研招网 > 黑龙江研招网 > 哈尔滨工业大学 > 导师介绍


  1.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Chengwei Hua, Kai Sun, Lili Zhang. Extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke and their effects on textural and sensorial characteristics of yogurt. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2010(3): 315-319(SCI, IF=3.576)
  2.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Yanfeng Tuo, Xue Han, Ming Du. A novel method for rapid detection of class IIa bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria. Food Control, 2010(21): 426-430(SCI, IF=2.812)
  3.Huaxi Yi, Shanbai Xiong, Ming Du, Lanwei Zhang. Purification and partial characterization of β-glucanase produced by Trichoderma viride TP09 isolated from sewage of beer-making. European Food Research and Technology, 2008(227):821-826(SCI, IF=1.585)
  4.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Yanfeng Tuo,Xue Han, Ming Du. Screening of class IIa Bacteriocin-producing Lactic acid bacteria from chinese traditional fermented food by PCR based method. Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 2009(55):172(SCI, IF=2.173)
  5.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Ming Du, Xue Han. Extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke and their effects on partial textural. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2009(55):590(SCI,IF=2.173)
  6.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, Ming Du, Yingchun Zhang, Jingyan Li, Yanwen Hou. Isolation and applied potential of lactic acid bacteria from Chinese traditional fermented food in specific ecological localities. Food Science and Biotechnology,2011(6):1685-1690(SCI, IF=0.505)
  7.Chengwei Hua, Huaxi Yi, Lingxia Jiao. Cloning and Expression of the Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase Gene from Paecilomyces sp. FLH30 and Characterization of the Recombinant Enzyme. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2011,75(9): 1-6(SCI, IF=1.259)
  8.Du Ming, Xu Weili, Yi Huaxi, Han Xue, Zhang Lanwei. Protective effects of bovine colostrum acid proteins on bone loss of ovariectomized rats and the ingredients identification.Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.2010,54:1-9(SCI, IF=4.713)
  9.Chunli Ma, Lanwei Zhang, Huaxi Yi . Technological characterization of lactococci isolated from traditional Chinese fermented milks. Journal of Dairy Science, 2011,94(4): 1691-1696(SCI, IF=2.497)
  10.Yanfeng Tuo, Lanwei Zhang, Huaxi Yi, Yingchun Zhang, Weiqing Zhang, Xue Han, Ming Du. Antiproliferative effect of wild Lactobaillus strains isolated from fermented foods on HT-29 cells. Journal of Dairy Science. 2010,93(6):2362-2366(SCI, IF=2.497)
  11.Ming Du, Lanwei Zhang, Huaxi Yi. Beneficial effects of bovine colostrum acid protein on bone properties of ovariectomized rats. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism,2009, 55: 548(SCI,IF=2.173)
  12.Yuehua Jiao, Lanwei Zhang, Huaxi Yi. Cholesterol removing ability and bile tolerance of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented yak milk. Journal of Dairy Science.2009, 92(SCI, IF=2.497)
  14.韩雪,易华西,张兰威。几种天然提取物对两株双歧杆菌增殖作用. 食品科技, 2010(3)
  15.易华西,张兰威.干酪微生态系统的挖掘研究进展.食品科技, 2009,(12).
  16.易华西,张兰威. 本科生创新能力培养的研究与实践.中国校外教育,2009,(6)
  17.易华西,杜明, 张兰威.脱色处理对菊芋中菊糖提取精制的影响. 食品科技,2008(11)
  18.易华西,张兰威. 源于木霉TP-24的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶提取纯化. 食品科技,2008,(7).
  21.易华西,王专,张兰威. 浅谈甜菜的开发与应用. 中国甜菜糖业,2007,(1)
  23.王专,易华西,吴永英. 乳酪蛋白源生物活性肽的研究进展. 生物信息学,2006,(2).
  24.易华西,王专,徐德昌. 细菌生物被膜与食品生物危害. 生物信息学,2005,(4).
  25.易华西,徐德昌. β-葡聚糖酶的应用及研究现状. 中外食品,2005,(5).

  1.参编“十一五”国家规划教材《发酵食品工艺学》. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2011,6
  2.参编中国科学技术协会2006-2007度食品科学技术学科发展报告. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2007,3







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