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  石德利 教授
  多年来一直从事发育生物学研究. 利用两栖类(非洲爪蟾)和斑马鱼胚胎为动物模式,对动物胚胎发育过程中的信号传递通路和基因功能,调控机理用分子生物学,细胞生物学,生物化学和生物物理学等手段和实验工具进行跨学科的研究。特别是通过对Wnt信号通路的结构和功能研究来筛选对治疗和预防肿瘤发生的化学药物在国际领先。另一个研究方向集中在人类遗传疾病相关基因在胚胎发育中的功能和作用机理,为人类遗传疾病的致病机理提供重要的理论基础。
  多几年来在研究胚胎发育机制及研究信号通路机理等领域取得令国际同行公认的成果,并有广泛的国际合作。在Development, Molecular Cell, EMBO J, Developmental Biology等影响因子高的发育生物学和分子生物学国际权威杂志上已发表论文近60余篇。累计被引用
  1)Li, H. Y., Bourdelas, A., Carron, C. and Shi, D. L. (2010). The RNA binding protein Seb4/RBM24 is a target of MyoD and is required for myogenesis during Xenopus early development. Mech. Dev. 127, 281-291.
  2) Lee,H. J., Finkelstein, D., Li, X., Wu, D., Shi, D. L., Zheng, J. J. (2011). Identification of transmembrane protein 88 (TMEM88) as a dishevelled-binding protein. J Biol Chem. [Epub ahead of print].
  3)Lee, H. J., Wang, N.X., Shi, D. L. and Zheng, J. J.(2009). Sulindac inhibits canonical Wnt signaling by blocking the PDZ domain of the protein Dishevelled. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 48(35):6448-52
  4) Shao, M., Liu, Z. Z., Wang, C. D., Li, H. Y., Carron, C., Zhang, H. W. and Shi, D. L. (2009). Down syndrome critical region protein 5 regulates membrane localization of Wnt receptors and Dishevelled stability and convergent extension
  in vertebrate embryos. Development 136,2121-2131.
  5)Grandy, D., Shan, J., Zhang, X., Rao, S., Akunuru, S., Li, H., Zheng, Y., Alpatov, I., Zhang, X. A., Lang, R., Shi, D. L. and Zheng, J.J. (2009). Discovery and characterization of a small molecule inhibitor of the PDZ domain of
  dishevelled. J Biol Chem. 284(24):16256-63
  6)Bourdelas, A., Li, H. Y., Carron, C. and Shi, D. L. (2009). Dynamic expression of distinct genes in presomitic and somitic mesoderm during Xenopus early development. Intl J. Dev. Biol. 53(7):1075-9.
  7)Coolen, M., Sauka-Spengler, T., Nicolle, D., Le-Mentec, C., Lallemand, Y., Da Silva, C., Plouhinec, J. L., Robert, B., Wincker, P., Shi, D. L.and Mazan, S. (2007). Evolution of axis specification mechanisms in jawed vertebrates:
  insights from a chondrichthyan. PLoS ONE. 2(4):e374.
  8)Havis, E., Le Mevel, S., Morvan, D. G., Shi, D. L., Scanlan, T. S., Demeneix, B. A. and Sachs, L. M. (2006). Unliganded thyroid hormone receptor is essential for Xenopus laevis eye development. EMBO J. 25, 4943-4951.
  9)Li, X. Y., Zhang, W., Chen, D. Y., Lin, Y. S., Huang, X. W., Shi, D. L. and Zhang, H. W. (2005). Expression of a novel somite formation related-gene, AmphiSom, during amphioxus development. Dev. Genes Evo. 216, 52-55.
  10)Li, H. Y., Bourdelas, A., Carron, C., Gomez, C., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi, D. L. (2006). FGF8, Wnt8 and Myf5 are target genes of Tbx6 during anteroposterior patterning and myogenesis in Xenopus embryo. Dev. Biol. 290(2):470-481.
  11)Della Gaspera, B., Sequeira, I., Charbonnier, F., Becker, C., Shi, D. L. and Chanoine, C. (2005). Spatio-temporal expression of MRF4 transcripts and protein during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis. Dev Dyn. 235, 524-529.
  12)Shan, J. F., Wang, J. M., Shi, D. L. and Zheng, J. (2005). Identification of non-peptide inhibitor of the Dishevelled PDZ domaine. Biochemistry 44, 15495-15503.
