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  申玉龙Yulong Shen,博士,教授, 博士生导师
  通讯地址: 山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室微生物楼526室
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  1982至1989年于兰州大学生物系学习并获得硕士学位。1993至1996年就读于英国伯明翰大学生物系,获得细胞与分子生物学方向理学博士学位。1997-1999被聘为日本学术学术振兴会博士后(STA fellowship)。1999至2003, 作为研究员任职于日本产业技术综合研究所。2003年11月至今, 受聘于山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室。多年来一直从事古菌生物化学和分子生物学的研究工作,主要致力于古菌DNA重组修复与基因组稳定性维持机制以及极端环境微生物资源研究。在J. Biol. Chem., Nucleic Acids Res., J. Bacteriol. , DNA Repair和Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 等相关国际期刊发表学术论文近30篇。与国际相关领域研究室保持密切合作关系,多次应邀赴美国、德国、丹麦、英国、意大利、澳大利亚和日本等国家参加学术会议并进行学术访问和交流。
  1. 极端嗜热古菌复制、重组及修复机制研究。以嗜热古菌为材料,利用分子生物学、生物化学、遗传学和结构生物学等手段,研究重要蛋白质的性质、相互作用、结构和体内外功能,揭示古菌DNA重组修复的机理;
  2. 资源环境微生物学研究。从极端环境如高温、酸性和碱性或其它特殊环境中分离、鉴定微生物,鉴定生物质降解相关的酶类;研究酶的性质、结构与功能,利用分子生物学方法改造酶,为极端环境微生物和极端酶的工业应用奠定基础。
  1. 已主持或参与完成多项国家级研究项目,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目。
  2. 目前承担国家自然科学基金重点项目一项及面上项目两项。
  招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学、微生物学
  1. Hong Y, Chu M, Li Y, Ni J, Sheng D, Hou G, She Q, Shen Y*. (2011) Dissection of the functional domains of an archaeal Holliday junction helicase, DNA Repair, doi:10.1016/j.dnarep.2011. 10.009
  2. Zheng T, Huang H, Zhang C, Ni J, She Q, Shen Y*. (2011) Development of simvastatin selection marker for hyperthermophilic acidophile, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., doi:10.1128/AEM.06095 -11
  3. Wei T., Zhang S., Hou L., Ni, J., Sheng D., Hou G., Shen Y*. (2011) The carboxyl terminal of the archeal nuclease NurA is involved in the interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein and dimer formation. Extremophiles, 15:11-18.
  4. Ma X., Hong Y., Han W., Sheng D. Ni, J. Hou G., Shen Y*. (2010) Single-stranded DNA binding activity of XPBI, but not XPBII, from Sulfolobus tokodaii causes double-stranded DNA melting, Extremophiles,14:1-10.
  5. Wu L., Liu B., Hong Y., Sheng D., Shen Y*., Ni J. (2010) Residue Tyr224 is critical for the thermostability of Geobacillus sp. RD-2 lipase, Biotechnol Lett. 32:107-112.
  6. Liu B., Wu L., Liu T., Hong Y., Shen Y*., Ni J. (2009) A MOFRL family glycerate kinase from the thermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii with unique enzymatic properties, Biotechnol Lett. 31:1937-1941.
  7. Wang F, Zhang S. Huang Q, Shen Y* and Ni J. (2009) Advance in genetic manipulation systems of Hyperthermophilic archaea Acta Microbiologica Sinica 49, 1418-1423.
  8. Huang Q, Shen Y and Ni, J. Optimization of selectivr conditions for the selection of uracil auxotrophs of thermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii. (2008) Journal of Shandong University (Natural Science), 43: 6-10.
  9. Liu T, Shen Y, Liu Q, Liu B (2008) The unique Entner-Doudoroff (ED) glycolysis pathway of glucose in archaea--a review. Acta Microbiologica Sinica. 48:1126-31
  10. Lu S, Li Z, Wang Z, Ma X, Sheng D, Ni J, Shen Y*. (2008)Spatial subunit distribution and in vitro functions of the novel trimeric PCNA complex from Sulfolobus tokodaii. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 376:369-74.
  11. Li Z., Lu S., Hou G., Ma X., Sheng D., Ni J., and Shen Y*. (2008) Hjm/Hel308a DNA helicase from Sulfolobus tokodaii promotes replication fork regression and interacts with Hjc endonuclease in vitro. J. Bacteriol. 190: 3006–3017.
