姓名: 俞洁 性别: 女
姓名: | 俞洁 | |
性别: | 女 | |
民族: | 汉族 | |
学历: | 博士 | |
职称: | 副教授 | |
导师信息: | 硕士生导师 | |
电话: | *********** | |
学科一: | 控制理论与控制工程 | |
邮箱: | jie.yu@sdu.edu.cn | |
所在院系: | 山东大学控制科学与工程学院 | |
研究方向: | 交通网络优化与建模 、多模式交通换乘系统、智能公交系统、先进的出行者信息服务系统、交通安全与事故预测 | |
通信地址: | 济南市经十路17923号 山东大学南校区控制科学与工程学院 | |
1. 美国土木工程师学会ASCE《Journal of Urban Planning and Development》学术期刊责任主编及委员会委员,美国国家科学院Transportation Research Board(TRB)多模式交通换乘系统研究委员会委员、美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)、交通工程师协会(ITE)委员 2. 多种国际知名交通学杂志和会议的论文评审委员,包括:Transportation Research PART A, E; ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Engineering, The International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Transportation Research Board 3. 山东信息通信技术研究院第四批引进海内外高层次人才 |
科研经历 2010年12月至今,山东大学控制科学与工程学院,副教授 2008年7月至2010年11月,美国马里兰州及华盛顿特区政府交通安全特聘顾问 2007年5月至2010年11月,美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系交通安全与运营管理实验室,研究主管 2004年3月至2007年5月,中国同济大学交通工程系,研究助理 学习经历 2007年11月至2009年6月,美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系博士后研究 2004年3月至2007年5月,中国同济大学交通工程系,博士研究生 发表论文 SCI收录期刊论文 1.Yu J., and Liu, Y., “Prioritizing highway traffic safety improvement projects: a multi-criteria approach with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process,” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, in press, 2011 2.Yu J., Liu, Y., Chang, G. L., Ma. W. J. and Yang, X. G., “Locating urban transit hubs: A multi-criteria model and case study in China,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, in press, 2011 3.Liu, Y., Yu J., and Chang, G. L. “An integrated control model for freeway corridor under non-recurrent congestion,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press, 2011 4.Liu, Y., Yu J., and G. L. Chang, “An empirical study of driver behavioral patterns during the yellow signal phase at six Maryland intersections of high accident rates,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, in press, 2011 5.Yu J., Park S. Y., and Chang G. L., “Advanced Travelers Information System for Guiding Route Choice to Ocean City, Maryland,” Transportation Research Record, the Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2112, pp 56-67., 2010 6.Yu J., Liu, Y., and G. L. Chang, “A Cluster-Based Hierarchical Model for Urban Transit Hub Location Planning: Formulation, Solution, and Case Study,” Transportation Research Record, the Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2112, pp. 8–16., 2009 7.Yu, J., Liu, Y., Chang, G. L. and Yang, X. G., “Cluster-based Optimization of Urban Transit Hub Locations: Methodology and Case Study in China,” Transportation Research Record, the Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2042, pp. 109-116, 2008 EI收录期刊论文 1.尹瑞,李克平,俞洁. 2010年上海世博会园区客流交通需求预测研究. 同济大学学报, 2007,35(8):1053-1058 2.俞洁,杨晓光,尹瑞,夏胜国. 基于TOD模式的成长型城市公共交通规划研究. 交通运输工程学报2007,7(3):106-110 3.付晶燕,杨晓光,俞洁. 快速公交系统站点优化设计方法研究. 城市交通,2007 (3):76-80 4.俞洁,杨晓光.基于改进BP神经网络的公交线路OD矩阵推算方法研究.系统工程. 2006,24(4):89-92 5.俞洁,杨成斌. 交通流理论发展分析. 合肥工业大学学报. 2004,27(2): 163-167 EI收录会议论文集 1.Yu, J., Chang, G. L., Ho, H.W., and Liu, Y., “Variation Based Real-Time Travel Time Prediction with Clustering Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China. (EI收录) 2.Liu, Y., Chang, G. L., Yu, J., Hou, Y., and Rahwanji, S., “A Lane-group Based Macroscopic Model for Signalized Intersections Account for Shared Lanes and Blockages,” Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China. (EI收录) 3.Yu, J., Liu, Y. and Yang X. G., “An Optimal Location Model for Public Transit Hubs Using On/Off Data at Bus Stops,” Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, pp. 2524-2529, ASCE, Jul 22-24, 2007. (EI收录) 4.Yu, J. and Yang, X. G., “Estimating the Transit Network O-D Matrix with On/Off Data: An Application of the Modified BP Artificial Neural Network,” Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation (AATT) 2006, Chicago, Illinois, pp: 467-472, ASCE, Aug 14-16, 2006 (EI收录) 其他会议论文集 1.Yu J., H.W. Ho, Liu, Y., and G. L. Chang, “A Multi-criteria Approach for Prioritizing Traffic Safety Improvement Projects: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process with Fuzzy Logic,” Proceedings of The 88th TRB Annual Meeting(CD-ROM), 2009. 