基本信息 王进义, 男, 汉族, 甘肃甘谷人, 1969年12月出生, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。陕西省优秀留
王进义, 男, 汉族, 甘肃甘谷人, 1969年12月出生, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。陕西省优秀留学回国人员, 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者。
2004年―2006年: 博士后, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校, David Geffen医学院
2002年―2004年: 博士后, 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所
1997年―2002年: 博士, 兰州大学 (硕博连读)
1989年―1993年: 学士, 北京化工大学
(1) 功能生物纳米材料的合成及其在生命分析中的应用; (2) 微流控芯片生物传感; (3) 微流控芯片细胞生物技术。
[1] Q. Tu, L. Li, Y. Zhang, J. C. Wang, R. Liu, M. Li, W. Liu, X. Wang, L. Ren, J. Wang.* The effect of acetylcholine–like biomimetic polymers on neuronal growth. Biomaterials 2011, 32(12):3253–3264.
[2] P. Sun, Y. Liu, J. Sha, N. Song, Q. Tu, P. Chen, J. Wang.* High–throughput microfluidic system for long–term bacterial colony monitoring and antibiotic testing in zero–flow environments. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2011, 26(5):1993–1999.
[3] J. F. Wang, W. Liu, Qin Tu, J. C. Wang, N. Song, Y. Zhang, N. Nie, J. Wang.* Folate–decorated hybrid polymeric nanoparticles for chemically and physically combined paclitaxel loading and targeted delivery. Biomacromolecules 2011, 12(1):228–234.
[4] X. Wang, L. Ren, Q. Tu, J. C. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Wang.* Magnetic protein microbead–aided indirect fluoroimmunoassay for the determination of canine virus specific antibodies. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2011, 26(7):3353–3360.
[5] H. Wu, W. Liu, Q. Tu, N. Song, L. Li, J. C. Wang, J. Wang.* Culture and chemical–induced fusion of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts in a microfluidic device. Microfluid. Nanofluid. 2011, 10(4):867-876.
[6] X. Huang, L. Li, Q. Tu, W. Liu, J. C. Wang, J. Wang.* On–chip cell migration assay for quantifying the effect of alcohol on breast cancer cells. Microfluid. Nanofluid. 2011, 10(6):1333–1341.
[7] B. Shang, J. Sha, Y. Liu, Q. Tu, M. Li, J. Wang.* Synthesis of a new chitosan derivative and assay of Escherichia coli adsorption. J. Pharm. Anal. 2011, 1(1):39–45.
[8] Z. Zhang, J. C. Wang, Q. Tu, N. Nie, J. Sha, R. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Wang.* Surface modification of PDMS by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of water-soluble dendronized PEG methacrylate. Colloids Surf., B 2011, In press.
[9] N. Song, W. Liu, Q. Tu, R. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Wang.* Preparation and in vitro properties of redox-responsive polymeric nanoparticles for paclitaxel delivery. Colloids Surf., B 2011, In press.
[10] J. Sha, Y. Wang, J. C. Wang, L Ren, Q. Tu, W. Liu, X. Wang, A. Liu, L. Wang, J. Wang.* Capillary-composited microfluidic device for heat shock transformation of Escherichia coli. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 2011, In press.
[11] J. Sha, Y. Wang, J. C. Wang, W. Liu, Q. Tu, A. Liu, L. Wang, J. Wang.* Heat-shock transformation of Escherichia coli in nanolitre droplets formed in a capillary-composited microfluidic device. Analy. Methods 2011, In press
[12] Y. Liu, J. C. Wang, L. Ren, Q. Tu, W. Liu, X. Wang, R. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Wang.* Microfluidics-based assay on the effects of microenvironmental geometry and aqueous flow on bacterial adhesion behaviors. J. Pharm. Anal. 2011, In press.
[13] J. Wang, W. Liu, L. Li, Q. Tu, J. C. Wang, L. Ren, X. Wang, A. Liu. Microfluidics-based cell manipulation and analysis (Book Chapter). Biomimetic ISBN 978-953-307-271-5.
[14] L. Yang, L. Li, Q. Tu, L. Ren, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, X. Liang, J. Wang.* Photocatalyzed surface modification of poly(dimethylsiloxane) with polysaccharides and assay of their protein adsorption and cytocompatibility. Anal. Chem. 2010, 82(15):6430–6439.
[15] W. Liu, L. Li, X. M. Wang, L. Ren, X. Wang, J. C. Wang, Q. Tu, X. Huang, J. Wang.* An integrated microfluidic system for studying cell–microenvironmental interactions versatilely and dynamically. Lab Chip 2010, 10(13):1717–1724.
[16] W. Liu, P. Sun, L. Yang, J. F. Wang, L. Li, J. Wang.* Assay of glioma cell responses to ananticancer drug in a cell–based microfluidic device. Microfluid. Nanofluid. 2010, 9(4–5):717–725.
[17] L. Li, W. Liu, J. C. Wang, Q. Tu, R. Liu, J. Wang.* Lectin–aided separation of circulating tumor cells and assay of their response to an anticancer drug in an integrated microfluidics. Electrophoresis 2010, 31(18):3159–3166.
[18] L. Ren, X. Wang, H. Wu, B. Shang, J. Wang.* Conjugation of nattokinase and lumbrukinase with magnetic nanoparticles for the assay of their thrombolytic activities. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym. 2010, 62(2):190–196.
[19] J. Wang,* X. Wang, L. Ren, Q. Wang, L. Li, W. Liu, Z. Wan, L. Yang, P. Sun, L. L. Ren, M. Li, H. Wu, J. F. Wang, L. Zhang.Conjugation of biomolecules with magnetic protein microspheres for the assay of early biomarkers associated with acute myocardial infarction. Anal. Chem. 2009, 81(15):6210–6217.
[20] J. Wang,* L. Ren, L. Li, W. Liu, J. Zhou, W. Yu, D. Tong, S. Chen. Microfluidics: A new cosset for neurobiology. Lab Chip 2009, 9(5):644–652.
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