1. Heping He (2011). Selection of error probability laws by generalized modified profile likelihood. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141(3), 1208-1213.
2. Heping He (2011). Analysis of time series with multiple shifts of levels and volatilities. Statistica Sinica 21 (2011), 1665-1686.
3. Heping He and Thomas Severini (2010). Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators in models with multiple change points. Bernoulli 16(3), 759-779.
4. Heping He (2009). A note on time-ordered classification. Biometrika 96, 248.
5. Heping He and Thomas Severini (2007). Higher-order asymptotic normality of approximations to the modified signed likelihood ratio statistic for regular models. The Annals of Statistics 35, 2054-2074.
1. University of York, UK, September 2011 - December 2012.
Fall 2012, Bayesian Statistics.
Spring 2012, Multivariate Analysis.
Spring 2012, Bayesian Statistics.
2. The University of Kansas, August 2008 - August 2011.
Fall 2008, Math 611 - Time Series Analysis.
Spring 2009, Math 526 - Applied Mathematical Statistics.
Fall 2009, Math 627 - Probability.
Winter 2009, Graduate Course - Likelihood Methods in Statistics (at Hunan University).
Spring 2010, Math 628 - Mathematical Theory of Statistics.
Summer 2010, Graduate Course - Bayesian Analysis (at Hunan University).
Fall 2010, Math 727 - Probability Theory.
Spring 2011, Math 526 - Applied Mathematical Statistics.
Spring 2011, Math 611 - Time Series Analysis.
3. 曾在University of Kansas 和 University of York 帮助培养了数名硕士和博士
1.在University of Kansas 和University of York 从事过一些系里的管理和招生工作
Journal of American Statistical Association
The Annals of Statistics
Journal of Royal Statistical Society B
Statistica Sinica
Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Science in China
Acta Mathematica Scientia
Journal of Applied Mathematics (Chinese)
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Chinese)
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