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  1. Hu G. 2012. “Black phantom –the François’ langur: its ecology and behaviour in southern China”. has been accepted for publication in mid 2012 by the Scientific Press of China.
  2. Hu G, Dong X, Groves C, Williams G, Cao Y, Su XW. 2012. Present status of Trachypithecus francoisi in China. Integrative Zoology. Vol 7: (SCI accepted)
  3. Han ZX, Hu G*, Wu SB, Cao CL, Dong X. 2012. A census and status review of François’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) in Chongqing, China. Oryx , Vol 46 (SCI accepted)
  4. Hu G, Han JL. 2012. Sleeping Behavior of François’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) at Mayanghe Nature Reserve in summer. Acta Theriologica Sinica. Vol 32 (accepted)
  Published (* Corresponding author):
  5. Zheng WC, Li DY, Chen LM, Hu G*, Chen WL, Hu J. 2012. Habitat choice of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys in winter at Tangjiahe. Sichuan Journal of Zoology. Vol 31:208-211.
  Hu G. 2011. “Dietary breadth and resource use of François’ langur in a seasonal and disturbed habitat. American Journal of Primatology”. Vol 73: 1176-1187
  6. Cai RF, Hu G*, Cao Y, Yang JL, Su XW, Chen B, Liu XG, Liu N. 2011. Nutritional contents of the major food in autumn and its influence on food choice of François’ langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve. Sichuan Journal of Zoology. Vol 30: 366-371
  7. Li DY, Ren BP, He XM, Hu G, Li BG, LI M. 2011. Diet of Rhinopithecus bieti at Xiangguqing in Baimaxueshan National Na- ture Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica. Vol 31: 338-346.
  8. Hu G*, Dong X, Luo HZ, Su XW, Li DY, Zhou CQ. 2011. Distribution and population dynamic of François’ langur over the past two decades in Guizhou, and the threats towards its survival. Acta Theriologica Sinica. Vol 31: 306-311.
  9. Hu G. 2010. Broad dietary repertoire of François’ Langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve, China, and implications for food choice and conservation. Primates Research Vol 26:85 - 87.
  10. Li W, Guo AW, Wang B, Wu AK, Liu N, & Hu G.* (2010). Nutritional contents of winter food and its influences on food choice of François’ langur at Mayanghe Natur Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica. Vol30: 151-156.
  11. Hu G. 2010. Disproportional vs proportional consumption: foraging patterns of Francois’ langur in high seasonal and disturbed habitat at Mayanghe Nature Reserve, and implicateons for food choice and conservation. In: Compilation of the 6th National Symposium of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation. Beijing, China. P: 73-74.
  12. Hu, G. 2009. Feeding flexibility of wild François’ langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve, and its implications for conservation. In: Compilation of the 5th National Symposium of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation. P: 109 - 110.
  13. Li, W., Guo, AW., Wang, B., Wu, AK., Liu, N., & Hu, G.*, (2010). “Nutritional contents of winter food and its influences on food choice of François’ langur at Mayanghe Natur Reserve”. 兽类学报. Vol30(2)
  14. Hu, G. (2009). “Present status of François’ langur over its region and its implication for conservation”. Asian Primates Journal (IUCN/SSC/PSG). Vol. 2(1) 18. Hu, G. (2009). “Surviving status and suffering threats of François’ langur within its broad region and corresponding suggestions for conservation”. In Compilation of the 23rd International Congress of Conservation Biology. Beijing, China. P88.
  15. Hu, G. (2009). “Feeding flexibility of wild François’ langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve, and its implications for conservation”. In: Compilation of the 5th National Symposium of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation. P: 109-110.
  16. Hu, G., Luo, H.Z., Wang, B. & Wu, A.K. (2007). Feeding flexibility of wild François’ langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve, China. In: Abstract in the 25th Annual Conference of the Australian Primate Society, Brisbane.
  17. Hu, G. (2006). François’ langur infant behavioral development and color change of natal pelage. In: Abstract in the 24th Annual Conference of the Australian Primate Society, Perth.
  18. Hu. G., Dong, X., Wei, Y., Zhu, Y., Duan, X.H. (2004). Evidence for a decline in population of the François’ langurs, Trachypithecus francoisi, in Fusui Nature Reserve, southwest Guangxi, China. Oryx Vol 38 (1): 48-54.
  19. Li. Z.Y., Liu, Z.M., Wei, Y., Rogers, E., Hu, G. (2003). Population status of white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in Guangxi, China. Tigerpaper Vol 30 (2): 21-29.
  20. Hu. G., & Wei. Y. (2002). Population decline and habitats destruction of François’ langur, in Fusui Naturel Reserve, Southwest Guangxi, China. In: Abstracts of the 19th Congress, the IPS, Beijing, China. Pp: 74-75.
  21. 胡刚, 杜勇 (2002). 云南省小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)资源分布及保护现状. 西北林学院学报.17 (3): 67-71.
  22. 胡刚, 韦毅, 李兆元 (1999). 广西岜盆自然保护区白头叶猴种群动态及濒危机制分析. 国土与自然资源. 82 (2): 63-66.
  23. 胡刚, 韦毅, 李兆元 (1998). 广西陇瑞白头叶猴种群调查及濒危机制分析. 广西师范大学学报. 16 (3): 71-75.
  24. 胡刚 (1998). 高黎贡山片马丫口小熊猫生境选择初步研究. 西南林学院学报. 18 (3): 184-188.
  25. 胡刚 (1998). 高黎贡山小熊猫生态对策的初步研究. 动物学研究. 19 (5): 358-366.
  26. 胡刚 (1998). 山蝠、绒山蝠和爪哇伏翼LDH同工酶比较研究. 四川师院学报. 19 (2):135-141.







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