西北农林科技大学生命科学学院导师介绍:郁 飞
一、个人简介 郁飞,男,汉族,江苏太仓人,1975年5月出生,教授,博士生导师。1997年于南京大学获得理学学士
郁飞,男,汉族,江苏太仓人,1975年5月出生,教授,博士生导师。1997年于南京大学获得理学学士学位(生物学专业)并于2000年于中国科学院植物研究所获得理学硕士学位(植物学专业)。2005年于美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)获得植物生理学博士学位。2005年至2009年于爱荷华州立大学从事博士后研究。2009年回国参加西北农林科技大学生命科学学院工作。
Yu F*, Park S*, Liu X, Foudree A, Fu A, Powikrowska M, Khrouchtchova A, Jensen PE, Kriger JN, Gray GR, Rodermel SR. (2011). SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION4, a new var2 suppressor locus, encodes a pioneer protein that is required for chloroplast biogenesis. Molecular Plant 4, 229-240. (* 并列第一作者)
Liu X, Rodermel SR, Yu F. (2010). A var2 leaf variegation suppressor locus, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION3, encodes a putative chloroplast translation elongation factor that is important for chloroplast development in the cold. BMC Plant Biology 10, 287.
Liu X*, Yu F*, Rodermel S. (2010). An Arabidopsis pentatricopeptide repeat protein, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION7, is required for FtsH-mediated chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Physiology 154, 1588-1601. (* 并列第一作者)
Liu X, Yu F, Rodermel S. (2010). Arabidopsis chloroplast FtsH, var2 and suppressors of var2 leaf variegation: a review. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52, 750-761.
Yu F, Liu X, Alsheikh M, Park S, Rodermel S. (2008). Mutations in SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION1, a factor required for normal chloroplast translation, suppress var2-mediated leaf variegation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 1786-1804.
Varbanova M, Yamaguchi S, Yang Y, McKelvey K, Hanada A, Borochov R, Yu F, Jikumaru Y, Ross J, Cortes D, Ma CJ, Noel JP, Mander L, Shulaev V, Kamiya Y, Rodermel S, Weiss D, Pichersky E. (2007). Methylation of gibberellins by Arabidopsis GAMT1 and GAMT2. Plant Cell 19, 32-45.
Yu F, Fu A, Aluru M, Park S, Xu Y, Liu H, Liu X, Foudree A, Nambogga M, Rodermel S. (2007). Variegation mutants and mechanisms of chloroplast biogenesis. Plant, Cell & Environment 30, 350-365.
Aluru M*, Yu F*, Fu A, Rodermel S. (2006). Arabidopsis variegation mutants: new insights into chloroplast biogenesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 57, 1871-1881. (* 并列第一作者)
Yu F, Park S, Rodermel SR. (2005). Functional redundancy of AtFtsH metalloproteases in thylakoid membrane complexes. Plant Physiology 138, 1957-1966.
Yu F, Park S, Rodermel S. (2004). The Arabidopsis FtsH metalloprotease gene family: interchangeability of subunits in chloroplast oligomeric complexes. Plant Journal 37, 864–876.
郁飞,唐崇钦,辛越勇,彭德川,李良璧,匡廷云,李振声. (2001). Comparative Spectroscopic Studies on the Photoinhibition Process in Photosystem Ⅰ Complex from Two Wheat Cultivars. 植物学报, 43(12), 1243-1249.
郁飞,唐崇钦,辛越勇,彭德川,李良璧,匡廷云,李济云,李振声. (2001). The Influence of Surfactants on Chlorophyll Binding Status and Excitation Energy Transfer in Photosystem Ⅰ of Wheat. 植物学报, 43(7), 686-692.
郁飞,唐崇钦,辛越勇,彭德川,许亦农,李良璧,匡廷云. (2001). Progress in the Structural and Functional Study of Photosystem I. 植物学通报, 18(3), 266-275.
徐四川,孙照勇,艾希成,冯娟,张启元,张兴康,郁飞,唐崇钦,李良壁,匡廷云. (2001). Ultrafast spectroscopy studies on the mechanism of electron transfer and energy conversion in the isolated pseudo ginseng, water hyacinth and spinach chloroplasts. Science in China (Series B), 44(4), 366-380.
徐四川,孙照勇,艾希成,冯娟,张启元,张兴康,郁飞,唐崇钦,匡廷云. (2000). Ultrafast Spectral Studies of the Primary Processes of Photosynthesis in Spinach and Water Hyacinth Leaves. 植物学报, 42(12), 1235-1242.
辛越勇,郁飞,唐崇钦,李良壁,匡廷云. (2000). Purification and Spectral Characteristics of Cytochrome b-559 from Oxygen-evolving Photosystem II Core Complexes of Spinach and Rice. 植物学报, 42(12), 1225-1230.
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