With the feature of integration research between traffic engineering and control, computer, information, etc, this specialty bring up the senior talents with the knowledge of traffic engineering, intelligent traffic control, transportation management, etc. All graduates have the opportunity to do work of science research, technical development, and engineering management in the units of development planning, traffic programming and design, traffic management, traffic establishment construction, university, and so on. There are 3 professors, 2 assistant professors, and 4 main research directions of intelligent road traffic control and management, intelligent traffic information system, traffic environment and security, traffic system modeling and stimulation. All excellent students with the specialty knowledge of traffic engineering, automatic control, computer, communication, information, system engineering are welcome to take the entrance examination. There are great conditions provided for the graduates with more than 20 research projects, more than 70 papers, more than 5 million Yuan research fund.
Being the progress support of sociality and economy, the traffic has been being the preferential development field, and the traffic modernization needs large numbers of the senior talents with advanced theory and technology and advanced traffic concept. As the first road and city traffic specialty for master degree, this specialty lie the advanced level among the similar specialties and began incept students from 2000. There are 5 research directions of intelligent road traffic control and management, intelligent traffic information system, traffic programming and management, traffic environment and security, traffic system modeling and stimulation. With the stability theoretic knowledge and abundant practice experience, all graduates with master degree have the opportunity to go to study for doctoral degree, or to do work in these aspects of intelligent traffic, traffic engineering design, transportation programming, traffic control development, traffic establishment construction and so on.
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