“竞争会加剧公司隐瞒利润吗?-来自中国企业的证据”,(与蔡洪滨和肖耿合作) 2006, 经济学报, 2:15-45.
“中国上市公司治理结构的实证研究”。 经济研究, 2005年第2期,81-91页。(与白重恩,陆洲,宋敏和张俊喜合作)。
“市场非有效性与行为金融” 2002年,见田国强主编《现代经济学与金融学前沿发展》商务印书馆。
“市场是有效的吗?” 读书, 2001年第11期。
"Two Accrual Anomalies" (with Qiang Kang and Rong Qi), Revise and resubmit at Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013.
“The real effect of S&P 500 additions: evidence from corporate investment” (with Yong Wei and Qiang Kang), October 2013.
“The evolution and consequence of Chinese pyramids” (with Ying Zheng and Yuande Zhu), December 2010.
“How do regulations affect corporate investment? evidence from state anti-takeover laws” (with Qiang Kang), June 2010.
“Two Accrual Anomalies” (with Qiang Kang and Rong Qi), August 2009.
“Credit rating changes and CEO incentives” (with Qiang Kang), 2009, working paper. Submitted.
“The value of corporate control: propping and tunneling evidence from China" (with Chong-En Bai, Frank Song), 2009. Submitted.
“Information production, cash flow, and corporate investment” (with Rong Qi). This version: July 2007. Under review. This paper has been presented at the 2003 American Finance Association annual meeting in Washington DC.
1. 公司金融
2. 亚洲金融市场
3. 公司金融案例分析
4. 国际金融
5. 收购与兼并
6. 高级金融管理
7. 公司财务理论与实证分析
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