  12. Zhang S., Wei W., Hou G., Zhang C., Liang P., Ni J., Sheng D., and Shen Y*. (2008) Archaeal DNA helicase HerA interacts with Mre11 homologue and unwinds blunt-ended double-stranded DNA and recombination intermediates. DNA Repair 7:380–391.
  13. Wei T., Zhang S., Zhu S., Sheng D., Ni J., and Shen Y*. (2008) Physical and functional interaction between archaeal single-stranded DNA-binding protein and the 5'-3' nuclease NurA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 367:523-9.
  14. Sheng D., Li M., Jiao J., Ni J., and Shen Y*.(2008)Co-expression with RadA and the characterization of stRad55B, a RadA paralog from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaea Sulfolobus tokodaii. Sci. China C Life Sci. 51:60-5.
  15. Sheng D., Zhu S., Wei T., Ni J., and Shen Y*. (2008) The in vitro activity of a Rad55 homologue from Sulfolobus tokodaii, a candidate mediator in RadA-catalyzed homologous recombination. Extremophiles 12:147-157.
  16. Sheng D., Zhu S., Li M., Jiao, Ni J., and Shen Y*. (2008) Cloning, expression and radiation inducibility of RadA from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. Acta Microbiologica Sinica 48:1-6.
  17. Hong Y., Wu L., Liu B., Peng C., Sheng D., Ni J, and Shen Y*. (2008) Characterization of a glucan phosphorylase from the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzy. 54:27-34
  18. Liu B., Hong Y., Wu L., Li Z., Ni J., Sheng D., and Shen Y*. (2007) A unique highly thermostable 2-phosphoglycerate forming glycerate kinase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii: gene cloning, expression and characterization. Extremophiles. 11:733-9.
  19. Liu B., Li Z., Hong Y., Ni J., Sheng D., and Shen Y*. ( 2006) Cloning, expression and characterization of a thermostable exo-beta-D-glucosaminidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii. Biotechnol. Lett. 28:1655-1660.
  20. Liu B., Ni J., and Shen Y*. (2006) Cloning expression and biochemical characterization of a novel diacetylchitobiose deacetylase from the hyperthermophilic archaeion Pyrococcus horikoshii. Acta Microbiologica Sinica 46:255-258.
  21. Tang X.-F, Shen Y., Matsui E., Matsui I. (2004) Domain topology of the DNA polymerase D complex from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii. Biochemistry. 43:11818-27.
  22. Shen Y., Tang X.-F., Matsui E., and Matsui I. (2004) Subunit interaction and regulation of activity through terminal domains of the family D DNA polymerse from Pyrococcus horikoshii. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 32:245-9.
  23. Shen Y., Tang X.-F., Yokoyama H., Matsui E., and Matsui I. (2004) A 21-aa peptide from the cysteine cluster II of the family D DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus horikoshii stimulates its nuclease activity which is Mre11-like and prefers manganese ion as the co-factor. Nucl. Acids Res. 32: 158-68.
  24. Shen Y., Tang X.-F., and Matsui I. (2003) Subunit interaction and regulation of activity through terminal domains of the family D DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus horikoshii. J. Biol. Chem. 278:21247-57.
  25. Shen Y., Musti K., Hiramoto M., Kikuchi H., Kawabayashi Y., and Matsui, I. (2001) Invariant Asp1122 and Asp1124 are essential residues for polymerization catalysis of family D DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus horikoshii. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 27376-83.
  26. Zheng R., Matsui E., Shen Y., Kishnasastry M., Feng Y., Darnis S., Kawarabayasi Y., Kikuchi H., Harata K., and Matsui I. (2001) The novel function of a short region K 253 XRXXXD 259 conserved in the exonuclease domain of hyperthermostable DNA polymerase I from Pyrococcus horikoshii. Extremophiles 5:111-7.
  27. Shen Y., Newbury H. J., and Ford-Lloyd B. V. (1998) Identification of taxa in the genus Beta using ITS1 sequence information. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 16: 147-55.
  28. Shen Y., Ford-Lloyd B. V., and Newbury H. J. (1998) Genetic relationship using both PCR-based and DNA sequencing methods. Heredity 80: 624-32.
  29. Shen Y., Newbury H. J., and Ford-Lloyd B. V. (1996) The taxonomic characterization of annual Beta germplasm in a genetic resources collection using RAPD makers. Euphytica 91: 205-12.







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