  13)Carron, C., Bourdelas, A., Li, H. Y., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi, D. L. (2005). Antagonistic interaction between IGF and Wnt/JNK signalings in convergent extension in Xenopus embryo. Mech. Dev. 122, 1234-1247.
  14)Plouhinec, J. L., Granier, C., Le Mentec, C., Lawson, K. A., Sabéran-Djoneidi, D., Aghion, J., Shi, D .L., Collignon, J. and Mazan, S. (2004). Identification of the mammalian Not gene via a phylogenomic approach. Gene Expr. Patterns
  5/1, 11-22.
  15). Cohen-Tannoudji, J, Counis, R., Herve, D, Shi, D. L. and Verge, D. (2004). International symposium on G Protein-Coupled Receptors. Biol. Cell 96, 395-397.
  16). Cohen-Tannoudji, J., Counis, R, Herve, D, Shi, D. L. and Verge, D. (2004). G Protein-Coupled Receptors: New insights into signaling and regulation. Biol. Cell 96, 325-326.
  17)Roman-Roman, S., Shi, D.L, Stiot, V., Hay, E., Vassiere, B., Garcia, T., Baron, R. and Rawadi, G. (2004). -cateninbMurine Frizzled-1 behaves as an antagonist of the canonical Wnt/ signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 5725-5733.
  18)Bourdelas, A., Li, H. Y., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi D. L. (2004). Identification of distinct genes with restricted expression in the somitic mesoderm of Xenopus embryo. Gene Expr. Patterns 4/6, 695-699.
  19) Shi D. L. (2003). Wnt signaling and the regulation of gastrulation movements. In "The Vertebrate Organizer" (ed: Grunz). Springer-Verlag, vol 46, pp187-200.
  20)Wong, H. C., Bourdelas, A., Shao, Y. M., Wu, D. Q., Shi, D. L. and Zheng, J. (2003). Direct binding of the PDZ domain of Dishevelled to a conserved internal sequence in the C-terminal region of Frizzled. Mol. Cell 12, 1251-1260.
  21)Carron, C. Pascal, A., Djiane, A., Boucaut, J.C., Shi, D.L. and Umbhauer, M. (2003). Frizzled receptor dimerization is -catenin pathway.bsufficient to activate the Wnt/ J. Cell Sci. 116, 2541-2550.
  22)Shi, D. L., Bourdelas, A., Umbhauer, M. and Boucaut, J. C. (2002). Zygotic Wnt/?-catenin signaling preferentially regulates the expression of Myf5 gene in the mesoderm of Xenopus. Dev. Biol. 245, 124-135.
  23) Sauka-Spengler, T., Germot, A., Shi, D. L. and Mazan, S. (2002). Expression patterns of an Otx2 and an Otx5 orthologue in the urodele pleurodeles waltl : Implications on the evolutionary relationships between the balancers and cement
  gland in amphibians. Dev. Genes Evol. 212, 380-387.
  24) Sauka-Spengler, T, Baratte, B, Shi, D. L. and Mazan, S. (2001). Structure and expression of an Otx5-related gene in the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula: evidence for a conserved role of Otx5 and Crx genes in the specification of
  photoreceptors. Dev. Genes Evol. 211, 533-544.
  25)Umbhauer, M., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi, D. L. (2001). Repression of XMyoD expression and myogenesis by Xhairy-1 in Xenopus early embryo. Mech. Dev. 109, 61-68.
  26)Djiane, A., Riou, J. F., Umbhauer, M., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi, D. L.(2000). Role of frizzled 7 in the regulation of convergent extension movements during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis. Development 127, 3091-3100.
  27)Umbhauer, M., Djiane, A., Goisset, C., Penzo, A., Riou, J. F., Boucaut, J. C. and Shi, D. L. (2000). The C-terminal cytoplasmic K-T-X-X-X-W motif in frizzled receptors mediates Wnt/?-catenin signalling. EMBO J. 19, 4944-4954.
  28)Shi, D. L. and Boucaut, J.C. (2000). Xenopus frizzled 4 is a maternal mRNA and its zygotic expression is localized to the neuroectoderm and trunk lateral plate mesoderm. Mech. Dev. 93, 243-245.







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