图像检索:图像处理、快速图像检索、图像噪声分析 图形处理:几何变形技术、可视化技术
电子信箱: yhb@isc.org.cn
办公电话: ************
(1)Han-Bing Yan, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph Martin,Yong-Liang Yang. Shape Deformation Using a Skeleton to Drive Simplex Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2008, Vol.14, No.3, 693-706.
(2)Ya-Shu Liu, Han-Bing Yan, Ralph R. Martin. As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Morphing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2011, 26(3): 548–557.
(3)Han-Bing Yan, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph Martin. 3D Morphing using strain field interpolation. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2007,Vol.22, No.1, 147-155.
(4)Han-Bing Yan, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph R. Martin, Morphing Based on Strain Field Interpolation, The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol.15, No.3-4, 2004, 443-452.
(5)Peng li, Han-Bing Yan, Gang Cui, Yue-Jin Du. Integration of Local and Global Features for Image Spam Filtering. Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 779–789.
(6)Peng Li, Han-Bing Yan, Gang Cui, Yue-Jin Du. Noise analysis for text-based spam images. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 9(11), 2012:3283-3295.
(7)Peng Li, Han-Bing Yan, Gang Cui, Yue-Jin Du. Near-duplicate Image Identification with Geometric Consistency Verification, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(9), 2012, pp. 3593-3603.
(8)Han-Bing Yan, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph Martin. Skeleton-Based Shape Deformation using Simplex Transformations. Computer Graphics International 2006, Hangzhou, China, 2006.6.26-28, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4035, 66-77.
(9)Han-Bing Yan, Ya-Shu Liu. Image Retrieval in Data Stream Using Principle Component Analysis. The International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 2634-2637.Three Gorges, 2012/3/21-23, 2012.
(10)Han-Bing Yan, Peng Li, Yue-Jin Du, Gang Cui. Accelerating Image Local Invariant Features Matching Using Cloud Computing Platform. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, 21-25. ShangHai, 2011/6/10-12.
(11)Han-Bing Yan, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph Martin, Three Dimensional Strain Field Morphing, 1st Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, Busan Korea, 2005.8.24-25, 224-231.
(12)Han-Bing Yan, Ya-Shu Liu. Spam Filter Based on Incremental Bayes Arithmetic. The 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering. 6111-6114. September 16, 2011 - September 18, 2011. YiChang, China.
(13)Peng li, Han-Bing Yan, Gang Cui, Yue-Jin Du. Partial near-duplicate image identification with global geometric consistency of subset-of-features. International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology 2011, 2700-2704. Harbin, 2011/12/24-26.
(14)Ya-Shu Liu, Han-Bing Yan. Research on Image Retrieval Based on Multi-features. The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, 204-209. 2010/12/3-5, HangZhou, China.
(15)Ya-Shu Liu, Han-Bing Yan. The Filtering Technology of Spam Based on Re-Study Bayes Arithmetic. The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. 5489-5492. 2010/12/3-5, HangZhou, China.
(16)Peng Li, Han-Bing Yan, Gang Cui, Yue-Jin Du. Image local invariant features matching using global information. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST), 2012, pp.627-633. WuHan, March 23, 2012 - March 25, 2012.
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