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  夏光敏 教授
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  1987年山东大学研究生毕业留校工作至今 1996年澳大利CSIRO植物分子生物学实验室访问学者 2001年英国John Innes Centre访问学者。
  细胞生物学专业,植物细胞与基因工程方向;以及遗传学专业,植物细胞与分子遗传方向。主要从事小麦及草类的细胞工程和基因工程育种及相关的基础理论研究。在国际上首次建立了小麦体细胞杂交创制渐渗系育种新技术, 利用此技术创制了一批各具特色的育种新种质;利用这些新材料,进行了体细胞杂种渐渗系的发育、遗传、外源基因渐渗、基因突变、基因表达变异和表观遗传学变化以及耐逆和优质的功能基因研究;承担研究生的植物功能基因组专题及生命科学前沿进展等课程。
  与美国Oklahoma大学、美国农业部USDA-ARS,美国The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation,及澳大利亚Adelaide大学等联合培养博士生6人。
  2.小麦渐渗系耐盐新基因的鉴定,国家转基因专项, 2009-2010,350万
  长期从事小麦及草类的细胞有基因工程研究,为小麦体细胞杂交技术及其机制,杂种新种质、新品种的首创者,该技术2007年获得国家发明专利(ZL200410075773.2)。选育了国际首例高产、耐盐/耐旱的小麦渐渗系新品种山融3号(该品种被定为2006年山东省良种主导品种)。小麦体细胞杂交技术2005年通过董玉琛院士等国内同行专家的鉴定,“是小麦生物技术育种技术上一项重要突破,总体研究达到国际领先水平。以上研究在国际、全国会议上作大会报告10次,“小麦不对称体细胞杂交机制及杂种遗传和基因组研究” 获2006年山东省唯一的自然科学一等奖(第一位)。在国内首次建立了小麦的基因枪转化和农杆菌介导转化技术,与中国农科院合作的“大麦BYDV转化小麦(完成基因枪转化小麦部分)获得抗病新种质”被科技部评选为1995年全国十大科技成就。在国内率先建立了利用该技术转化小麦胚性愈伤组织的体系, 经过近6年的研究, 又建立了农杆菌介导小麦苗端转化体系,该项新技术2006年获得国家发明专利(ZL200410075774.7). 目前已经获得大量转入抗病、耐盐、优质等转基因的后代,并且获批环境释放,为小麦的基因工程育种奠定了基础。作为第一作者和通讯作者发表在本领域主流SCI源刊物上50余篇,总IF 100 以上,被引用250多次,其中3篇文章分别被他引35,40,40和次以上,两篇为杂志的2003-2008的TOP 3和TOP 10;受邀参编国际专著3部。
  1. Peng, Z.Y., Wang, M.C., Li, C.L., Li, F., Liu, C., and Xia, G.M. 2009, A proteomic study of the response to salinity and drought stress in an introgression strain of bread wheat. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 10.1074mcp.M900052-MCP200 IF=8.834
  2. Chen FG, Liu S, Zhao F, Xu C, Xia G. 2009, Molecular characterization of the low-molecular weight glutenin subunit genes of tall wheatgrass and functional properties of one clone Ee34. Amino Acids, DOI: 10.1007/s00726-009-0307-y IF=4.132
  3. Liu H, Liu S, Xia G. Generation of high frequency of novel alleles of the high molecular weight glutenin in somatic hybridization between bread wheat and tall wheatgrass. 2009, Theor. Appl. Genet. 118(6):1193-1198. IF=3.490
  4. Cui H, Yu Z, Deng J, Gao X, Sun Y, Xia G. 2009, Introgression of bread wheat chromatin into tall wheatgrass via somatic hybridization. Planta. 229(2):323-330,IF=3.088
  5. Chen FG, Zhao F, Liu S, Xia G*. 2009, The γ-gliadin gene content of a derivative from a somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, DOI: 10.1007/s11032-009-9275-x. IF=2.008
  6. Han L, Zhou C, Shi J, Zhi D, Xia G. 2009, Ginsenoside Rb1 in asymmetric somatic hybrid calli of Daucus carota with Panax quinquefolius. Plant Cell Reports. 28(4):627-638.IF=1.946
  7. Guangmin Xia* 2009,Progress of chromosome engineering mediated by asymmetric somatic hybridization. Journal of Geneticsand Genomics, 36(9):547-556(特邀综述). IF=0.358
  8. Shan, L., Li, C.L., Chen, F., Zhao, S.Y., and Xia, G.M. 2008. A Bowman-Birk type protease inhibitor is involved in the tolerance to salt stress in wheat. Plant Cell Environ. 31, 1128 - 1137. IF=4.666
  9. Wang, M.C., Peng, Z.Y., Li, C.L., Li, F., Liu, C., and Xia, G.M. 2008. Proteomic analysis on a high salt tolerance introgression strain of Triticum aestivum/Thinopyrum ponticum. Proteomics 8, 1470 - 1489. IF=4.586
  10. Liu, S.W., Gao, X., and Xia, G.M. 2008. Characterizing HMW-GS alleles of decaploid Agropyron elongatum in relation to evolution and wheat breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116, 325-334. IF=3.490