2.H.W. Ho, Yu J., and G. L. Chang, “An Importance Segregated Multicriteria Optimization Approach for Safety Improvement Project Selection,” Proceedings of The 88th TRB Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 2009. 3.Liu, Y., Chang G. L., and Yu J., “A Dynamic Model for Signal Optimization with Enhanced Traffic Flow Formulations,” Proceedings of The 88th TRB Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 2009. 4.Liu, Y., Chang G. L., and Yu J., “A Multi-Objective Model for Optimal Diversion Control of A Freeway Corridor under Incident Conditions,” Proceedings of The 88th TRB Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 2009. 5.俞洁,杨晓光,付晶燕,夏胜国. 高科技园区居民出行特征及交通发展对策研究. 第六届交通运输领域国际学术会议论文集,2006:425-430 6.杨晓光,俞洁.“工作时序调整”交通可行性理论与实践研究. 第五届交通运输领域国际学术会议论文集,2005:298-304 7.张欣,杨晓光,俞洁,林仲帅.ITS环境下公交换乘枢纽交通设计体系解析,见:杨晓光,吴志周主编.智能交通运输系统研究与实践,上海:同济大学出版社,2005 8.俞洁,储浩. 面向大学园区的交通系统设计方法研究. 第一届同舟交通论坛论文集. 2004:148-153 特邀会议发言 1.Yu J., Park S. Y., and G. L. Chang, “Advanced Travelers Information System for Guiding Route Choice to Ocean City, Maryland,” presented at the 88th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. 2010. 2.Yu J., Liu, Y., Chang, G. L., Ma. W. J. and Yang, X. G.,, “Location Planning for Multiple Urban Transit Hubs: Multicriterion Approach and Case Study in China,” presented at the 88th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. 2010. 3.Yu J., Liu, Y., and G. L. Chang, “A Cluster-Based Hierarchical Model for Urban Transit Hub Location Planning: Formulation, Solution, and Case Study,” presented at the 88th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., USA, January, 2009 4.Yu J., H.W. Ho, Liu, Y., and G. L. Chang, “A Multi-criteria Approach for Prioritizing Traffic Safety Improvement Projects: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process with Fuzzy Logic,” presented at the 88th TRB Annual Meeting, 2009. 5.Yu, J., Chang, G. L., and Liu, Y., “Cluster Based Optimization for Multi-level Transit Hub Locations,” presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting (Session: Facility Location Models II), Washington, D.C., USA, October, 2008 6.Yu, J., Chang, G. L., Ho, H.W., and Liu, Y., “Variation Based Real-Time Travel Time Prediction with Clustering Neural Networks,” presented at the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System, Beijing, China, October, 2008 7.Yu, J., Liu, Y., and Yang, X. G., “Cluster-based Optimization of Urban Transit Hub Locations: Methodology and Case Study in China,” presented at the 87th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., USA, January, 2008 8.Yu, J., Liu, Y. and Yang X. G., “An Optimal Location Model for Public Transit Hubs Using On/Off Data at Bus Stops,” presented at the 1st International Conference on Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Chendu, China, July, 2007 9.Yu, J., and Yang, X. G., “Estimating the Transit Network O-D Matrix with On/Off Data: An Application of the Modified BP Artificial Neural Network,” presented at Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation (AATT) 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Aug, 2006 10.俞洁,杨晓光,付晶燕,夏胜国. 高科技园区居民出行特征及交通发展对策研究. 第六届交通运输领域国际学术会议, 2006年6月 11.杨晓光,俞洁.工作时序调整”交通可行性理论与实践研究. 第五届交通运输领域国际学术会议,2005年6月 12.俞洁,储浩. 面向大学园区的交通系统设计方法研究. 第一届同舟交通论坛,2004年11月 研究报告 1.Modeling Review and Enhancement for Crash Analysis and Prediction: Phase II- Enhanced Methodology to Identify and Rank High Accident Locations for Safety Improvement on Public Roadways, MDSHA, United States, 2010 2.Modeling Review and Enhancement for Crash Analysis and Prediction: Phase I-Evaluation of Current Accident Studies and Analysis Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Maryland, MDSHA, United States, 2009 3.国家自然科学重点基金“城市交通网络优化与管理”(批准号:70631002),2007 4.国家自然科学青年基金“面向换乘枢纽的公共交通协调调度理论与方法研究”(批准号:70601022),2007 5.上海市科委重大攻关课题“基于网格技术的上海交通信息服务示范系统及其关键技术研究”<批准号:05dz15005>,2007 6.TOD模式下天津公交枢纽交通设计方法及综合开发模式研究,2007 7.苏州工业园区公共交通系统规划,2006 8.厦门市公共交通系统规划,2006 9.中山市人民医院公交枢纽规划与设计,2005 10.上海市政府重大决策支持项目“城市交通与上海全市工作时间序列调整方案研究”<批准号:2004-A-12>,2004 11.上海世茂北外滩酒店交通影响分析研究,2004 12.济南市经十路公交枢纽规划与设计,2004 13.济南大学城交通设施系统规划与交通设计研究,2004 |
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