陈 强 Professor Qiang Chen,1971年生 山东大学经济学院教授 泰岳经济研究中心(TREE)
陈 强 Professor
Qiang Chen,1971年生
Email: qiang2chen2 at 126 dot com
通讯地址:山东省济南市山大南路27号,山东大学经济学院,邮编 250100
1992, Peking University, B.A., Economics
1995, Peking University, M.A., Economics
2007, Northern Illinois University, M.S., Mathematics
2007, Northern Illinois University, Ph.D., Economics
Research Fields
Growth & Development, Econometrics, Institutions, Economic History
Econometrics (undergraduate, graduate)
[数据集] [勘误表] (2012-06-09更新) [百度百科] [蓝色畅想] [京东] [卓越] [当当]
[1] "The Effect of Patent Laws on Invention Rates: Evidence from Cross-country Panels," Journal of Comparative Economics, 2008, 36(4), 694-704.
[2] "The Labor Scarcity Paradox Reconsidered: A Simple Growth Theoretic Explanation," Applied Economic Letters, 2009, 16(15), 1501-1504.
[3] "The Needham Puzzle Reconsidered: The Protection of Industrial and Commercial Property Rights," Economic History of Developing Regions, 2012, 27(1), 38-66.
[4] "Climate Shocks, Dynastic Cycles and Nomadic Conquests: Evidence from Historical China," working paper
[5] "Climate Shocks, State Capacity, and Peasant Uprisings in North China during 25-1911 CE," working paper
[6] "The Effect of Patent Laws on Economic Growth: Evidence from Cross-Country Panels," working paper
[2] 《限户型政策的经济学分析》,《产业经济评论》,2009年第4期。
[3] 《政治失势者成为经济发展的障碍:以近代中国与日本为例》,《山东大学学报》,2011年第1期。
[4] 《中原王朝被征服的计量历史分析》,《制度经济学研究》,2011年第2期。
[5] 《李约瑟之谜再思考:工商产权的保护》,《新政治经济学评论》,2012年,即将发表。
[6] 陈强、李晶,《中国离诺贝尔奖还有多远:来自跨国面板的证据》,工作论文
[7] 汤玉刚、陈强,《分权、土地财政与城市基础设施供给》,工作论文
[1] 2006-2007, Dissertation Fellowship, Northern Illinois University
[2] 2008, 中国制度经济学年会优秀论文奖
[3] 2009, 中国数量经济学年会论文一等奖
[4] 2009, 中国制度经济学年会论文二等奖
[5] 2010, 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果论文一等奖
[6] 2011, 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才
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