姓 名 王志玉 性 别 男 职 称 教授(博士生导师) 职 务 公共卫生学院卫生检验重点实验室
姓 名 王志玉
性 别 男
职 称 教授(博士生导师)
职 务 公共卫生学院卫生检验重点实验室主任
电 话 88382625
电子邮件 zhiyu.wang@sdu.edu.cn
通信地址 济南市文化西路44号(250012)
最高学位 博士
学术简历 1983 毕业于山东医学院获学士学位,1986 年毕业于山东医科大学获硕士学位,1993,9~1994,7美国麻省大学医学中心分子遗传学与微生物学系WHO高级访问学者,1996,9~1998,9美国麻省大学医学中心分子遗传学与微生物学系博士后研究, 2003年毕业于山东大学获博士学位。
研究方向 医学分子病毒学;病毒学检验
主要学术论文 :
1.Zhao-Guo Wang,a,b Ying Yi,a Ting-Ting Yang,a Xiao-Lin Liu,a Fa-Chun Jiang,a Zhi-Yu Wang,b Ji-MingChenEmergency surveillance of influenza during 2009 in the Chinese city of Qingdao. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 5(2011)53~59
2.Bing Wu, Xiaoli Liu, Zhiyu Wang. Effects of E2 and E1 Glycosylation on Specific Membrane Fusion in Rubella Virus Strain JR23. Intervirology, 2009, 52:68-77
3.Liu Xl, Wu B, Zhang Wq, Song Yy, Xu Hz, Wang Gt, Wang Zy. Effects Of Disulfide Bridges In Glycoprotein E1 On Fusogenic Activity Of Rubella Virus. Acta Virologica, 2009, 53(1): 29-34
4.Wenqiang Zhang, Guijie Ren, Bing Wu, Xiaoli Liu, Guiting Wang, Yanyan Song, Hongzhi Xu, Hongling Wen, Zhiyu Wang. Amino Acid Substitutions in Leucine Zipper Motif in the F-Specific Domain of Human Parainfluenza Virus 3 HN Protein Play Important Roles in the Protein Function. Intervirology, 2008, 51(5); 311-321
5.Guijie Ren, Zhiyu Wang, Xiaoyan Hu. Effects of Ectodomain Sequences between HR1 and HR2 of F1 Protein on the Specific Membrane Fusion in Paramyxoviruses. Intervirology,2007, 50:115-122
6.Zexin Tao and Zhiyu Wang. Sequence Analysis Of M Genome Segments Of Two Seoul Hantavirus Strains In Shandong, China. Acta Virologica, 2007, 51:67-68
7.Zexin Tao, Zhiyu Wang, Shaoxia Song, Hongling Wen, Guijie Ren, Guiting Wang. Genetic properties of medium (M) and small (S) genomic RNA segments of Seoul hantavirus isolated from Rattus norvegicus and antigenicity analysis of recombinant nucleocapsid protein. Virus Genes, 2007,34: 23-30
8.Guijie Ren, Zhiyu Wang, Guiting Wang, Yanyan Song, Ping Yao, Hongzhi Xu, Hongling Wen, Wenqiang Zhang. Effects of Heptad Repeat Regions of F Protein on the Specific Membrane Fusion in Paramyxoviruses. Intervirology, 2006, 49:299-306
9.Hongling Wen and Zhiyu Wang. Expression and characterization of rubella virus glycoprotein E1 in yeast cells. Intervirology, 2005, 48(5):321-328
10.Zhiyu Wang, Anne M. Mirza, Jianrong Li, Paul J. Mahon and Ronald M. Iorio. An oligosaccharide at the C-terminus of the F-specific domain in the stalk of the human parainfluenza virus 3 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase modulates fusion. Virus Research, 2004, 99(2):177-185
11.Zhiyu Wang, Ping Yao, Yanyan Song, Guiting Wang, Yongkang Wang, Hongzhi Xu and Peng Wang. Characteristics and Mechanisms of Isolated Rubella Virus, Strain JR23: Infection of the Central Nervous System of BALB/c Mice. Intervirology, 2003, 46(2): 79-85
12.Zhiyu Wang and Ronald M. Iorio. Amino acid substitutions in a conserved region in the stalk of the Newcastle disease virus HN glycoprotein spike impair its neuraminidase activity in the globular domain. J Gen Virol,1999,80:749-75
13.Ruitang Deng, Zhiyu Wang, Paul J. Mahon, Mark Marinello, Anne Mirza, and Ronald M. Iorio. Mutations in the Newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein that interfere with its ability to interact with the homologous F protein in the promotion of fusion. Virology,1999,253:43-54
14.Ruitang Deng, Zhiyu Wang, Anne A. Mirza, and Ronald M. Iorio. Localization of a Domain on the Paramyxovirus Attachment Protein Required for the Promotion of Cellular Fusion by its Homologous Fusion Protein Spike. Virology,1995,209(2):457-469
15.Ruitang Deng, Zhiyu Wang, Rhona L. Glickman, and Ronald M. Iorio. Glycosylation within an Antigenic Site on the HN Glycoprotein of Newcastle Disease Virus Interferes with its Role in the Promotion of Membrane Fusion. Virology,1994,204(1):17-26
16.WANG Zhiyu, XUE Yonglei, WANG Xiaofan, SONG Yanyan, WEN Hongling. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Envelope Glycoprotein E1 Gene of Rubella Virus, JR23 Strain. Journal of Microbiology and Immunology, 2003, 1(1): 11-16
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