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  刘瑞芳,女,1972年出生。副教授,硕士生导师,归属于网络搜索中心。分别于1994年与1997年获北京邮电大学计算机应用专业学士与硕士学位,2006年获北京邮电大学电路与系统专业博士学位。研究方向为网络性能统计推断,主要从事IP网络性能和网络应用等方面的研究和开发工作,参与多项科研项目,在国内外重要学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文多篇。联系电话:62282291 办公地点:教2-432 email: lrf@bupt.edu.cn
  Ruifang Liu, female, born in 1972, Associate professor/Master’s tutor, working in Network Searching Center. Received B.E. and M.E. degrees of Computer Engineering from BUPT in 1994 and 1997 respectively, received Ph.D. degree of Signal and System from BUPT in 2006. Main research fields: statistical inference of network performance and network information, participated in several research projects, published more than 20 research papers.
  Tel:************ email:lrf@bupt.edu.cn
  陈光,副教授,硕士生导师,男,1978年生,2000年于北京邮电大学获学士学位,2006年获北京邮电大学信号与信息处理专业博士学位,并加入北京邮电大学模式识别与智能系统实验室。主要从事模式识别、数字图像、数字视频处理和网络搜索方面的研究,作为主研人参与了国家自然科学基金并参与多项国家级项目。在核心期刊和重要国际会议发表论文多篇,出版教材1部。目前的研究项目主要是网络舆情分析和全网搜索、过滤相关项目。研究方向:网络搜索、信息检索及图像识别。 联系电话: 62283059-1009 电子邮件: chenguang@bupt.edu.cn
  GuangChen, male, 1978, Associate Professor, MA student adviser, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Laboratory. He received professional doctorate in Signal and Information Processing from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications at 2006, and then joined the Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Laboratory. His current main research include web search and graph and video processing.
  李小文,男,教授,兼职博士生导师,中科院院士,长江学者特聘教授。1985年在加里福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校获地理学硕士、博士以及电子与计算机工程硕士学位。专长于遥感基础理论研究,是李小文-Strahler几何光学学派的创始人,主持过多项攀登、863、重点基金、NASA基础研究项目,现在是973项目"地球表面时空多变要素的定量遥感理论及应用"的首席科学家。获国际"Rolex"雄才伟略奖、中国科学院自然科学一等奖、中国高校科学技术一等奖、长江学者成就奖一等奖及首都劳动奖章等,发表研究论著160余篇部,其中38篇研究论文被 SCI引用557次。
  LI Xiaowen, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, currently is a professor, PHD candidate supervisor, director of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System research center of Beijing Normal University, superintende of remote sensing department in Chinese Academy of Sciences of Beijing Normal University, Cheung Kong Scholars specially invited Professor. His research areas are mainly about the basic theoretical research of remote sensing. Dr. Li is the founder of Li Xiaowen-Strahler geometric optics school, and he is currently the chief scientist of 973 project "Quantitative remote sensing theory and application of the earth's surface changing elements of space-time ". Besides that, Dr. Li won the international "" Rolex "" Ambitious award, first prize of the Natural Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In additional, he published more than 160 articles and 38 of them were cited 557 times by SCI.
  程明虎,男,1962年出生,一级研究员,兼职博士生导师,中国气象科学研究院理事会理事,中国水利学会常务理事。1985年获中国科学院大气物理研究所硕士学位,1995年在英国Bristol大学任Research Associate,并获该大学博士学位。1995—1996年在英国里丁大学任Research Fellowship。该导师是我国科技部批准的重大基础理论研究项目“我国重大灾害性气候和天气机理和预测理论”的倡议人之一,现为该项目的首席科学家助理。曾负责筹建了中国气象科学研究院五大研究中心之一的灾害性天气研究中心。现领导一个有研究员、博士和研究生等10余人组成的遥感和遥感资料应用研究组,负责承担了11个研究项目。已完成学术论文和科技报告80余篇,专著一部。研究方向:雷达卫星气象学和雷达卫星遥感
  CHENG Minghu is a professor and PHD candidate supervisor. His research interests focus on radar satellite meteorology and radar satellitic remote sensing. Currently, He is a Fellow of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, a member of the council of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and the Water Conservancy Association, Chief Assistant Scientist in the major research project "Major disastrous climate, climate mechanism and weather prediction theory", the researcher in charge of the remote sensing and remote sensing material applications team. He has been in charge of 11 research projects and completed more than 80 papers and science and technology reports and one book.






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