  11. Chen, F.G., Xu, C.H., Chen, M.Z., Wang, Y.H., and Xia, G.M. 2008. A new α-gliadin gene family for wheat breeding: somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol. Breeding, 2008, 22(4): 675-685. IF=2.008
  12. Liu, S.W., Gao, X., Lu, B.R., and Xia, G.M. 2008. Characterization of the genes coding for the high molecular weight glutenin subunits in Lophopyrum elongatum. Hereditas 145, 48-57. IF=1.175
  13. Wang, M.Q., Zhao, J.S., Peng, Z.Y., Guo, W., Wang, Y., Wang, L., and Xia, G.M. 2008. Chromosomes are eliminated in the symmetric fusion between Arabidopsis thaliana L. and Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 92, 121-130. IF=1.017
  14. Liu, S.W., Zhao, S.Y., Chen, F.G., and Xia, G.M. 2007. Generation of novel high quality HMW-GS genes in two introgression lines of Triticum aestivum/Agropyron elongatum. BMC Evol. Biol. 7, 76-83. IF=4.46
  15. Chen, F.G., Luo, Z., Zhang, Z.G., Xia, G.M., and Min, H.X. 2007. Variation and potential value in wheat breeding of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes cloned by genomic and RT-PCR in a derivative of somatic introgression between common wheat and Agropyron elongatum. Mol. Breeding 20, 141-152. IF=2.357
  16. Zhao, J.S., Zhi, D.Y., Xue, Z.Y., Liu, H., and Xia, G.M. 2007. Enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic progeny of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) expressing a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene from Arabidopsis. J. plant Physiol. 164, 1377-1383. IF=1.403
  17. Cai, Y.F., Xiang, F.N., Zhi, D.Y., Liu, H., and Xia, G.M. 2007. Genotyping of somatic hybrids between Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Triticum aestivum L. Plant Cell Rep. 26, 1809-1819. IF=2.173
  18. Deng, J.Y., Cui, H.F., Zhi, D.Y., Zhou, C.E., and Xia, G.M. 2007. Analysis of remote asymmetric somatic hybrids between common wheat and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Rep., 1233-1241. IF=2.173
  19. Zhao, J.S., Ren, W., Zhi, D.Y., Wang, L., and Xia, G.M. 2007. Arabidopsis DREB1A/CBF3 bestowed transgenic tall fescue increased tolerance to drought stress. Plant Cell Rep 26, 1521-1528. IF=2.173
  20. Zhou, C.E., Xia, G.M., Zhi, D.Y., and Chen, Y. 2006. Genetic characterization of asymmetric somatic hybrids between Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd and Triticum aestivum L.: potential application to the study of the wheat genome. Planta 223, 714-724. IF=3.238
  21. Liu, H., Shi, L., Zhao, J.S., and Xia, G.M. 2006. Genetic characteristic of HMW-GS in somatic hybrid wheat lines - potential application to wheat breeding. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 5007 -5013. IF=2.532
  22. Zhao, T.J., Zhao, S.Y., Chen, H.M., Zhao, Q.Z., Hu, Z.M., Hou, B.K., and Xia, G.M. 2006. Transgenic wheat progeny resistant to powdery mildew generated by Agrobacterium inoculum to the basal portion of wheat seedling. Plant Cell Rep. 25, 1199-1204. IF=1.727
  23. Chen, F.-G., Zhi, D.-Y., and Xia, G.-M. 2005. Wheat amino acid analysis in single cells by intracellular FITC- derivatization with PEG. Electrophoresis 26, 4204-4205. IF=4.04
  24. Luo, Z., Chen, F.G., Feng, D.S., and Xia, G.M. 2005. LMW-GS genes in Agropyron elongatum and their potential value in wheat breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111, 272-280. IF=3.063
