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哈工大土木工程学院导师介绍:韩 雪

  1.Xue Han, Lanwei Zhang et al. Effects of copper on the post acidification of fermented milk by St. thermophilus. Journal of Food Science, doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02481.x (SCI, IF=1.73)2012.1
  2.Xue Han, Lanwei Zhang et al. Fast detection of bacillus spores in raw milk.. Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 2009(55):381(SCI, IF=2.173)
  3.Xue Han, LanWei Zhang, Chun-Mei Fu. Indirect detecting Bacillus spores in skim milk by ultraviolet photometric method. Chinese journal of analytical chemistry. 2007 (35): 1665-1668.
  4.Xue Han, Lanwei Zhang et al.Dipicolinic acid contents used for estimating the number of spores in raw milk. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING。Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 183:1467-1471 ( EI) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.183-185.1467
  5.Xue Han, Lanwei Zhang et al. Development of symbiotic low fat buffalo milk yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 2008 , ADSA (ISTP),USA
  6.Xue Han, Frank L.Lee, Lanwei Zhang, M.R.Guo. Chemical composition of water buffalo milk and its low fat symbiotic yogurt development. Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 2012, 4
  7.Chunfeng Guo, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, et al. A sensitive method for qualitative screening of bile salt hydrolase-active lactobacilli based on thin-layer chromatography. 2011.94(4):1732-1737(SCI, IF=2.497)
  8.Yanfeng Tuo, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, et al. In vitro assessment of immunomodulating activity of the two Lactobacillus strains isolated from traditional fermented milk. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 27:505–511(SCI, IF=1.082)
  9.Zheng Feng, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, et al. Codon optimization of the calf prochymosin gene and its expression in Kluyveromyces lactis. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2010, 26:895–901(SCI, IF=1.082)
  10.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, et al. Extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke and their effects on partial textural. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2009(55):590(SCI,IF=2.173)
  11.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han et al. Isolation and applied potential of lactic acid bacteria from Chinese traditional fermented food in specific ecological localities. Food Science and Biotechnology,2011(6):1685-1690(SCI, IF=0.505)
  12.Lili Zhang, Lanwei Zhang, Xue Han, et al. Enhancement of transglutaminase production in Streptomyces mobaraensis as achieved by treatment with excessive MgCl2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011(SCI, IF=3.28)
  13.Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang, Yanfeng Tuo, Xue Han, Ming Du. A novel method for rapid detection of class IIa bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria. Food Control, 2010(21): 426-430(SCI, IF=2.812)
  14.Du Ming, Xu Weili, Yi Huaxi, Han Xue, Zhang Lanwei. Protective effects of bovine colostrum acid proteins on bone loss of ovariectomized rats and the ingredients identification.Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.2010,54:1-9(SCI, IF=4.713) 
  15.Jingyan Li, Lanwei Zhang, Ming Du, Xue Han, et al. Effect of Tween Series on Growth and cis-9, trans-11 Conjugated Linoleic Acid Production of Lactobacillus acidophilus F0221 in the Presence of Bile Salts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2011(12): 9138-9154 (SCI, IF=2.497) 
  16.韩雪,张兰威等。弱后酸化酸奶发酵菌株的紫外诱变选育. 中国酿造,2011,1:127-129
  18.韩雪,易华西,张兰威。几种天然提取物对两株双歧杆菌增殖作用. 食品科技, 2010(3) 
  19.韩雪,张兰威等. 两株双歧杆菌耐氧驯化及生长特性研究. 食品科技,2010.35 (9): 37-40.
  20.韩雪,张兰威. 芽孢杆菌的检测方法. 食品科学2007.28(01): 347-350 
  21.韩雪,张兰威. 双歧杆菌增殖因子筛选及培养基的优化. 食品与生物技术学报, 2005.24(04):69-72 
  22.韩雪,张兰威.双歧杆菌的增殖与保藏技术研究进展 .中国乳品工业,2004,32(01):46-50 
  23.张兰威,陈一,韩雪,杜明,易华西. 双水相萃取法从风干肠中分离提取蛋白酶方法的研究. 分析化学2008.36(7):900-904(SCI, IF=0.79) 
  24.杨林,韩雪等。大米蛋白提取方式对幼鼠生长性能的影响. 粮食科技与经济2011.36(5)
  25.易华西, 韩雪, 杜明, 张兰威. Lactobacillus J23发酵合成抗菌肽Bac-J23培养条件的优化研究. 2012.3 
  27.李琦,张兰威,韩雪等。破壁方法对嗜热链球菌SP1.1胞内乳糖代谢关键酶活性的影响及其条件优化 。食品科学,2011,32(9):183-186

  1.参编“十一五”国家规划教材《发酵食品工艺学》. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2011,6
  2.参编专著《功能性食品学》. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2011.4
  3.参编国家级规划教材《畜产品加工学》. 北京:中国农业出版社,2011.3
  4.参编《乳与乳制品工艺学》. 北京:中国农业出版社
  5.参编《食品科学与工程英语》. 哈尔滨工程大学出版社






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