“Finance in Asia: institutions, regulation, and policy” (joint with Douglas Arner and Paul Lejot), London – New York: Routledge. March 2013.
"Finance in Asia: A Critical Concept" (co-edit with Paul Lejot and Douglas Arner), Routledge, October 2013.
“Asia’s debt capital markets: prospects and strategies for development” (co-edit with Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner, and Jae-Ha Park), New York: Springer 2006.
"Sovereign funds,” The Encyclopedia of Financial Globalization, Elsevier, 2012.
"Capitalizing China: Comment on “Assessing China’s Top-Down Securities Markets”, 2012, NBER book edited by Joseph Fan and Randall Morck“
"Intellectual capital and financing decisions: evidence from the U.S. Patent data” (with Keith K.P. Wong), 2011, Management Science.
“Institutions and corporate investment: evidence from an investment-implied return on capital in China” (with Alan Siu), 2011, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. This paper has been quoted and discussed by the atricles "Bamboo Capitalism" and "Let Millions Flowers Bloom" in The Economist.
“Predict stock market returns with aggregate discretionary accruals” (with Qiang Kang and Rong Qi), Journal of Accounting Research, 2010, 48(4), 815-858. Featured and summarized in The CFA Digest, 2010, Vol. 40, No. 4 (by Georgeann Portokalis).
“Information-based stock trading, executive incentives, and the principal-agent problem” (with Qiang Kang), Management Science, 2010, 56(4), 682-698.
“The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and corporate investment: a structural assessment” (with Qiang Kang and Rong Qi), Journal of Financial Economics, 2010, 96 (2), 291-305.
“Competition and corporate tax avoidance: evidence from Chinese industrial firms” (with Hongbin Cai), The Economic Journal, 2009, 119 (April), 764-795.
“Market timing strategy with aggregate accruals” (joint with Qiang Kang and Rong Qi). Journal of Asset Management, 2009, 10 (3), 170-180. Featured and summarized in The CFA Digest, 2010, Vol. 40, No. 1: 118-120 (by Victoria Rati).
“Stock market information production and executive incentives” (joint with Qiang Kang), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008. 14, 484-498.
“Stock trading and diversification discount” (with Rong Qi), Economics Letters, 2008, 98(1): 35 – 40.
“Corporate governance and earnings management in China: a tunneling perspective,” (with Joe Lu), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2007, 13: 881 – 906。
“Do we accept accruals profits at our peril?” (with Rong Qi) 2006, Financial Analysts Journal, Volume 62 (4): 62-75.
“How good is good news? Technology depth, book-to-market ratio, and innovative events,” 2006, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Vol. 21(3), 293-321.
“Missing links: regional reforms for Asian debt capital markets” (with Paul Lejot and Douglas Arner), Asia Pacific Business Review, 2006, 12(3):309-332.
“High stakes in high technology: high-tech market values as options” (with Michael R. Darby and Lynne Zucker), Economic Inquiry, lead article, 2004, Vol. 42(3): 351-369.
“Corporate governance in China: current practices, economic effects, and institutional determinants,” CESifo Economic Studies, 2006, 52(2), 415-453.
“Corporate Governance and Firm valuations in China” (with Chong-En Bai, Joe Lu, Frank Song, Junxi Zhang), 2004, Journal of Comparative Economics, lead article, 32(4):599-616. A condensed and non-academic version was published at Beyond Transition: The Newsletter about Reforming Economies, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2004, a quarterly publication by World Bank.
“The parent companies puzzle? when is the whole worth less than one of the parts?” (with Bradford Cornell), Journal of Corporate Finance, lead article, 2001, 341-366. Featured and summarized in The CFA Digest, 2002, Vol. 32, No. 2: 22-23.
“Asia's debt capital markets – Contemporary markets for Asian debt capital market instruments” (with Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner), in “Asia’s debt capital markets: prospects and strategies for development” (co-ed by Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner, Qiao Liu, and Jae-Ha Park), Springer 2006.
“Making Markets: Policy concerns and the value of regional markets” (with Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner) in “Asia’s debt capital markets: prospects and strategies for development” (co-ed by Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner, Qiao Liu, and Jae-Ha Park), Springer 2006.
“Asia's debt capital markets – Introduction” (with Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner, and Jae-Ha Park), in “Asia’s debt capital markets: prospects and strategies for development” (co-ed by Paul Lejot, Douglas Arner, Qiao Liu, and Jae-Ha Park), Springer 2006.
“Property rights, collateral and credit rights in east Asia” (with Douglas Arner, Charles Booth, Berry Hsu, Paul Lejot, and Frederik Pretorius), in "East Asian Finance: the road to robust markets" (edited by Swati R. Ghosh). Washington DC: World Bank. 2006.
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