  25. Wang, J., Xiang, F.N., and Xia, G.M. 2005. Agropyron elongatum chromatin localization on the wheat chromosomes in an introgression line. Planta 221, 277-286. IF=2.963
  26. Chen, F.-G., Zhi, D.-Y., and Xia, G.-M. 2005. Analysis of amino acids in individual wheat embryonic protoplast. Amino acids 29, 235-239. IF=2.78

  27. Cheng, A.X., Cui, H.F., and Xia, G.M. 2006. Construction of a primary RH panel of Italian ryegrass genome via UV-induced protoplast fusion. Plant Bio. 8, 673-679. IF=1.910
  28. Zhou, A.F., and Xia, G.M. 2005. Introgression of the Haynaldia villosa genome to γ-ray induced asymmetric somatic hybrids of wheat. Plant Cell Rep. 24, 289-296. IF=1.727
  29. Wang, M.Q., Xia, G.M., and Peng, Z.Y. 2005. High UV-tolerance with introgression hybrid formation of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Will. Plant Sci. 168, 593-600. IF=1.621
  30. Shan, L., Zhao, S.Y., and Xia, G.M. 2005. Cloning of the full-length cDNA of the wheat involved in salt stress--root hair defective 3 gene (RHD3). J. Integr. Plant Biol. 47, 885-891 IF=0.515
  31. Chen, S.Y., Liu, S.W., Xu, C.H., Chen, Y.Z., and Xia, G.M. 2004. Heredity of chloroplast and nuclear genomes of asymmetric somatic hybrid lines between wheat and couch grass. ACTA Botan. Sin. 46, 110-115. IF=0.321
  32. Chen, S.Y., Xia, G.M., Quan, T.Y., and Xiang, F.N. 2004. Studies on the salt-tolerance of F3-F6 hybrid Lines originated from somatic hybridization between common wheat and Thinopyrum ponticum. Plant Sci. 167, 773-779.IF=1.631
  33. Cheng, A.X., and Xia, G.M. 2004. Somatic hybridization between common wheat and Italian ryegrass. Plant Sci. 166, 1219-1226. IF=1.631
  34. Cheng, A.X., Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 2004. DNA transfer from wild millet to common wheat by asymmetric somatic hybridization. ACTA Botan. Sin. 46, 1114-1121. IF=0.321
  35. Cheng, A.X., Xia, G.M., Zhi, D.Y., and Chen, H.M. 2004. Intermediate fertile Triticum aestivum (+) Agropyron elongatum somatic hybrids are generated by low doses of UV irradiation. Cell Research 14, 86-91.IF=2.161
  36. Feng, D.S., Chen, F.G., Zhao, S.Y., and Xia, G.M. 2004. Study on coding genes of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits in decaploid Agropyron elongatum (Host) Neveski. ACTA Botan. Sin. 46, 489-496. IF=0.321
  37. Feng, D.S., Xia, G.M., Zhao, S.Y., and Chen, F.G. 2004. Two quality-associated HMW glutenin subunits in a somatic hybrid line between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Theor Appl Genet 110, 136-144. IF=3.063
  38. Li, C.L., Xia, G.M., Xiang, F.N., Zhou, C.E., and Cheng, A.X. 2004. Regeneration of asymmetric somatic hybrid plants from the fusion of two types of wheat with Russian wildrye. Plant Cell Rep. 23, 461-467.IF=1.42
  39. Wang, J., Xiang, F.N., and Xia, G.M. 2004. Transfer of small chromosome fragments of Agropyron elongatum to wheat chromosome via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Sci. China Ser. C 47, 434-441.IF=0.482
  40. Xiang, F.N., Xia, G.M., Zhi, D.Y., Wang, J., Hu, N., and Chen, H.M. 2004. Hybrid plant regeneration in relation to the nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes of wheat and Setaria italica. Genome 47, 680-688. IF=2.07
  41. Xue, Z.-Y., Zhi, D.-Y., Xue, G.-P., Zhang, H., Zhao, Y.-X., and Gang-Min Xia*, 2004. Enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic wheat (Tritivum aestivum L.) expressing a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene with improved grain yields in saline soils in the field and a reduced level of leaf Na+. Plant Sci 167, 859-899.IF=1.605
