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  1. 白蚁木质纤维素降解酶系研究。通过分子生物学和组学方法研究白蚁降解木质纤维素机理;
  2. 极端环境酶研究。构建文库,筛选基因,进行高效表达,为产业化应用奠定基础;
  3. 古菌遗传转化系统研究。构建敲除表达载体,研究参与古菌DNA代谢重要蛋白的生理功能。
  1. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)“木质纤维素资源高效生物降解转化中的关键科学问题研究”子课题:木质纤维素生物降解多样性、新降解因子及相关机理。
  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 超嗜热古菌DNA重组修复解旋酶和核酸酶的作用机制及体内功能。
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:白蚁后肠共生微生物由来新木质纤维降解酶基因的筛选与鉴定。
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:利用硫化叶菌异源表达超嗜热古菌重组蛋白的研究。
  招生专业: 微生物学,生物化学与分子生物学
  每年招收硕士、博士研究生数名, 欢迎有志于以上科学研究的学子们踊跃报考。另外招收博士后若干名。
  Hong Y, Chu M, Li Y, Ni J, Sheng D, Hou G, She Q, Shen Y*. Dissection of the functional domains of an archaeal Holliday junction helicase, DNA Repair (2011), doi:10.1016/j.dnarep.2011. 10.009。
  Zheng T, Huang H, Zhang C, Ni J, She Q, Shen Y*. (2011) Development of simvastatin selection marker for hyperthermophilic acidophile, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., doi:10.1128/AEM.06095 -11
  Wei T, Zhang S, Hou L, Ni J, Sheng D, Shen Y*.(2011) The carboxyl terminal of the archaeal nuclease NurA is involved in the interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein and dimer formation. Extremophiles. 15:11-18.
  Ma X, Hong Y, Han W, Sheng D, Ni J, Hou G, Shen Y*. (2010) Single-stranded DNA binding activity of XPBI, but not XPBII, from Sulfolobus tokodaii causes double-stranded DNA melting. Extremophiles. 14:1-10.
  Wu Y, Chi SL and Ni J*. Isolation of a strain of Variovorax sp. R3063 with cellulase activity from termite. (2011) Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology. 48: 33-28
  Ni J.*, Takehara M and Watanabe H. (2010) Identification of Activity Related Amino Acid Mutations of a GH9 Termite Cellulase. Bioresource Technology. 101:6438-6443.
  Wu L., Liu, B., Hong, Y.,Sheng, D., Shen, Y., Ni, J.*(2010) Residue Tyr224 is critical for the thermostability of Geobacillus sp. RD-2 lipase, Biotechnol Lett. 32:107-112.
  Liu, B., Wu L., Liu, T., Hong, Y.,Shen, Y., Ni, J.*(2009)A MOFRL family glycerate kinase from the thermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii with unique enzymatic properties, Biotechnol Lett. 31:1937-1941.
  Wang F, Zhang, S. Huang, Q,Shen, Y andNi, J.* (2009) Advance in genetic manipulation systems of Hyperthermophilic archaea Acta Microbiologica Sinica 49, 1418-1423.
  Huang Q, Shen Y and Ni, J.* Optimization of selective conditions for the selection of uracil auxotrophs of thermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii. (2008) Journal of Shandong University (Natural Science), 43, 6-10.
  Lu S, Li Z, Wang Z, Ma X, Sheng D, Ni J, Shen Y. 2008)Spatial subunit distribution and in vitro functions of the novel trimeric PCNA complex from Sulfolobus tokodaii. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 376:369-74.
  Li Z., Lu S., Hou. G, Ma X., Sheng D., Ni J., and Shen Y. (2008) Hjm/hel308a DNA helicase from Sulfolobus tokodaii promotes replication fork regression and interacts with hjc endonuclease in vitro. J. Bacteriol.190:3006-17.
  Zhang S, Wei W., Hou. G, Zhang C, Liang P., Ni J., Sheng D., Shen Y. (2008) Archaeal DNA helicase HerA interacts with Mre11 homologue and unwinds blunt-ended double-stranded DNA and recombination intermediates. DNA Repair 7:380–391.
  Wei T, Zhang S, Zhu S, Sheng D, Ni J, Shen Y. (2008) Physical and functional interaction between archaeal single-stranded DNA-binding protein and the 5’-3’ nuclease NurA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 367:523-9.
  Sheng D, Li M, Jiao J, Ni J, Shen Y.(2008)Co-expression with RadA and the characterization of stRad55B, a RadA paralog from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaea Sulfolobus tokodaii.Sci China C Life Sci. 51:60-5.
  Sheng D, Zhu S, Wei T, Ni J, Shen Y. (2008) The in vitro activity of a Rad55 homologue from Sulfolobus tokodaii, a candidate mediator in RadA-catalyzed homologous recombination. Extremophiles 12:147-157.
  Hong Y, Wu L, Liu B, Peng C, Sheng D, Ni J, Shen Y. (2008) Characterization of a glucan phosphorylase from the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzy. 54:27-34.
  Sheng D., Zhu S., Li M., Jiao, Ni J., and Shen Y. (2008) Cloning, expression and radiation inducibility of RadA from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. Acta Microbiologica Sinica 48:1-6.
  Ni J., Takehara M, Miyazawa M and Watanabe H. (2007) Random exchanges of non-conserved amino acid residues among four parental termite cellulases by family shuffling improved thermostability. Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 20, 535-542.
  Ni J.,Tokuda G, Takehara M and Watanabe H. (2007) Heterologous expression and enzymatic characterization of β-glucosidase from the drywood-eating termite, Neotermes koshunensis. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 42, 457-463.
  Liu, B. Hong, Y., Wu L., Li, Z.,Ni J., Sheng, D., Shen, Y. (2007) A unique highly thermostable 2-phosphoglycerate forming glycerate kinase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii: gene cloning, expression and characterization. Extremophiles 11:733-739.
  Liu B, Li Z, Hong Y,Ni J., Sheng D, Shen Y. (2006) Cloning, expression and characterization of a thermostable exo-beta-D-glucosaminidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii. Biotechnol Lett. 28:1655-1660.
  Liu, B., Ni J., Shen Y. (2006) Cloning expression and biochemical characterization of a novel diacetylchitobiose deacetylase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii. Acta Microbiologica Sinica 46:255-258.
  Ni J., Takehara, M and Watanabe H. (2005) Heterologous overexpression of a mutant termite cellulase gene in E.coli by DNA shuffling of four orthologous parental cDNAs, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 69: 1711-1720.
  Ni J., Sasaki, Y., Tokuyama, S., Sogabe, A., and Tahara, Y. (2002) Conversion of a typical catalase from Bacillus sp. TE124 to a catalase-peroxidase by directed evolution. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 93, 31-36.
  Ni J., Tokuyama, S., Sogabe, A., Kawamura, Y., and Tahara, Y. (2001) Cloning and high expression of catalase gene from Bacillus sp. TE124. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 91, 422-424.







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