1633.【SCI】
  [43] Zou DH and Gao KS. 2002. Photosynthetic responses to inorganic carbon in Ulva lactuca under aquatic and aerial states. Acta Botanica Sinica. 44 (11): 1291-1296. 【SCI】
  [44] 邹定辉,高坤山. 2002. 坛紫菜光合作用对重碳酸盐的利用. 科学通报. 47(12): 926-930.
  [45] 邹定辉,高坤山. 2002. 高CO2浓度对大型海藻光合作用及有关过程的影响.生态学报. 22(10): 175-1757.
  [46] Gao KS and Zou DH. 2001. Photosynthetic bicarbonate utilization by a terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme (Cyanophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 37: 768-771.【SCI】
  [47] 邹定辉,高坤山. 2001. 大型海藻类光合无机碳利用研究进展.海洋通报.20 (5): 83-90.







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