  42. Xia, G.M., Xiang, F.N., Zhou, A.F., Wang, H., and Chen, H.M. 2003. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Agropyron elongatum (Host) Nevishi. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 299-305. IF=2.981
  43. Xiang, F.N., Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 2003. Effect of UV dosage on somatic hybridization between common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Avena sativa L. Plant Sci. 164, 697-707. IF=1.389
  44. Xiang, F.N., Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 2003. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Avena sativa L. Sci. China Ser. C, 243-252. IF=0.481
  45. Xu, C.H., Xia, G.M., Zhi, D.Y., Xiang, F.N., and Chen, H.M. 2003. Integration of maize nuclear and mitochondrial DNA into the wheat genome through somatic hybridization. Plant Sci. 165, 1001-1008. IF=1.389
  46. Zhou, A.F., Xia, G.M., Chen, X.L., and Chen, H.M. 2002. Produciton of somatic hybrid plants between two types of wheat protoplasts and the protoplasts of Haynaldia villosa. Acta Botan. Sin. 44, 1004-1008.
  47. Yue, W., and Xia, G.M. 2001. Transfer of salt tolerance from Aeleuropus littoralis sinensis to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Plant Sci. 161, 256-262.
  48. Zhou, A.F., Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 2001. Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybridization between common wheat and Haynaldia villosa. Sci. China Ser. C, 294-304.
  49. Zhou, A.F., Xia, G.M., Zhang, X., Chen, H.M., and Hu, H. 2001. Analysis of chromosomal and organellar DNA of somatic hybrids between Triticum aestiuvm and Haynaldia villosa Schur. Mol. Genet. Gen. 265, 387-393.
  50. Xia, G.M., Li, Z.Y., Wang, S.L., Xiang, F.N., Chen, P.D., and Liu, D.J. 1998. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between haploid common wheat and UV irradiated Haynaldia villosa. Plant Sci. 137, 217-223.
  51. Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 1996. Plant regeneration from intergeneric somatic hybridization between Trticum aestivum L and Leymus chinensis (Trin) Tzvel. Plant Sci. 120, 197-203.
  52. Xia, G.M., Wang, H., and Chen, H.M. 1996. Plant regeneration from intergeneric asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticumn aestivum L.) and Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch) Neweski) and couch grass (Agropyron elongatumn Host Neviski). Chin. Sci. Bull. 41, 1382-1386.
  53. Zhou, A.F., Xia, G.M., and Chen, H.M. 1996. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Haynaldia villosa Schur. Sci. China Ser. C 39, 617-626.
  54. Guo, G.Q., Xia, G.M., and Li, Z.Y. 1990. Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant-regeneration from protoplast-derived cells of wheat (triticum aestivum). Sci China Ser. B 34, 438-445.
  55. Xianzhong Huang1,6, Qian Qian2,6, Zhengbin Liu1, Hongying Sun1, Shuyuan He1, Da Luo3, Guangmin Xia4, Chengcai Chu5, Jiayang Li5 & Xiangdong Fu1,2009 NATURE GENETICS,41:494-497,IF=30.259
  56. Bottley, A., Xia, G.M., and Koebner, R.M.D. 2006. Homoeologous gene silencing in hexaploid wheat. Plant J. 47, 897-906. IF=6. 565







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