无线通信教研中心 王文博导师组: 王文博,男,1965年生,教授,博士生导师。1992年在北京邮电大学获
Sun Shaofan, male, senior engineer in professor's level, is the part-time master supervisor of BUPT. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing.
孙震强,男,1964年生,博士,北京邮电大学客座教授、兼职硕士生导师。现任中国电信股份有限公司 北京研究院无线研究室主任,高级工程师,中国电信集团科技委委员会移动专业组成员。自2002年加入中国电信北京研究院以来,一直从事第三代移动通信系统(3G)方面的研究,先后参加和主持了多个科研项目。在日本筑波大学获得工学博士学位后,曾在香港城市大学电脑科学系担当研究员一年半,主要从事无线数据通信协议和差错控制等方面的研究。还在人民邮电出版社出版了两部著作并在国内外学术期刊上发表过50多篇论文。研究方向:移动通信与信号处理. 电子邮箱:sunzhq@ctbri.com.cn
Sun Zhenqiang, male, doctor degree, was born in 1964.He is a visiting professor and a part- time master supervisor at BUPT. He is also the director of Beijing Institute of Wireless Research in China Telecom CO. Ltd, senior engineer, a member of Mobile Professional Group Committee in CST at China Telecom Group. He has been engaged in the 3G research since he joined China Telecom Beijing Research Institute, and he has participated in and chaired a number of research projects. After graduating from University of Tsukuba, Japan ,with a doctor degree, he was being a researcher at the Department of Computer Science in CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG for one and a half year, whose main direction was wireless data communication protocols and error control studies. What's more, he has published two books in People's Posts & Telecom Press and published more than 50 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals. His research area is focus on mobile communication and signal processing. Email: sunzhq@ctbri.com.cn
Wu Guangying, female, senior engineer in professor's level, is the part-time master supervisor of BUPT. She is the director of technology department of China Telecom Beijing Research Institute. She has researched on IP data network planning and chaired the 3G network planning project. She also published many books and papers at academic journals. Email: wugy@ctbri.com.cn.
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