林晨副教授分别与中国人民大学,北京第二外国语学院获得硕士,学士学位。2007年获全额奖学金赴早稻田大学攻读博士学位,于2010年获得经济学博士学位,并获得当年度研究科长奖(年度最佳学术论文奖)。毕业后以第一名被录用为早稻田大学政治经济学术院研究助理,直至2010年8月到山东大学经济研究院工作。林晨副教授在投入产出经济学,计量经济学,环境经济学和产业生态学领域有着广泛的研究兴趣,主要论文发表在Journal of Industrial Ecology (SCI收录,影响力因子2.43),Ecological Economics(SCI和SSCI双收录,影响力因子2.75)等刊物上,并长期活跃于The International Input-Output Association (IIOA),The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)等国际学会。
姓名: 林晨(博士, 副教授)
2007-2010 博士,早稻田大学(全额奖学金资助),东京,日本
经济学(主导师:Shinichiro Nakamura教授;副导师:Yasushi Kondo教授)
2005–2007 硕士,中国人民大学,北京,中国
2001–2005 学士,北京第二外国语学院,北京,中国
日语, 国际经济与贸易
2010/8–至今 山东大学经济研究院,副教授
2010/4–2010/8 早稻田大学政治经济学术院,研究助理
The International Input-Output Association (IIOA)
The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Journal of Industrial Ecology, Ecological Economics 匿名审稿人
Input-Output Economics, Econometrics, Environmental Economics, Industrial Ecology
Lin, C., Suh, S., and Pfister, S. 2012. Does the South to North Water Transfer Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Water Consumption within China? Journal of Industrial Ecology. Accepted. (SCI收录,影响力因子2.43)
Lin, C. 2011. Identifying Lowest-emission Choices and Environmental Pareto Frontiers for Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater Treatment Input-Output Model Based Linear Programming. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 15(3): 367-380. (SCI收录,影响力因子2.43)
Lin, C. 2009. Hybrid Input-output Analysis of Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Impacts: A Case Study for the Tokyo Metropolis. Ecological Economics 68(7): 2096-2105. (SCI和SSCI双收录,影响力因子2.75)
Lin, C., 2009. Input-output analysis of wastewater treatment Ph.D Dissertation of Waseda University.
林晨. 2007. 2002年中国资源经济环境投入产出表的试编与应用研究. 中国人民大学硕士学位论文.
Lin, C., 2009. A linear programming model based on wastewater treatment input-output model. Waseda Economics Working Paper Series: Number 09-1 June 2009.
Lin, C., 2009. Identification of low-emission choice and the Pareto frontier of environmental loads for wastewater treatment systems. Waseda Economics Working Paper Series: Number 09-2 June 2009.
Lin, C. 2010. Technical choice problem of wastewater treatment input output model. The 18th International Input-output Conference. Sydney, Australia
Lin, C. 2009. Searching for the frontier of emission reduction: A linear programming model based on wastewater treatment IO model. 2009 International Society of Industrial Ecology Conference. Lisbon, Portugal
Lin, C. 2009. Searching for the optimal technology of wastewater treatment. The 4th Meeting of The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan. Kitakyushu City, Japan
Lin, C. 2008. A New Input-output Model of Wastewater Treatment: A case study for Tokyo Metropolis. The 8th International Conference on Ecobalance. Tokyo, Japan
Lin, C. 2008. An Input-output Model of Wastewater Treatment. International Input- Output Meeting on Managing the Environment. Seville, Spain
Dean’s Award for the Best Article of 2010, Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University, 2010
Asia Special Scholarship, Waseda University, 2007-2010
Prominent Graduate Student Scholarship, RUC, 2006
First Class Scholarship, BISU, 2003
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